A banner image with the words Register now for the 2024-25 school year! Registration for next school year is open now. Claim your seat for next year today! Click here to get started. Words in the middle, PSD logo to the far left, and a squiggle pattern of yellow, light blue, and a light teal to the left with a cut-out of a young PSD student sitting on a yoga mat.

Your Poudre School District newsletter

Friday, Jan. 19, 2024

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PSD Now masthead with icon

Announcing members of the PSD Facilities Planning Steering Committee

Following a competitive application process, we want to introduce members of the committee charged with making a recommendation to the PSD Board of Education about how to address declining student enrollment through educational program changes, boundary modifications, and school consolidations. In this update, you will find information about how committee members were selected and answers to frequently asked questions. Follow this link to the Long-Range Planning web page for more:>>

A young man works underneath a bus on risers in a PSD bus maintenance bay.

Rocky Mountain High School graduate and Colorado State University student Nic Schountz works as a student apprentice for Poudre School District's Transportation Department.

More students to gain real-world experience as grant funding expands apprenticeships

A dozen Poudre School District students currently "earn and learn" as student apprentices in a variety of fields. That number will soon grow thanks to a Response, Innovation, and Student Equity (RISE) Education Grant. Learn more about the growth of apprenticeship offerings in PSD and how work-based learning is shaping students' futures in this article on the PSD website.>>

Join Superintendent Kingsley for coffee and conversation

Mark your calendar for the first Superintendent's Community Corner of 2024, scheduled from 3 to 4:30 p.m. on Jan. 24 at the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery Café! The meeting has no agenda and no pre-selected topic - this is a chance to discuss anything about Poudre School District and its schools with the superintendent.

No RSVP is required to attend. Learn more about the event in this flier.>>

A photo of a man in a suit high-fiving a student as they enter school on a sunny day, with green trees and yellow balloons in the background. Text on top of the photo says, "JOIN US: PSD Superintendent's Community Corner. Three to four thirty P M January 24, 2024. Fort Collins Museum of Discovery Cafe, 408 Mason Court in Fort Collins. No need to RSVP. Stay as short or long as you'd like to talk with PSD Superintendent Brian Kingsley.

Above, Superintendent Kingsley gives a student a high five on the first day of school.

An audience in seat at the Lincoln Center stand solemnly
Five people - four women and PSD Superintendent Brian Kingsley -  stand on a stage. All but one hold paper in their hands.
A woman wearing all white sings into a microphone on a stage

Scenes from the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. community celebration earlier this week at the Lincoln Center.

Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Winter weather may have forced organizers to forgo the traditional march on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, but hundreds of people still marked the day with an indoor celebration Monday afternoon at the Lincoln Center. See more images from the event on PSD's Facebook page.>>

Approximately 20 students sit in chairs facing a panel of speakers in law enforcement attire at a college and career day event. The panelists are in front of a screen that identifies the panelists and their profession (law enforcement), and four people in camo stand along the side of the wall as they wait to talk about the military.

Poudre School District middle school students heard from professionals in several fields during Eighth Grade College & Career Day at Colorado State University.

Eighth-graders explore education pathways

The high school courses a student takes and the programs that help them explore their passions have a huge impact on their future. PSD students visited Colorado State University for Eighth Grade College & Career Day this week to plan their path to graduation and beyond. Learn more about student options by following this link to the PSD Future Ready site, or click this link to find the PSD High School Planning Guide.>>

Student input shapes mental health fliers

PSD students, counselors, and principals who provided feedback through focus groups and surveys are helping to shape the next generation of mental health materials and communications in schools. The district introduced posters, fliers, social media posts, and other materials earlier this year to raise awareness of mental health tips and resources.

Thanks to feedback from 240-plus students and counselors representing all grade levels, the newest versions of mental health-focused fliers in student restrooms are better than ever, and there's more to come. Visit the PSD Mental Health web page to see more.>>

An image of a one-page flier with mental health tips and contact information for mental health resources. The title of the page is "Brain Break Bulletin" and the topic is Resiliency. The page has a QR code at bottom left to visit the PSD Mental health web page and a strip on the right side of 3 QR codes. The top one leads to the English version of the flier, the second leads to the Spanish version of the flier, and the third leads to the Arabic version of the flier.

An image of the new Brain Break Bulletin for grades 6-12.

A female student wearing safety goggles holds up a cup containing a liquid to eye level to examine it.

Explore curriculum materials Jan. 25

Learn about materials being considered for middle school science and U.S. history plus high school literacy, world history, math, and data analysis at a curriculum engagement night from 4 to 8 p.m. on Jan. 25. Visit the PSD website at this link to learn more.>>

A graphic image of the outline of a cloud with snowflakes on it.

Winter weather procedures

Following the first Snow Day of the year, you may be wondering what to expect with other weather-related changes to school operations, such as delays and early dismissals. Check out the Inclement Weather Procedures page on the PSD website.>>

11 adults stand in a board of education board room in front of a blue screen, posing for the camera. A woman in the center holds a certificate.

Board honors Educator of the Year

PSD Board of Education members recognized Lincoln Middle School math teacher Sue Davidson during their Jan. 9 meeting. Davidson was named Colorado Second Congressional District Service Award Educator of the Year. Watch the video on YouTube.>>

Logo of a calendar page


graphic image of a school bus


Graphic image of a plate with a sandwich on it and a fork and spoon on either side of the plate

School Meals

Graphic image of four puzzle pieces of different colors.

Mental Health

Graphic image of a laptop computer

Tech Support

Want to work in PSD? To find job postings, visit the PSD Job Listings site.>>

Learn how you can earn $100 for referring a sub for a classified position here.>>

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