Volume 4|July, 2020
I am very proud to be JWN’s President. I’m proud because I’m deeply vested in our mission.

Women helping women, this is worthwhile.  JWN is over 40 years old and there is something special about an organization, especially an all-volunteer organization, that is still active after 40 years. After all, the average age of a Fortune 500 company is less than 20 years.

The board started the year by taking a step back and deeply examining our strengths, weaknesses, the current environment and most importantly, our aspirations. And then we asked ourselves, how do we get there? We choose three areas to concentrate on.

The member experience.   How do we create an environment that allows our members to maximize their experience?  Board member Connie Hodges is leading JWN’s initiative to answer these questions.

Community Awareness. The question - How can we improve the community’s awareness and recognition of JWN as a powerful influence for women? Thank you, Meg Folds, for leading this initiative.

The third area? JWN adopted a new mission in 2017 - How do we start living our new mission and vision and spreading it throughout our membership? Jennifer Holland is addressing this.

Keep your eyes open for opportunities to voice your opinion and ideas, they will be welcomed. More importantly, watch for progress. I am certain you will be pleased.
Two topics are 2020’s headliners – the corona virus and the social justice issues triggered by the killing of George Floyd. In a panel discussion led by Helen Jackson, JWN members listened to soundbites from the lives of four JWN members and their experiences with racism.  These women inspire.
Betty Carley
JWN member since 1981
After earning a Masters in Social Work at FSU, I was hired by the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families. Throughout the numerous reorganizations and years that followed, discriminatory hiring and promotional practices were systemic. I was a member of a class of 12 who filed a civil rights suit against the State which highlighted the problem.

After advancing through four interim positions, I was promoted to Deputy District Administrator with responsibility for Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau, St. Johns, Volusia and Flagler counties. We administered all the human service programs: Aging and Adult Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health, Child Welfare--dependency and delinquency, Developmental Disabilities, Economic Self Sufficiency and Florida State Hospital.

Department highlights:
o  Operating budget of $192 million 
o  258,000 clients 
o  2,100 employees
o  Over 125 contracts for purchased client services

I retired in 2003! I loved working for the people of Florida. I worked alongside some of the most dedicated people who would now probably be considered essential workers.  I would do it all over again, for free, if they would let me! 
Dr. Barbara Ann Darby
JWN member since 1984
Barbara retired as a campus president for Florida State College at Jacksonville. This capped a career of firsts for Barbara as she was the first African American campus president. She asks JWN members to remember:

"Inclusiveness and diversity around the decision-making table bring a panoramic perspective to the decision-making process thereby making it a better informed and representative process."
Helen Jackson
JWN member since 2008
After a career as a public health leader, Helen’s second act includes active community involvement, a radio talk host and a pastoral ministry in the A.M.E. Church. Hear Helen’s words:

“Social determinants of health and inequities  in our social systems have contributed to the  disproportionate impact  of  COVID-19  on  communities of color .   31  African Americans that I personally know have died from COVID-19.   Ten  had diabetes, one severe asthma and others I don’t know for sure their specifics. People whose lives were cut short because someone didn’t take it inequities in employment status, insurance, healthy food access seriously. My heart bleeds.   As leaders in Jacksonville , do your small part in helping to change the  social justice inequities  - in areas within  your sphere of influence . There is a  time for silence  and a  time to speak out . The  time to act , the  time to speak out is NOW . “
Andrea Williams
JWN member since January 1, 2020
“As a poor black girl, my first interaction with police was not DARE campaigns and nice community stickers, it was hands on their weapons and being searched. Unfortunately, many people in impoverished African American communities have the same experiences."

These women inspire me.
Late-Breaking News about Upcoming JWN Programs - 2021 Speakers Forum Announcement and More!
JWN Programs Committee’s up-to the minute and very welcome news -- delivering the 2021 Speakers Forum keynote address will be Oscar nominated actress, author and mental health advocate Mariel Hemingway !

Thanks to the fine efforts of JWN Director Jennifer Holland , JWN has secured the speaking talents of Ms. Hemingway, who presents and writes frequently about the topics of suicide prevention and promoting sound mental health in one’s self and one’s close contacts.  Ms. Hemingway was the unanimous choice of the JWN Program Committee, who found the topic of promoting physical and mental wellness extremely topical given the pressures we are experiencing from the continued threats posed by COVID-19. While Programs Committee membership is open to all JWN members, committee members currently include Pixie Larizza, Nancy Dreicer, Mindy Gillis, Meg Folds, Meg Rose and Lucy Reep .

The 2021 Speakers Forum will be held during the first week of March 2021 . As soon as an exact date is set, it will be publicized in a subsequent edition of this newsletter.

