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Jan. 4, 2021 - ACT 24 Reporting Tool Update

The final report submission due date was Dec. 31, 2020. This date was extended for child care providers who experienced issues based on login, password or other technical issues. If you have an existing Commonwealth Business Partner account (“b-” ID) and did not receive a username reminder email and you have contacted OCDEL using please do not email this resource account again at this time. Due to the volume of emails coming into the account it may take OCDEL staff 3-5 business days to respond to inquiries. Responding to this email or previous announcements will not generate a help request. You must submit a request to

You will not be penalized if you have reached out and cannot complete the tool due to login, password or other IT constraints outside of your control. These issues will be addressed by the commonwealth IT or the OCDEL team as quickly as possible. Please note, if you received a payment under Act 24 of 2020 from more than one Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) Program Office, you may receive this notification more than once. You will receive only one login to the online tool to submit for all program offices and facilities.

For individuals not completing the DHS COVID Online data reporting for your organization and would like to change the user associated, please complete the DHS COVID Tracking - User Change Request form and OCDEL will work to update that information and set up their credentials. It is recommended, even if you do not need to file a report right now, to verify your login credentials are working if you have not previously attempted to access the tool.

The Early Learning Resource Centers (ELRC) will continue to assist OCDEL in ensuring all providers can access and complete the form. For those who do not have internet access or are not English speakers, please contact the ELRC directly and they will obtain login details to assist you.

Tracey Campanini, Deputy Secretary
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning supports families 
and their children, from prenatal through school age, by using data, research and 
stakeholder guidance to assure high quality services.