Join Us for This Year’s Lenten Series:
“Why Does Jesus Matter?”
We invite you to join us!
We will be hosting a series of soup suppers, Holden Prayer Service and a Wednesday Small groups throughout Lent,
beginning on Ash Wednesday, March 5.
Supper at 5:15pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Holden Evening Prayer service at 6:00pm in the sanctuary.
Small Group Series: “Why Does Jesus Matter?” at 6:40pm.
Pastor and author J.D. Greear will answer the question, “Why does Jesus matter?”
He’ll explore who Jesus is, why he came, and what he said and did, to help us understand the life-changing effect Jesus had—and continues to have—on the world. Join J.D. and see the difference that Jesus can make in your life.
Each week’s video will be shared in the sanctuary at 6:45pm followed by roughly
30-40 minutes in small groups that will meet throughout the Church until 7:30pm.
NEEDED! We are looking for a handful of folks who would be willing to facilitate a small group either at Church or in your home each week (using the RightNow Media app to stream the video). Pastor Brian will provide training and materials for those who are interested in serving in this way. Contact him ASAP if you are willing to lead one of these small groups. Regardless, make plans now to attend each week. This would be a great opportunity to invite friends, neighbors, and others to participate in this series! 😊