February 16th-18th
It's time to sign up for our annual trip to the snow! Whether you're an avid boarder/skiier or would prefer hot chocolate in the lodge and some inner tubing, this trip is for you! It's all about growing in friendship, faith and adventure together. We are limiting the trip to 50 spots so make sure you sign up soon!

Saturday February 16th- meet at WGUMC at 7:00am! We will travel by bus to the Tahoe area for snow playing and sledding. More instructions about how to best pack for that will be sent a few weeks prior to trip. We will stay at a church in Reno for two nights. 

Sunday, February 17th- Ski/Snowboard/Inner tube- We will be heading to a resort to do any of those options! Afterwards back to the church to shower, hang, eat dinner and bond!

Monday, February 18th- Pack up and head home. We should arrive home by 3:30pm

Pricing depends on which package your teen chooses:

  • Package A- Inner tubing (not skiing/boarding at all). You will have a "lift ticket" for inner tubing and also free time in the lodge and free time to play in the snow when you don't want to be tubing.

  • Package B- Skiing/Boarding lift ticket only (no equipment, no lessons)

  • Package C- Skiing/Boarding lift ticket and rental equipment (no lesson)

  • Package D- Skiing/Boarding lift ticket, rental equipment with lesson (When you get a lesson your lift ticket lets you go only on beginner hills, which is normally completely adequate for beginners. If you have skied a bunch of times and need a "refresher" course, let's talk before you sign up for this package)

Package A- $290
Package B- $340
Package C- $360
Package D- $375

This cost includes 4 meals, our charter bus transportation, Snow Trip sweatshirt, church stay donation, all rentals/lift tickets and other various trip expenses.

Students should bring about $40 of their own money to pay for 2 fast food lunches- on our drive up on Saturday lunch on our drive home on Monday and for any snacks they may want to buy at the lodge. Please note we will have TONS of snacks and food for students, but they often want french fries from the lodge and not our thrilling granola bars. 

When you sign up we will send you a "What to Pack" list as well as a code of conduct for our trip. We will limit this trip at 50 people. 

We need full payment or combo of scholarship hours and payment by February 3rd
You can pay online or bring a check made out to JYM-WGUMC to any youth group event until then.

Scholarships are available. Hours can be counted from the Walk-a-thon, Parent donated hours, Feed the Need events and other things listed on the online form . Everyhour served counts as $10 off the trip. While we expect students/parents to work for scholarship hours, do NOT let money be the reason your student doesn't come. We will find a way to get them on the trip regardless on family finances. It's an awesome experience.

If your family/student doesn't have snow clothes, we can help you coordinate some swapping of items with like-sized people in the JYM in the weeks before the trip.
We need a few more adult chaperones. You only need to pay the cost of your rental and lift tickets, not the entire trip cost. Please email if you can help chaperone.