Jan. 25, 2023


The Board of Supervisors held our first meeting of 2023 yesterday. While we have all been busy in our districts it was good to be back in the Board auditorium with my colleagues. There was a full agenda, and you can watch the meeting here. The Board approved my two Board Matters related to land use in Reston and there was good news for many military families:

Reauthorization of Reston Comprehensive Plan Study

This was a follow up to my original Board Matter in January 2020, which authorized a comprehensive plan amendment for Reston. As many of you know, a committed group of residents and stakeholders met for more than two years to draft an updated Reston Comprehensive Plan. Yesterday's reauthorization, which was approved by the Board, was to update the scope of the plan amendment, including issues such as equity, community health, economic development and heritage resources that were addressed by the Task Force members. Additionally, the Task Force considered changes to the adopted land use and intensity recommendations of the Plan for specific areas such as the Reston Village Centers and Reston Town Center North, and for parcels where development interests advocated changes. As noted below (Land use Updates), the Planning Commission is holding a workshop on the proposed plan tomorrow night, and the county staff report is expected in mid-February. Read my Board Matter, which includes the current working timeline and January 2020 Board Matter.

Use of Block J for Arts Center in Reston

After considerable community engagement, including several public meetings, as well as two town halls this fall, the county has determined that the property identified as Block J, located near the intersection of Sunset Hills Road and Town Center Parkway, is an appropriate location for a community-based arts center. An arts center located across the street from the Reston Town Center Metro Station not only fulfills land use and transportation goals but is another step towards making the Dulles Corridor a performing arts corridor. Financing and project details are to be determined. Learn more and read my Board Matter.

Tax Relief for Military Spouses

The Board of Supervisors approved a lower real estate tax rate for surviving spouses of military service members who died in the line of duty, significantly reducing their tax bills. Using authority provided by Richmond and consistent with recent updates to the state constitution, we approved the lowest rate allowed under state law: $0.01 per $100 of assessed value. This was the right thing to do for our military residents and it should be noted that we are only the second local government in Virginia to enact this tax relief. Learn more.

If you have questions regarding these or other matters, please email my office at huntermill@fairfaxcounty.gov.



Casino on the Silver Line? No Thanks!

The General Assembly began its 2023 session on Jan. 11 with a very ambitious agenda (see key dates) and more than 1,000 bills submitted. One of the bills that has received media attention is the possibility of authorizing a casino within a quarter mile of a Silver Line Metrorail station, potentially in Hunter Mill District.

Although this issue has not been discussed by the Board of Supervisors, the idea of using the most valuable commercial and residential real estate in the region on a casino strikes me as foolhardy. In my decades exploring and building plans and consensus on transit-oriented development in the Dulles corridor this was not the type of development or “community” anyone ever brought up. This is a bad idea on multiple levels (including the emerging concepts around equity in land use) but I am confident our excellent delegation in Richmond will do the right thing.

Land Use and Transportation Updates 

Reston Comprehensive Plan: Planning Commission Workshop with County Staff,

Thursday, Jan. 26, 7:30 p.m.

The Planning Commission workshop will take place at the Fairfax County Government Center, Conference Room 11, 1200 Government Center Pkwy, Fairfax

Live Stream Link

Reston Town Center North Task Force, Jan. 30, 7 p.m.

The first meeting of the Reston Town Center North Task Force, which includes representatives from surrounding neighborhoods, is Monday, Jan. 30, 7 p.m. in the community room at the North County Governmental Center, 1801 Cameron Glen Dr., Reston. Learn more about Reston Town Center North redevelopment.

Upcoming Site-Specific Plan Amendment Community Meetings

As noted in last week's newsletter, the Site-Specific Plan Amendment (SSPA) process allows anyone to propose a land use change to the Comprehensive Plan, the guiding document for land use and development decisions in the county. Thirteen SSPA proposals (called “nominations”) in the Hunter Mill District will be reviewed in a series of virtual community meetings hosted by the county's Department of Planning and Development. The two Reston meetings took place Jan. 17 and Jan. 19, click on the links to watch the meetings.

