Jack Savage’s Intervention Island 
24 Day Challenge 
Extreme Inner Transformation 
Class Notes
Here is the link to the recording of last evening’s (Tuesday, May 17, 2022) orientation video. 
Penalty Days
Type Penalty Days:
  1. Two Eggs prepared in a Shibboleth Approved way for up to three eating episodes
  2. 1 Hemp Bar consumed throughout the day. https://www.myshibboleth.com/shop/product/hemp-bars/
  3. 4 Ounces of Grilled Chicken for up to three eating episodes
  4. Green Leafy Veggies (as many as desired) but with only a total of 5 tbsp of Hemp Hearts or Hemp Flakes (total) throughout the day. https://www.myshibboleth.com/shop/product/hemp_hearts/ or https://www.myshibboleth.com/shop/product/hemp-protein-flakes/
So far, there are 5 penalty days. There will be group opportunities to reduce the number of penalty days as we move forward but also still the opportunity to have penalty days added. For each penalty day you must stick to your original penalty day selection.
Current penalty days are as follows and until further notice:
Day 1, Monday, May 23, 2022
Day 2, Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Day 6, Saturday, May 28, 2022
Day 9, Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Day 24, Wednesday, June 15, 2022
Rules and Disciplines:
1) Water ~ 1/2 up to 1 gallon of water each day

2) Journal ~ You must journal either in the MyShibboleth Journal or on paper.

3) Food Combinations ~ Eat incorrect food combinations and eat from the grocery list provided unless you have permission not to do so.

4) Portions ~ Eat from a 7” plate or a 2-cup bowl like the ones provided in this link. https://www.myshibboleth.com/travis-recommend/?&portion=1
You must take a photo of each eating episode.
You may only have two eating episodes each day on non-penalty days. If you require more food you must consume foods only from the list marked “protein supplements” below.
You can have up to your established protein grams per day requirement regardless of the # of extra eating episodes. Ex: If your calculated grams of protein from orientation class is 75 grams of protein you may have up to those grams of protein in extras only if you are using the selections from the list provided below marked “protein supplements.

5) Timing ~ You must have a 16-hour fast every 24-hour period and get in all food intake within an 8-hour eating episode unless you have other instructions from your doctor or dietician.

6) You must maintain an attitude of gratitude unto the Lord for every eating episode. 
Protein Supplements aka SUGAR BRITCHES
On a day of mental WEAKNESS when you need more than 2 meals, you can have up to 1/2 your body weight in PROTEIN of the items on this list ONLY! You MUST journal this!
If you experience a low blood sugar, you may also have a selection from the following list:
My go to before or after sweating to replenish electrolytes during days where I have fasted and operated in a calorie deficit.
Other supplements that should be mandatory but are not mandatory. Trust me. (Check with your physician first as these products are safe but powerful.)

Go to www.blowtorchfat.com and search for 
After watching the orientation video and agreeing to the terms of the challenge please officially sign up HERE: 
There will be badges you can earn with your successful completion of your selected challenge and goal achievement. HONOR SYSTEM 

3 days = Savage 5K Badge
7 days = Savage 10K Badge
13 Days = Savage Half Marathon
24 Days = Savage Full Marathon 
Exercise is mandatory for those who are able to exercise. If you are not able to exercise then you can exclude the exercise requirements on the honor system
Stepping/Walking Requirements:
  • Sloppy Couch Potato = 5,000 Steps
  • Tear Baby = 10,000 Steps
  • Savage = 15,000 Steps
Mandatory Exercise Requirements 
  • Push-Ups
  • Squats
  • Leg Raises
  • Total 100 Reps any Combination
Again, Please do not consume more than two eating episodes plus needed protein supplements without your doctor’s or dietician’s approval. 

You should take this plan to your qualified healthcare professional before using these ideas as they are for entertainment purposes only. These ideas have worked for me but may or may not be right for you. 

Have a fun challenge. 

Travis “Jack”