SA's eighth grade has been selected to participate in the Lincoln Online Oratory Project! Teaching artist Victoria Reinsel from the project met with the eighth grade via Skype this week for the first of three virtual classes on oratory excellence. This week's discussion engaged students in dialogue about ethos (gaining trust and influence with your audience), pace, emphasis, diction, tone, posture, eye contact, and presence. 
Jag Weekly
January 27, 2019
Join us for a Summer of Fun at SA Summer Camp 2019
Dear Salisbury Academy Families,

We are excited to share that another summer of camp fun awaits our students in rising K through rising fifth! The summer program will be offered for full and half days and will incorporate favorite activities from past years along with new adventures. SA campers will launch on regular Muddy Sneakers outings as well as Big Splash Fridays and will enjoy excursions to attractions and service projects as well.
The final details and pricing will be released soon. Stay tuned for more! We hope that you'll consider having your student join us for a summer of adventure at SA. Please contact camp director Mrs. Penny Moss with questions.
Warm Regards,

Beverly Fowler, Head of School

Important Dates

SA Spirit Week
Jan. 28 - Feb. 1 (M-F)
Mon: PJ day
Tues: Silly Sock/Hat Day
Wed: Wacky Tacky
Th: Favorite Sport Team
Fri: Jag Spirit Day

SA Book Fair
Feb. 8 - 14

Building Resiliency in our Kids: 
Jonathan Hetterly shares with SA and the larger community

At Thursday night's community speaking event at Salisbury Academy, counselor and adolescent mental health expert Jonathan Hetterly of Southeast Psych in Charlotte spoke on resiliency and how parents can prepare children for success as adults.

In today's world where mental health far outweighs academics as the primary reason that children don't succeed, kids need space to figure life out, to learn, fall down, and get back up, Hetterly shared. It is through these experiences that they learn resiliency, or the ability to bounce back from adversity.

"Without life skills and resiliency, kids are having a tough time in the college environment," said Hetterly. 

"Kids today are experiencing an inability to step into real life where their choices and decisions have the greatest impact on outcomes."

Evidence of these struggles can be found in college retention and graduation rates. A stunning 30% of children are not continuing past sophomore year and only 60% of college students have graduated after 6 years, said Hetterly.

To assist parents in empowering their children and preparing them for success, Hetterly shared important tips with the audience.

"Don't do for them what they can do for themselves. Habits count at this age," said Hetterly.

Starting in the 1980's, parenting styles began a shift from a hands-off approach to over-parenting, or extreme optimization, Hetterly shared. As a backlash to this trend, children are out-rating their parents in stress levels and often suffer from a condition called learned helplessness.

"There's no need for children to learn these skills on their own if we parents do everything for them," said Hetterly. "Not every obstacle is avoidable, and if we rob children of adversity, they miss out on a critical developmental step."

In other guidance, Hetterly shared that exercise and having a regular outlet for physical release are the best ways to process stress. Sleep is critical, as a rested mind will be more fit to manage stressors and anxiety. Additionally, for teens, getting a job yields a multitude of benefits, from learning time management, to work ethic, to having an outlet outside of academics and social pressures, Hetterly said.

Hetterly closed with an important reminder about our children:

"We have good kids, and so many of the choices they make are good ones. We have to be careful not to be hyper-aware of the poor choices."

Resources from Southeast Psych:
Psychbites Store  (use code  salisburyacademy through Wednesday)
Psychbites Online Courses (use code salisburyacademy  through Wednesday)

Middle School Matters
"We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do." 
             ~Mother Teresa

Lunch Menus
Habeeb Catering will provide hot lunches Monday through Thursday for JK/K students. Students in grades 1-8 will have lunch provided Monday through Friday.

Contact Nancy Gokey at Habeeb Catering at

Super Bowl Tailgate Teachers Appreciation Luncheon: Friday, Feb. 1
On Friday, February 1, the PSA Teachers Appreciation Committee will hold a Super Bowl Tailgate Luncheon for SA faculty and staff!

Contributed items may be brought to the front office at drop-off on Friday, Feb 1., or by 10 a.m. at the latest:

Chapel This Week
This week's chapel will feature  Pastor Sheeks of Immanuel Lutheran Church  speaking on the monthly virtue of courage. 

All families are welcome and encouraged to join us in the gym for chapel each Thursday from 9 to 9:30 a.m.

Monday, January 28
  • Varsity Girls Basketball Game VS Tri-City 4:00
  • Varsity Boys Basketball Game VS Tri-City 5:00
Tuesday, January 29
  • Varsity Girls Basketball Game @ Sacred Heart 4:00
  • Varsity Boys Basketball Game @ Sacred Heart 5:00
Wednesday, January 30
  • JV Girls Basketball Practice 3:30 - 4:45
  • Varsity Girls Basketball Practice 4:30 - 6:00
  • JV Boys Basketball Practice (Blue Team) 6:00 - 7:30
  • Varsity Boys Basketball Practice 7:00 - 8:30
Thursday, January 31
  • JV Girls Basketball Game VS Concordia Lutheran School 4:00
  • Varsity Girls Basketball Game @ Concordia Lutheran School 4:00
  • JV Boys (Blue Team) Basketball Game VS Concordia Lutheran School 5:00
  • Varsity Boys Basketball Game @ Concordia Lutheran School 5:00
    • Information for Varsity Basketball Game
      • Address: 215 5th Ave SE Conover, NC 28613
      • Carpool
      • Red Uniforms
      • Varsity girls will be dismissed at 2:15
Friday, February 1
  • First Round of the WCCAA JV Basketball Tournament
    • Coach Wilson will send out an email early next week with locations and times of the tournament.