Tuesday, Jan. 31, 7 p.m.: Group 3 Reston and Hunter Mill Nominations

Link to the meeting (MS Teams)

  • CPN22-HM-002, Michael Faraday Court, 1805 Michael Faraday Court
  • CPN22-HM-010, Samuel Morse Drive, 1810, 1825, and 1850 Samuel Morse Drive and 11111 Sunset Hills Road
  • CPN22-HM-013, Brookfield Properties, 1620, 1621, 1624, 1627, 1628, and 1630 Hunter Mill Road, 1623, 1627, and 1631 Crowell Road, 10700, 10718, 10728, 10736, and 10800 Sunset Hills Road
  • CPN22-HM-014 – Lake Fairfax Business Center, 11100 Wildlife Center Drive, 1759, 1760, 1761, 1768, 1769, and 1771 Business Center Drive
  • CPN22-HM-015, Crowell Road, 1533, 1538, 1542, 1546, 1616, and 1620 Crowell Road

Wednesday, Feb. 1, 7 p.m.: Tysons Nominations

Link to the meeting (MS Teams)

  • CPN22-HM-0012, Koons Chevrolet, 2000 and 2050 Chain Bridge Road

Fairfax Connector Service Changes Effective Saturday, Feb. 4

Connector service changes will go into effect on Feb. 4, including a new route that provides weekday, rush-hour service in the I-66 Express Lanes. Learn more.

Public Safety Update

Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Meeting Tonight, Jan. 25, 7 p.m.

Residents are invited to attend the Community Advisory Committee meeting scheduled for tonight, Jan. 25 at the North County Governmental Center, 1801 Cameron Glen Dr., Reston. Officers from the Reston District Police Station will provide information on Neighborhood Watch and community public safety concerns.

Reminder from the County's Take A Moment Campaign:

Walking is great for your health and the environment. Stay safe while walking by following these safety recommendations:

Don’t assume drivers can see you: 

  • Use your phone’s flashlight when walking in the dark to increase your vision and visibility, and to signal bus operators.
  • If there is no sidewalk, walk facing traffic and as far from traffic as possible.

Crossing a road safely:

If you need to cross the road look left and right for the closest place to cross safely. Use a marked crosswalk if available; otherwise cross at a location with good sightlines in both directions.

  • Wait for a safe gap in traffic or for all traffic to stop before crossing.
  • Do not attempt to cross the street in front of an approaching vehicle or stopped bus. 
  • Look and make eye contact with drivers before you cross.
  • While crossing, make sure to look out for other approaching vehicles in case they don’t see you and won’t stop for you.

Learn more about Take A Moment

What's News in Vienna

2023 Photo Show

Photographers: mark your calendar for the upcoming Vienna Photo Show. Photos can be submitted March 16 and 17. Open to metropolitan-area amateur photographers. Entries are limited to three photos with a maximum of two photos in any one category.  Applications are available here or at the Vienna Community Center front desk. Be sure to review the Vienna Photo Show guidelines carefully before submitting. 

Health-Related Updates

COVID-19 Resources


This winter, StayWellNova, Northern Virginia’s regional public health resource, is focusing on respiratory wellness, specifically related to flu, RSV, and COVID-19. Learn more.

Suicide Prevention Training

Learn how to help someone who may be thinking of suicide. Virtual training is offered weekly through the county's Community Services Board.

Learn more.

3 Things to Know Today

State of the County Video

Board of Supervisors Chairman Jeff McKay was recently joined by community leaders to discuss the state of Fairfax County and our future goals. Watch here.

Reston Summer Camp Expo, Saturday, Jan. 28

Parents are invited to attend the free Reston Summer Camp Expo to learn about Reston-area summer camps and out-of-school activities. The Expo is this Saturday, Jan. 28, 9 a.m. to noon at Reston Community Center Hunters Woods, 2310 Colts Neck Road, Reston. Learn more.

Retirees: Consider Becoming a Substitute Teacher

If you are a retiree interested in working with students and earning extra income, consider substitute teaching. It is a wonderful opportunity give back to our community, share your knowledge and connect with the youngest generation. Learn more.

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Hunter Mill District Supervisor Walter Alcorn
703-478-0283, TTY 711

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