August Sermon Series:

On the Journey with God

Friends, we are on a journey with God. Along the way on this journey, God will call us again and again into a deeper relationship and remind us that He is with us. We are called to a deeper knowledge, trust and love of the Lord. 

God knows our potential, and God is ever calling us to live into that potential. For as we walk with our Lord, we learn from Him. “All things are possible with God.”

Sunday, August 14thJoshua 1:6-9, “Joshua’s encouragement”
Three times in His commissioning of Joshua, God admonished him to have courage: necessary courage to complete the task of conquering the land and dividing it among the tribes, the courage required to keep the Law of Moses, disregarding all the pressures to compromise, and courage as the remedy for fear.

GOD has promised to be with Joshua and has just two things to press on him: in the first place, to be strong and of a good courage; and in the second place, to make the book of the law his continual study and guide! In this way he shall be able to achieve the specific purpose to which he is called, to divide the land for an inheritance to the people, as God had sworn to their fathers; and likewise, more generally, to fulfil the conditions of a successful life - "Then you will be prosperous and successful."

Joshua was commanded to be strong and courageous. He was to draw his strength from the Lord God and was not to be dependent on his own strength. Had Joshua or the people of Israel sought to conquer the Promised Land by means of their own courage and strength, they would fail. Instead, they were to place their trust in the Lord, their God Who had promised to be with them wherever they went.

Joshua simply had to trust the Word of the Lord and act upon it. And we too are to know the truth of God's Word and to meditate on the promises of God, to trust in the truth of God's Word, and to follow the instructions that have been laid out in Scripture. We are to trust the Lord, believe on His Word, and stand firm in faith so that we too can "be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power... for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go... and His grace is sufficient."

Pastor Kalamba