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  Jade Lady News - January 2016
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DaoShima Susan
Happy New Year! I hope 2016 brings you closer to knowing and honoring your own importance. Our mission here at Jade Lady is to offer a variety of courses that deepen your breath, relax your mind and add to your personal empowerment.

To assist you in that endeavor,  our instructors are offering 2-hour weekend workshops throughout the winter and spring.  We also adjusted the schedule to make Beginning Tai Chi more available: 12:00 Noon on Wednesdays and 7:00 am on Fridays, both with LaoShih Holly. 
Starting January 10th, I will teach a free Sunday morning Meditation class at 9:00 am. Then, for  our movie buffs, we're very excited to kick off our free Movie Nite on the 4th Friday of the month. 
I look forward to meeting you... or getting to know you better. 
Check out the Schedule. (Adjust date at upper right)  
Focus on Practitioner
Fusion Bellydance with Nicole Yvonne
Fusion Bellydance is both captivating and inspiring to witness, and truly empowering to perform. This ever-evolving dance form pulls from traditional Turkish and Persian bellydance, American Tribal Style (ATS) and folkloric dance, as well as Hip-Hop and contemporary movements. But essentially, Fusion Bellydance has no limits other than those set by the dancer's creativity. This intriguing dance genre is unique to each dancer and can incorporate stylistic influences from all over the globe.

After a decade of dedication, the elements of this dance continually motivate and arouse my imagination... from the joy of mixing smooth serpentine movements with sharp isolations, to capturing and holding the attention of an audience. Nothing is more fulfilling than knowing you are delivering a powerful stage performance. 

 So what can you expect in my fusion classes? 
Our practice begins with Yogic stretches and an energizing warm up, followed by drills to solidify moves into our muscle memory. We then focus on keeping our bodies properly aligned and grounded as we move through a variety of belly (and other) dance styles. Most of our time is focused on creating and strengthening core movements with precise isolations, and of course, plenty of fun combinations to take home for practice!
Whether you're an experienced dancer or just wanting to give bellydance a try, my classes are an excellent way to dive deep into your dance practice and intuitively connect with your own artistic expression.  Let's explore the possibilities!
Beginners Fusion Bellydance:  Tuesdays, 7-8:30 pm
Intermediate Fusion Bellydance: Thursdays, 7-8:30 pm

If you don't see a Signup button, adjust the date at the upper right.
Plum Blossom Boutique

Sunday, January 24, 1:30-3:30 pm.
Plum Blossom is sponsoring an H2O at Home party with Michele Laudert. Learn about  the new micro-fiber cloth from France that cleans with just water or very little solution. 

What a great way to reduce chemical cleaners and save on paper towels, sponges and various cleaning supplies. 

No fee. 
Signup Now!

doTerra Class Schedule -  doTerra classes on break until February
In This Issue
Movie Nite
January 22, 7-9 pm
The Forbidden Kingdom with Jackie Chan & Jet Li - Free movie with introduction and discussion led by LaoShih Holly. Sign up here
2-Hour Workshops
More focused study with our practitioners starts January 23. Check the Schedule (Adjust date at upper right)
Our Practitioners

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