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Letter From the Pastor

Hello John Wesley, 

So, another meaningful month is under the books. We started September with our last beach service for the year. We had our Rally Day, and we were able to hear Allison’s story, and finalized our fundraiser for her work overseas. The Sunday immediately after, we started our stewardship campaign, which we will finalize this coming Sunday with the Consecration of our Pledges, when we’ll go through our ritual of presenting our financial commitment for 2025  but underneath it all will be our unified commitment to move forward.

Last month, the Spiritual Growth Team organized a “dinner and discussion” event. However, due to my inability to make a delicious and creative meal, I decided that for the good of those in attendance, I should bring some drinks. I am glad I did that because some of the dishes there were spectacular. There were about a dozen of us eating together and discussing interesting biblical topics. It was a wonderful event that we will now see every month. 

“Autumn” someone said “is the season that teaches that change can be beautiful.” That’s a good thing because change feels like it is a “thing” at John Wesley. It either happens to us or we make it happen ourselves. Of course, I know we need change, and there are times when change should happen, especially if we want to see things move forward. Although all change may not be good, change can be a gift that can open our eyes to a new more hopeful reality, and it can also be God’s way of alerting us that “the way things are” have become an impediment to living more fulfilling lives. Or… that it is time for that change to happen. 

Whatever the reason, change is happening at John Wesley; and if there is one thing I have learned from living in Falmouth over the last two years is that the season of Fall brings beautiful changes to our weather, our foliage, and to our traffic patterns. One good change that is happening at John Wesley is that this coming Sunday, we will be welcoming our new Director of Music, Joe Dudzinski, who comes with an array of musical experiences and with many wonderful ideas for our music ministry. 

Another kind of bittersweet change is that as we approach a new year, we will also be going through some changes in our lay leadership. As you may know, as a United Methodist Church, we ask for leaders to commit to a three-year term. After three years, it is time for others to step up and take the reins. We are grateful for their faithfulness, and pray that others will take on the mantle. 

As we look forward to the months ahead, I ask that you join me in prayer as we continue to work on recruiting volunteers, establishing a realistic budget, making preparations to honor our saints, and reaching out to new people with the good news of Christ in our community.  

-Pastor René

Church Office ~ Lyndsey

The office will be CLOSED on the following dates:

October 3rd

October 4th


October 14th.

Worship ~ Betty Smith

Summer is really over, although I do not like to admit it. Days are getting cooler, asters and golden rod are making an appearance on the roadsides, our osprey pair, Mary and Joseph, have departed for warmer climates along with their offspring.


As I reflect on this past season, I am filled with joy over the times we spent worshiping at Surf Drive Beach. I think that we only got “rained out” once! I am thankful for sermons shared and voices joined in song and prayer and quiet moments gazing out at ferries cruising to Martha’s Vineyard, where I was born and raised. How blessed we are to be living here! A huge thank you to Matt O’Connor and others that set up the sound system, the musicians that shared their gifts to lead us in worship, and the staff at the beach who opened the building and the gate for us early Sunday mornings.


We also owe a vote of thanks to the organists that covered in the “traditional” services this summer while we searched for a new Director of Music Ministries: Charlene Higbe, Maggie Ribb, Bill Dorfner! (who knew he could play the organ???), Tom Hoke for setting up recorded music when necessary, and Muriel Golden. Muriel played NINE weeks and enabled us to start choir rehearsals and participate in September worship services. And thank you to musicians that share their talents in the contemporary service. It is not always easy to schedule this. You are very much appreciated!


The BIG news is that we have a “new” Music Director!!! Many of you heard this happy announcement from Brent Finemore on Sunday, September 22. Joe Dudzinski was with us seven years ago. As Brent said, we are excited to welcome Joe back to John Wesley. He shared some creative, new ideas with the search committee. If you have been thinking about sharing in the music ministry of the church, this is a great time to try ringing handbells, singing, or to explore playing an instrument in our services. (I know you instrumentalists

are out there!)


World Communion Sunday is October 6th. Do you have a recipe for a bread from your family’s country of origin that you could bake to share? Irish Soda Bread? Fry Bread? Naan? Hard Dough? I plan to bake a loaf of cardamom bread but will “cheat” and bake it in my bread machine. Breads will be placed at the altar in a basket and shared during fellowship hour.


All Saints Sunday is November 3rd. Rev. Nissi Santos Digan, our District Superintendent, will be our guest preacher on that date. We will celebrate Holy Communion and remember folks connected to our congregation that have passed during the last year.


I thank God for each and every one of you. We are truly a family and a blessing to each other.


See you in church!

