JK students kicked off their unit on plants with a visit to Father and Son Produce! Coming soon, JK students will create their very own produce stand in their classroom as they grow seeds and learn more about plants and their functions. 
Jag Weekly
February 24, 2019
Lifelong Learning and Professional Growth Create a Dynamic Environment at SA
SA teachers smile for a photo between sessions at the NCAIS Diverse Learning Conference in Raleigh on Friday.
Dear Salisbury Academy Families,

One of my favorite thought leaders in education is Grant Lichtman who wrote EdJourney and Moving the Rock. The research from his time visiting hundreds of schools across the country challenges educators to engage in ongoing learning to build capacity for and comfort with innovation in order to respond to a changing world. Inspired by his work, our dedicated teaching team continues their own journey as students and lifelong learners through our commitment to ongoing professional growth.
Almost 80 hours a year are dedicated to in-house training focused on curriculum development, guest speakers who provide research on best educational practices, and time for important conversation and reflection about student growth. Just this month, teams of teachers have attended two regional conferences focused on forward-thinking curriculum and supporting the learning styles of our current and future generations of students. These conferences provide important connections to professionals across our state who can share and support the strategic goals of our program. 
In addition to attending these conferences, teachers also partner with professionals from other schools for peer visits to observe innovative in design instructional practices  and inspire them to take on a new idea.  It's very easy to become tied to your own school building. - It can seem like you are leaving behind your students and work to visit someone else's students and work, but we are committed to making these conferences and visits a priority. These opportunities have an important role of exposing our team to practices and programs happening elsewhere that might be beneficial to our community at SA.   
Important Dates

Sixth grade students recreated ancient aqueducts at Horizons this week.

Spring Picture Day
Wed., Mar. 13

Spring Break Begins
after ERF dismissal, 
Fri., Mar. 15

School Resumes
Mon., Mar. 25

Peer visits also happen on our own campus and encourage staff to spend time in other classrooms to observe the great teaching and learning styles of their coworkers and give insight into the scope of how our students and curriculum progress each year. 

All of this combines to create a dynamic, student-centered learning environment every day here at SA!
Warm Regards,

Beverly Fowler, Head of School

And the Band Played On: S tudents perform percussion on "Stars and Stripes Forever" 

5th grade marching band - Dr. Rob

Dr. Rob shares: 

The sounds of band music filled the air in fifth grade music class! Performing on a variety of percussion instruments, students learned various parts to a music score set to Sousa's "Stars and Stripes Forever" march. The students were initially amazed, even shocked, at the massive size of the score which completely encompassed one side of the music room. But they immediately focused on the task at hand and went about learning their individual parts and how these parts interacted within the greater whole. A fast-paced lesson, it not only left some of the students breathless, but their stalwart teacher as well!
Performing the score serves a variety of curricular and musical purposes addressing many components of the Core Knowledge curriculum. The different sections of the march address form or structure in music, and the different parts being played utilize both simple and complex patterns. Many elements of music are covered in the lesson, such as steady beat, note values, rests, accents, downbeats, dynamics, repeats, and syncopation. And finally, it's just flat-out 100% FUN! When learning and fun coincide, watch out! Great things happen!

Middle School Matters
"You're not obligated to win. You're obligated to keep trying to do the best you can every day." 
                   - Marian Wright Edelman

Pictured left, eighth grade students stand before the original Woolworth's, the historic site of a non-violent protest in the Civil Rights Movement. Eighth grade students are studying the 1960s and the Civil Rights Movement and visited Greensboro's Civil Rights Museum this week as their central field trip for the unit. 

Meet our Newest ASK Member, Hollie Ritter

SA's newest ASK team member, Hollie Ritter, is from Troy, NC. A junior at Catawba College, she is majoring in special education and elementary education. When she isn't busy with school and work, Hollie enjoys spending time with family and friends and creating t-shirts and decals through her business Hollie Claire Designs. 

49 Days of Gratitude: Donations for Footprints in the Community
As part of Salisbury Academy's participation in 49 Days of Gratitude, we are filling a box of supplies for Footprints in the Community, an organization with a mission of inclusion for children with special needs! 

Contributions can be brought to the front office. Footprints has requested the following for their upcoming special needs summer camp: small packs of crayons (12, 18 count), sandwich- and gallon-sized Ziploc bags, jungle-themed party favors and decorations, crepe paper, streamers/ribbons, paper plates, and a variety of craft supplies: feathers, popsicle sticks, aluminum foil, playdough or putty, small paper bags for puppets, 30 empty two liter bottles and large (size of baseball) styrofoam balls. Thank you for your support!

RCCC Summer Camp Offerings
RCCC has a variety of fun summer programming opportunities for students ages 8 to 11 and 11 to 14! 

Pedal Thru the Past, Black History Bike Ride: Today at the Pedal Factory
Learn about the people, places, and events that helped shape Salisbury's history on a free bike ride with The Pedal Factory.

Today! Feb. 24, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
The Pedal Factory, 311 E. Council St

Lunch Menus
Habeeb Catering will provide hot lunches Monday through Thursday for JK/K students. Students in grades 1-8 will have lunch provided Monday through Friday.

Contact Nancy Gokey at Habeeb Catering at  nsebastiangokey@yahoo.com

Chapel This Week
This week's chapel will feature SA Parent James Davis  speaking on the monthly virtue of loyalty. 

All families are welcome and encouraged to join us in the gym for chapel each Thursday from 9 to 9:30 a.m.


Monday, February 25
  • Tennis practice/evaluations 3:30 - 5:00 @ CCS
  • Golf practice/qualifying @ The Warrior 3:45 - Golfer will be dismissed from class at 3:05
Tuesday, February 26 - No Athletics

Wednesday, February 27
  • Tennis practice/evaluations 3:30 - 5:00 @ CCS
Thursday, February 28
  • Girls Soccer Practice 3:30 - 5:00
Friday, March 1 - No Athletics

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