April 2023
"Spring is nature's way of saying, 'Let's party!' and students know it's their cue to break free from the winter doldrums, get out and about, and recharge their batteries for the final push to the end of the school year." - Oprah Winfrey
As your student's semester comes to an end and finals approach, have them take a moment to catch their breath and prepare for the end of the semester.
April 3rd
Summer and Fall 2023 Registration Begins (Includes May Term)
April 23rd-27th
The Ice Cream Games
April 24th
Summer 2023 Registration For New Graduate Students (Includes May Term)
May 1st-4th
Finals Week
May 3rd
May Term 2023 Balance Due
May 5th-6th
Spring 2023 Commencement Weekend
May 8th
May Term 2023 Classes Begin
May 26th
Summer 2023 Balance Due
Avoid the Void - May Term and Summer Semester 2023
As the May Term and Summer Semester approaches, it's important for students to be aware of the payment deadlines. To avoid being removed from courses, students enrolled in May Term 2023 and/or Summer Semester 2023 must pay their balance in full by the deadline dates.
May Term: May 3rd
Summer Semester: May 26th
Students living on campus who miss the payment deadline may be at risk of administrative removal from housing and/or having their meal plan suspended.
Don't forget, South offers a convenient payment plan that will allow students to divide the Summer Semester balance into three monthly installments. Click here to learn more.
If your student needs help finding potential solutions to help cover their balance, please encourage them to reach out to our USA One Stop team.
Finals Week
Your student will be taking finals May 1st - May 4th. We wish them the best of luck!
Encourage them to take care of themselves, develop good study habits and take advantage of the various study sessions, tutorials, and study breaks happening this week!
Follow us on Instagram @usaonestop for highlights on various study breaks and stress-relieving activities for your student.
Due South
Discover all that Mobile has to offer through the student-led magazine Due South!
A campus lifestyle magazine that has been capturing the essence of the USA community since 2012, showcasing the diverse trends, styles, and attitudes that make the campus and city unique. Through their bi-annual publication, they regularly highlight art, music, people, destinations, entertainment, and events that will expand your student's horizons.
You and your student can follow them on social media @duesouthusa to stay up-to-date on all the latest Due South news and events.
South Serves
Would your student like to make professional connections and get involved in the community? Does your student's scholarship or student organization have service goals?
The Office of Community Engagement is here to help your student meaningfully impact the lives of others through community service while also learning about themselves and the world around them and building valuable skills and a professional network. One of the ways they can assist your student is through South Serves, the University’s online volunteer recruitment and management system.
Recreation Center - Pool Open
We have some splashing news to share with you. The Campus Rec outdoor pool is
officially open for the season! Your students can enjoy a wide range of exciting amenities, such as volleyball nets, basketball goals, water polo goals, the vortex, and a deep water well. But that's not all. There's also a hot tub that can accommodate up to 14 people.
And let's not forget about the pool deck - it's the ultimate chill spot. With swings,
tables with chairs, hammocks, and lounge chairs, it's the perfect place to relax and
soak up the sun. Your student won't want to miss out on all the aquatic fun!
For more information about the pool's features and hours of operation, check out the USA Aquatics page.
Intramurals - The Ice Cream Games (April 23rd-27th)
8 Events, 5 days, Endless Ice Cream! Your student can compete as an individual or join their favorite student organization, group, or team and close out the semester with this Olympic-style competition.
Students compete in a variety of events for championship shirts and bragging rights.
For more information, your student can email southsports@southalabama.edu