Children and Youth

The School Bells are ringing! It’s time to Return to Sunday School. The plan is to offer Sunday School starting on September 15 (following week after Rally Sunday) during the 9:30 service for the following 3 separate grade levels:

  1. K-4 – Will meet in the Sunday School Classrooms.
  2. Route 56 (grades 5-6) – Will meet in the Youth Room, across from the Fitzgerald Room
  3. Pier 270 (grades 7-12) – Will meet in the Pier 270 Rec Room – below the Fellowship Room.
  4. Nursery will be open – we need to have a volunteer each week.

We are excited to create a morning of growing in God’s love. We need your enthusiasm and willingness to share what God’s love has provided you. We are inviting each of you to volunteer to serve as a teacher and/or assistant with each age group. This year Amy is going to work with the Route 56 youth; so we are in need of several dedicated congregants to lead the Sunday School lesson.

The Children have noted that they enjoy getting to know our JWUMC members on a personal level; so we would like to have a cadre of volunteers that could move throughout the age groups – for example; some may volunteer ever week; and others on a particular Sunday.

If you would like to talk to me or Bill Dorfner, Director of Children, Youth and Young Adults please email either or both of us here: Bill's email or my email.


Amy - CYYAMT Chair  

Student Ministry ~ Bill Dorfner

New Sunday School Classes for Students

I am very excited to announce that starting September 15 (the following week after Rally Sunday) we will begin offering weekly Sunday School classes dat 9:30am for the following 3 separate grade levels:

  1. Children's Ministry (grades K-4)
  2. Route 56 (grades 5-6)
  3. Pier 270 (grades 7-12). 

Our K-4 group will meet in the children's classroom of the education wing. We will continue using the Simply Loved curriculum that we have been using for the k-4 group


Join us for our monthly main event! This is our monthly combined event for grades 5-12. We will have pizza, snacks, drinks, games, music, prizes, and more. Friends are welcome too! 

To learn more about any of our JWUMC Youth groups or to see the fun activities and missions they go on; Click the button below!

Pier 270 Website

QUEST (Young Adult Ministries) ~ Bill Dorfner

QUEST is the young(er) adult ministry at JWUMC. Let’s face it, “adulting” isn’t nearly as fun as we thought it would be when we were younger. Priorities, responsibilities, jobs, college, training, careers, bills, changes in relationships, and finding out who you are as an individual on your own can be daunting. So why do it alone? Whether you are just out of high school or into your 30s, we want to provide a community of support and fun to help you along life’s journey. Come join us for one of our events!

Stewardship Team ~ Tom Hoke

This month’s feature video is on JWUMC’s Leadership Team. Have a look and see how JWUMC operates through leadership of Pastor René and the various Ministry Teams.

Spiritual Growth ~ Jennifer Linton


The Spiritual Growth Team is starting a new “Dinner and Discussion,” on the 2nd Saturday evening a month in the Fellowship Hall. Starting at 5:30pm, enjoy a potluck supper while connecting with others around a big family table. Each month we’ll have a different topic to discuss to take our conversations deeper, help us get to know each other better and grow in faith. Anyone of any age is welcome, including children. Please RSVP via the church office (jwumcfalmouth@comcast.net) 

when you decide what you’re bringing to the potluck. Everyone is welcome, even if you don’t RSVP.

This month's dinner will be on October 12th!

Hospitality and Events ~ Maryellen Geoghan and Christine Quesnel

Silent Auction Donations 

If you are cleaning out and preparing for Fall and the Holidays please keep the Silent Auction in mind. Christine has set up shop in her garage to start thinking of themes for her baskets. Some of the smallest items help fill the baskets.

If you would like to donate items, please leave them in the Spirit Closet.

We develop themes based on donations. In past years some of the themes were Italian, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Golf, Soup items, Spa items, Game night, Coffee, Dog baskets, Teas, Pizza utensils with GC for a pizza place, Wines just to name a few. Non-basket items in your attic, basement or storage closets are also welcome. Small appliances like Air Fryers, Blenders, Mixers, Toasters or Toaster Ovens that are slightly used or brand new are also great donations. Other items could be Vintage Art Work, small furniture, dish sets, etc. Also, as you frequent your favorite restaurants Gift Cards are always appreciated as are GC to Salons and Golf Country Clubs.

We will create our flyer and copy tax exempt forms for you to give to the donators for tax purposes.


Christine & Maryellen

Silent Auction Co-Chairs.

