
This week in the JYM...

02/24/22 - 3/3/22

Post It Note game
Duct Tape Game
banana bread

This past week was filled with fun and community together. We had a great overnight with the California snow. Lisa and I were reminded how magical it is to just drive around in vans together, though we thoroughly enjoyed all of the activities as well! You can see all of our pictures form the trip HERE.

Tuesday we were back at Willow Glen UMC and had fun trying our own version of winter games. It was silly and competitive and fun.

This week we have youth group on Sunday on the Woodhaven Patio. Tuesday we will be volunteering at Casitas De Esperanza. We would really love if you could join us there to help prep food and lead activities with the kids and families.

We also have some cool opportunities for students, like a graphic design ask that can earn you some scholarship hours for upcoming JYM trips, and information for a new youth group for LGBTQIA+ students and allies, meeting at Campbell UMC.

And our sign ups for our high school mission trip are live! More details and our sign up form below.

Keep reading for all the good info. As always, we hope to see you soon!

In Christ,

Kat Kraynick-Baker

[email protected]


Lisa Jacobs

[email protected]


This Week in the JYM...

Sunday Feb. 27th

3:30 - 5:00pm at Willow Glen UMC

Join us on the Woodhaven Patio for Sunday afternoon youth group! We will play some games together before splitting up for discussion together. We hope you will join us!

Duct Tape Game
Casitas De Esperanza

Tuesday March 1st

4:00 - 5:45pm at 801 N. First Street

Join us as we volunteer at Casitas De Espranza again! It happens to be Mardi Gras, so we will be doing some fun Mardi Gras themed crafts (Necklace making, mask and crown decorating). We will also need help with dinner. If you can help us, please sign up below so we know who to expect. Thank you!

Sign Up to help here

Summer Trips!

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Next Step South Dakota
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High School Mission Trip

SLAM Trip: Yakama Reservation

Saturday, June 25th at 8:00am

to Saturday, July 2nd about 11:00am

Who: Any student who has completed 9th-12th grade by June 2022. They can be current participants in the JYM or friends who haven't joined us yet.

What: We will travel together as the JYM to the Yakama Reservation and participate in a mission trip with SLAM....a Native run mission organization. We will have the privilege of working on homes that need repair, going to a pow wow, learning from tribal leaders, eating some of their cultural foods and more. During our travels to and from Yakama we will be planning some fun events just for our students too (potentially river rafting and other things).

When: We will leave WGUMC on Saturday, June 25th at 8am to begin our trip. We will stay near Bend Oregon the first night. The following day we will do a group bonding activity and then drive to Yakama to begin our week of service. On Friday, July 1st we will begin driving home early in the morning and make our way close to San Jose. We will stay in a hotel that evening (somewhere) and then head back to WGUMC by 11am on July 2nd.

Where: Here is some information from SLAM about the Yakama People

"The Yakama Reservation lies along the eastern slopes of the Cascade Mountain Range and the Taptíil (Yakima River) in south-central Washington. There are fourteen tribes and bands that make up the Yakama Nation. More than 11,000 people are enrolled in the Yakama confederation of tribes, and there are more than 14,000 people living on or close to the 1.2 million acre reservation. The Yakama language is called Ichishkíin, and consists of several different dialects that are spoken by the 14 tribes as well as other tribes in the Northwest such as the Warm Springs people in Oregon and the Nez Perce in Idaho."

Why: Students grow emotionally and spiritually when we travel together. They move out of their comfort zone when they are in other communities and cultures to learn and see the world through a different lens. Students have skills to learn and to talents to give and we can use them to help repair homes and communities centers. They laugh and make friends and memories that are irreplaceable and hard to duplicate if we stay in San Jose and do day trips. They develop leadership skills, get motivated for service and begin a lifelong commitment to justice and advocacy.

Cost: $900- This trip cost includes all the fees for our projects with SLAM, trip swag, our food, rental vans and activities on the road. Students will be asked to bring some spending money for souvenirs and for some to go meals during travel but most of the trip cost is covered with this payment. We absolutely will find ways for any student interested to join us. Do not let finances be the reason you say no.

More Details Here...

Sign-Up Here!

More opportunities for our JYM community...

Help design a logo for a trip scholarship!

JYM alumni parent and occasional JYM volunteer Bruce Eshleman is seeking to start an after-school program at AHUMC that introduces neighborhood youngsters to the game of street hockey while also growing their skills in academics and leadership. Bruce is looking for a graphic artist who can help him develop a background drawing for a flyer introducing the program. If you are interested please e-mail him at [email protected].

If you can help design something, you will earn trip scholarship hours which can be applied to our upcoming summer trips!

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UMC South Bay LGBTQIA Ally & Youth Group

A note from the Reverend of Campbell UMC:

"I'm reaching out to you today to share some very exciting news. Campbell UMC has agreed to host a LGBTQ+ and Ally youth group starting this February. I’m attaching a flyer that provides more details about it and I hope that you might be able to conspicuously post it and share it such that all your youth might become aware of it. As the flyer suggests, it is not only for LGBTQ+ youth but also their allies which I feel is super important. I’m also hoping that we can establish a vibrant group of our youth that can not only support one another but also work together, feeling empowered and making a difference in our community.

Thank you so very much for helping to promote this special ministry.



Our hearts break for the violence, death, and destruction in Ukraine right now. We pray for peace and protection of lives. You can click here to read our Bishop's official statement and prayer for Ukraine

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