That’s the long-range horizon for JWN Programs. On the short term horizon are both virtual and “live” programs in July and August 2020.

At 6:00 pm on Monday, July 27 th , the re-scheduled “Title IX and its Positive Impact on U.S. Women” will take place via Zoom Video conference . This wonderful event about furthering women’s goals through striving for and achieving equality in women’s athletics is absolutely FREE to members. Join our speakers Nancy Hogshead Makar , an Olympic gold medal winning swimmer and CEO of Champion Women and Donna Orender , a former WBNA President, professional and collegiate basketball player and founder of Generation W, for a lively panel presentation and question and answer session. Please sign up under the “Meetings and Events” tab of the JWN website to obtain the Zoom Video link and to let us know whether you plan to attend.

Our “live” Mega- Luncheon Ladder event will take place from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Jacksonville Doubletree on Monday, August 17 th . Our speaker will be Audrey Moran , who will be addressing “Women, Poverty and Other Issues in Jacksonville.” T he plated three course luncheon is $40.00 . Again, please register on our website as soon as you can. Also, as we have done in past years, there will be tables for anyone wishing to showcase their business or charitable endeavors.  Showcase tables will be $25.00 -please contact JWN Director Pixie Larizza by emailing pixie@pixieglas.com .

We hope to see you at the Mega-Luncheon Ladder, but, if you can’t attend the luncheon in person, Audrey’s presentation will be broadcast via Zoom Video. The Programs Committee will forward the link soon.

So whether virtually or in person, I will be delighted to see you! Signing off until our next Program, I remain your good friend Susan Mack , VP and Programs Chair .
Nomination to Jacksonville Women’s Network is an honor and means a woman is regarded as a leader in her industry. Membership offers exclusive access to a network of women leaders as well as events and information on important issues.
Do you know someone who has earned a nomination?  Honor her by nominating her.   
The nomination process is simple, the outcome is worthwhile Nomination Form
Still have questions or just don’t have time? Send your questions or suggested nomination for a woman you know to admin@jaxwomensnetwork.com . This is important work and you will get the help you need. The deadline for nominations is Friday July 31 .
Please send your news to JWN’s administrator, Laurrie Campbell.

Did we forget someone? Please let us know and we’ll include it in the next newsletter.

Lori Day  is this year’s President and Board Chair of Women Business Owners of North Florida.

Pegine Echevarria   has been selected to be a member of the Global Board of Directors for Athena International, an organization whose mission is to develop women leaders from classroom to boardroom.  

Atlantic Beach Mayor Ellen Glasser partnered with other beach mayors to bring the first Covid 19 testing station to the beaches. Ellen discussed this achievement on First Coast Connect with Melissa Ross .

Alberta Hipps joined Jacksonville Public Education Fund's ONE by ONE Advisory Board.

Lori Day is being joined this year by Mary Fisher and Helen Jackson as members of the board of Leadership Jacksonville. Helen also serves on the board of JWN and is this year’s chair of membership.  

Susan Mack's article on “Novel Approach? Property and Liability Insurance Coverage Issues Presented by COVID 19?” was the headliner in the Second Quarter 2020 edition of the Journal of Reinsurance, a property/casualty insurance publication widely read by executives, underwriting and claims professionals and brokers. Susan serves on the board of JWN and is vice president and program chair.
Susan Mack was the only female presenter in a webinar entitled “COVID 19 and its Impact on the [Re]insurance Industry.” 55 insurance executives attended, including attendees from Germany and the United Kingdom.
Professional speaker and author Jan Spence is pleased to announce that she has received the Certified Speaking Professional designation, the highest earned designation from the National Speakers Association (less than 10% of professional speakers achieve this). For more details, please visit  www.janspence.com
  • July 27, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Zoom Program: Title IX and its Positive Impact on U.S. Women, Speakers Nancy Hogshead-Makar and Donna Orender

  • July 31 Last day to submit new member nominations.

  • August 17, 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Mega-Luncheon Ladder With Keynote Speaker Audrey Moran (Jacksonville Doubletree).

  • October 16, 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. JWN Annual Meeting: State Attorney Melissa Nelson.

  • December 7, 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Holiday Gathering and New Member Induction.
2020 JWN Board Officers

  • Ann Mackey, President
  • Susan Mack, Vice President and Program Chair
  • Pixie Larizza, Secretary
  • Penny Zuber, Treasurer

2020 Directors

  • Nancy Dreicer
  • Meg Phillips Folds
  • Mindy Gillis
  • Maribel Hernandez, Immediate Past President
  • Connie Hodges
  • Jennifer Holland
  • Helen Jackson
  • Paula Shields
  • Robin Wahby