Jack Guerrero brings a unique combination of public and private sector experience, with a quintessential American story. Jack’s experience as Mayor, City Councilmember, Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Stanford economics graduate, Harvard MBA, Bank Vice President, Treasury professional, auditor of municipalities and government agencies, investment banker, and M&A due diligence advisor to Fortune 500 companies (with professional stints in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, London, and Zurich) – establishes him as the candidate with BOTH Treasury experience AND a public service record of fighting for taxpayers and working people.
Jack is unafraid to challenge the status quo. As Mayor of his hometown city, Jack worked with the California State Controller to expose millions of dollars in wasteful and unlawful spending. As a former pension auditor and one-time university lecturer in statistics, Jack understands the severity of the state’s unfunded pension liability which at nearly $500 billion, threatens the long-term financial stability of the state! Jack will EXPOSE this mismanagement by reckless politicians. Jack will safeguard state assets and advocate for policies that place citizens FIRST, including lower taxes, smaller government, and a prosperous California economy.
Jack is the son of hard-working Mexican immigrant parents -- farmworkers and later, factory workers who settled in Los Angeles. Jack was raised in a tough neighborhood in southeast Los Angeles County, surrounded by poverty, gangs, and decrepit public schools. As a young boy, Jack was determined to escape poverty, obtain a quality university education, and seek a better life for himself and his family. At the age of 15, Jack enrolled at university to supplement his high school education, and went on to graduate from Stanford and Harvard University. Only in our country is Jack's story even possible.
- Mayor/ Council Member, City of Cudahy, CA (Los Angeles County)
- Vice President in the Corporate Treasury division of the U.S. subsidiary of large, global banking institution
- Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
Past experience:
- Investment Banker (series 79 and series 63, by Financial thority)
- Professional work experience with Fortune 500 companies as auditor, consultant, and M&A technical advisor (including Wells Fargo Bank, Credit Suisse Group, Microsoft Corporation, Barclays Global Investors, American Honda Finance Corporation, among others)
Corporate Development Manager with the American Express Company in New York and London, where he worked on various transactions involving corporate divestitures, acquisitions, and joint ventures
Mergers & Acquisitions Advisor with Ernst & Young LLP in San Francisco, where he managed financial due diligence engagements for private equity firms and corporate clients
CPA with Big Four public accounting firms KPMG LLP and Ernst & Young LLP
- University lecturer in economics and statistics
- Auditor of local municipalities and agencies of the federal government
- MBA internship and field study research, United States Department of the Treasury (Washington, D.C.)
- International work experience in United Kingdom, Switzerland, Spain, India, and Ecuador
BA in Economics, Stanford Univesity - where Mr. Guerrero's professors included Dr. Condoleezza Rice, former U.S. Secretary of State; Dr. Michael Boskin, former Chair of Economic Advisors for President George H.W. Bush; and Dr. John Cogan, former Director of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget. Mr. Guerrero was also a regular political columnist with the Stanford Review newspaper, and a nationally-ranked competitive debator with the American Parliamentary Debate Association.
MBA, Harvard University - where Mr. Guerrero's professors included Dr. Robert Merton, Nobel Laureate in Economics, and field study advisor Dr. Robert Kaplan, founder of the "Balanced Scorecard" concept used widely by corporate organizations. While at Harvard, Mr. Guerrero's curriculum was heavily focused on financial economics, management, and business law.
AFFILIATIONS (for identification purposes only):