Invitation and Connection ~ Lianne Carbone

  • Keep coming to the connection desk to see us, and get information!  We get better/have more information every week.
  • We are creating personalized invitation cards so that we can all give them out to friends and family whenever there is a special event, or just to invite someone to church! Stay tuned. 
  • We (all the teams) are working hard to keep our website and church calendar updated. Let us know what you think by using our suggestion box in the lobby.  The website is: www.johnwesleyumc.org and go to "about us" and then "events and calendar".
  • We are trying to perfect "A week at a glance" printed schedule so that you can put it on your fridge and not miss anything, OR you can pray for each of the events even if you don't attend. Keep looking in the bulletin and at the desk for this.  
  • Our next team meeting is tentatively scheduled for October 16 at 1:00 PM. Join us! (check the calendar for schedule changes).
  • See you at church! God bless you all. 

Men's Breakfast ~ Matt O'Connor

The October Men's Breakfast will be Saturday, October 26th at 8:45 AM in the Fellowship Hall


The Bishop's Day in the Seacoast District is October 12 at Haven UMC in East Providence, RI. (2-4 pm clergy gathering, 4-6 pm dinner with clergy and laity and 6-8 pm all are welcome).

To register, please visit the New England conference website www.neumc.org. 

The Annual Christmas Fair is Friday Nov 15, 1 pm to 6 pm and Sat, Nov 16, 9 am to 1 pm!

The enthusiastic and hard working “John Wesley Elves” are busy preparing. Thank you!

We still need more volunteer “elves” to help out in various spots.

We are also looking for someone to run the children’s room.

If you have some to time to give, a desire to join the fun, and spread some joy and Christian love, contact Carolyn Reynolds 914 475 0032 and she will gladly find you a slot.

This is a great opportunity for each of us to invite our friends, neighbors and family to our beautiful church and see our loving church family in action. Extend the invitation!

Questions? Contact: Brent Finemore or Kate Finemore Bfinemore36@comcast.net

Calling All Canners and Preservers! If you are one of those folks who likes to create jams, jellies, pickles, applesauce, relish, oils or any other jarred or bottled delights, please consider making some of your products available for sale at the Christmas Fair in November. If you’d like to contribute something or have questions about how you might be able to help, please reach out to Matt O’Connor at oconnorscapecod@gmail.com

Prayer Chain 

The prayer chain is on a confidential email. The prayer requests are sent out, and the team prayer warriors are asked to pray for those requests. We generally keep them on the list for about a month unless they are requested to continue. If you are interested in joining in praying for others, contact Karen Camp at 508-737-1636 or nerakpmac13@gmail.com.

Prayer Team

On the second (during the last hymn) Sunday and the fourth (after the benediction response) Sundays of the month, there is a prayer team to pray for those who would like to have confidential prayers for themselves or others. “Wherever two or three are gathered … ”. If you are interested in joining as a prayer team member, contact Karen Camp at 508-737-1636 or nerakpmac13@gmail.com

Prayer Box

Another option for prayer requests is the prayer box. There are cards located next to the box on a table in the narthex & underneath the television.

Wednesday Prayer Group 

 On Wednesdays at 11am, there is a prayer group to pray for those who would like to have prayers for themselves or others. If you are interested in joining as a prayer group member or have prayer requests, contact the pastor or the church office.


Greeters are the first impression to our church. “Hi! Hello! Welcome! Good Morning! Thanks for coming to JWUMC!” 

If you are interested in being part of the welcome team, we would love to have you join us!!  I was recently told by a church member that the greeter was so friendly and introduced them to others after the church service and talked to them about the church. They said they were a big reason that they kept coming back to JWUMC. 

If you are interested in being part of the welcome, contact Karen Camp 508-737-1636 or nerakpmac13@gmail.com.


Trustees take care of the assets of the church. I had a work friend tell me that she knew all about what JWUMC did for the Falmouth Road Race because her father has started to come to our church. Have you noticed that the oven pilot is off to save money during the warm months when we aren’t using the kitchen stove/oven? Take a look in the chapel, and you will see that the plants have been maintained as well as the water level. The dehumidifier is kept on to help control the musty smell. The doors are kept shut inside the church for fire safety. Check out the bulletin board near the kitchen to see some of the recent accomplishments. You will also see the team members listed if you would like to talk to them.

Calling All Worship Volunteers

Check out the worship bulletin board for an opportunity to volunteer for the various groups that enhance our services. You can fill out a slip of paper and put it in the beach bucket or give it to a worship team member. Would you think about how you could serve our Lord in the worship service?

Card Ministry 

The current ministry extends past the birthday cards. If you know of someone who’s ill or could use a “thinking of you” card, contact Karen Camp at 508-737-1636 or nerakpmac13@gmail.com.



