
Dear members and friends of The John Wesley United Methodist Church,

October is an important month in the life of our church. This is the month on which we express our intended investment in the church for the coming year. Although we don’t always think of financial giving as an opportunity to tangibly express our love, devotion, and thankfulness to God, it is nothing less than that.

As this month approaches, I would ask that each of us continue to make our offerings to the church a matter of prayerful consideration. That way, whatever commitment we decide to make on this month will be a faith venture between us and God.

In uncertain financial times, many of us hesitate to increase our commitment. Yet I believe God gives us the strength to do what God leads us to do.

Thank you for your dedication to our church and our God. May God bless you.
Sunday, October 2, 2022

“Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving and make good your vows to the Most High.” Ps. 50:14

“To Know God Is to Thank God.”

This psalm teaches us that what we have to offer to God offer God isn’t about what we have to offer, but about who God is.