The library is located in the Lyman Lounge just down the hallway outside the sanctuary. There are great literary treasures there for you to take one or leave one! Choices! Choices! Choices! You can also check out the samples in the library basket underneath the Missions board in the fellowship hall. Check out the 2 new books that have been donated, 12 Came Riding as well as Stories from the Archives by Ken Peal. 

October is Church Library Month!

Enjoy a library book to celebrate! It’s a great way to celebrate how we can take a book from the library and return it or drop off a donation of a great book that you have finished! Check out the wide range of fiction and nonfiction as well as favorite authors on the shelves! Read on! 

Outreach/Missions ~ Bonnie Valade

Changing Our World for October is "Belonging to Each Others" winter program called "In From the Streets". 

This program provides a motel-based emergency safety net in Falmouth during nights of freezing cold. Last season 60 FALMOUTH individuals obtained 1,259 nights of emergency shelter. BTEO volunteers prepared, packed and delivered 3,990 meals to an average of 15 people per night being housed in a FALMOUTH motel. These people also were provided with socks, toiletries, hats, gloves and other warm clothing. All these items are provided with the help from our community. This program not only helps them with food and clothing but also saves their lives. One person quoted by saying "They made us feel like family. They really cared about us as people"

Please help them with your donation to our "Changing Our World" for the month of October and also with continue support and keep them in our prayers.

For the collection for the Falmouth Service Center the most needed items are Cheerios, Apple Juice and Mayonnaise.

Deuteronomy 15:11 " For the poor will never cease to be in the land: therefore I command you, saying, you shall open your hand wide unto your brother, to the poor, and to the needy".

Bonnie Valade

The Church Mouse

Well, fall is here!

I like how my handmade wreath “beds” can get changed out to gorgeous fall colors. I just have to remember that the gorgeous wreaths’ acorns/pinecones are not real for eating.

The fall church fair is coming!! The fall church fair is coming!! It’s something to squeak about! Look out for all the opportunities to help make it yet another wonderful success! Crafts, baked goods, woodwork, jewelry, meals, wreaths, publicity, homemade chocolate, preserves, gift baskets, silent auction items, greeters, clothing boutique, books, Christmas items, and gently used items are in need of help and in need of shoppers!

Have you noticed how nicely the new floor in the fellowship hall is holding up? It’s great for sliding & scurrying! Now that the playground is scraped and painted, it’s harder to see me when I play on it. Thanks, Trustees! Andy’s Cafe sure has been kept clean - well done, everyone! The wonderful folks at AA scurry around like we mice to set up tables and chairs for whatever we need for the next event. It’s so appreciated!!

Isn’t it exciting to have Sunday School back in full swing! We have such cute kids at our church! Our teens are pretty fabulous, too!

You can start fall fun with shopping on the back wall or the wreaths along the walls in the fellowship hall. It’s always changing so you never know when you can find a bargain!

There are lots of little kids who drop candy at the Trunk or Treat so I’m going to feast like a king! If I had a car to decorate, I would make it look like a big block of Swiss cheese. How do you think you will decorate your car/truck?

The grounds all around the church continue to look fabulous! I love to see God‘s nature looking so beautiful! Thanks to everybody who’s involved! Ahhh!

Enjoy the fabulous fall activities at JWUMC!

Best wishes,

The JWUMC mouse

Birthday Wishes for October: 

Let us celebrate life among our church family. ~2nd Phyllis Clough ~10th Rob Bloomberg ~17th Cathy Opaluch ~ Bob Dinsmore ~ 27th Marie Syverson

It's a great thing to have a birthday, a gift from God. Please give your birthday information by recording it on the calendar on the Fellowship bulletin board.

John Wesley United Methodist Church

270 Gifford Street, Falmouth, MA 02540

(508) 548-3050 



John Loewen, Sexton

Eloise Harmon, Treasurer

Bill Dorfner, Director of Children, Youth & Young Adult Ministries

Lyndsey Melchiono, Church Administrator

Joe Dudzinski, Music Director

Myles Lowery, Audio Visual Coordinator

Rev. René A. Perez, Pastor

The Power of Prayer

We depend on God, who loves us;

We receive His mercy from prayer,

Letting Him see just how we feel,

Knowing that for us He is there.

We must love God and everyone;

Persevere whenever we pray;

Prayer and action go together,

As faithfully we live each day.

Let us live wisely and humbly;

What counts is the way that we live…

Loving and caring for others,

Asking God our sins to forgive.

James, in the Bible, says we must

Love Jesus, be kind to others;

Live well, wisely and be humble;

Love all our sisters and brothers.

Joy Stosz

September 1, 2024

Based on a sermon by Pastor Rene

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