Jan. 4, 2023
Your Board of Supervisors has many responsibilities to our residents, including oversight of key services such as public safety, human services, zoning and land use, local transportation and support of Fairfax County Public Schools, just to name a few. However, because Virginia is a Dillon Rule state, the Board of Supervisors has limited powers that are specifically conferred on them by the Virginia General Assembly (including taxes). While it is important to stay up to date on county Board actions, I also encourage you to stay informed and engaged with your General Assembly representatives.
My colleagues on the Board and I actively advocate on your behalf through our legislative program, which is reviewed and discussed during the Board's Legislative Committee meetings. We recently met with the county's General Assembly delegation for a workshop to discuss and highlight important issues for our county before the 2023 General Assembly convenes on Jan. 11. That information is also provided in the adopted 2023 legislative program.
Several county priorities for the 2023 General Assembly session include:
- Additional flexibility from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to implement reduced speed limits and pedestrian safety tools in Fairfax County
- Increasing the state funding for personal property tax relief
- Provide additional state funding to increase Medicaid waiver rates and slots for individuals with developmental disabilities
- Support state funding and actions for affordable housing (including enhancing and creating more state-funded housing tax credits and rental assistance programs)
- Fully restore local government law enforcement aid funding
- Support preservation of proffers for land use development in Fairfax County
There are two ways for you to provide input to your General Assembly representatives:
Public Hearing, Saturday, Jan. 7, 9 a.m.
The county's delegation to the General Assembly will hold a public hearing regarding the upcoming 2023 session on Saturday, Jan. 7, at 9 a.m. in Conference Room 11 at the Fairfax County Government Center, 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax. County residents who want to sign up in advance to speak at the hearing should register online using this form or contact Clerk Services at 703-324-3151, TTY 711, by noon on Thursday, Jan. 5. For more information on the public hearing, contact your General Assembly representatives.
Contact Your State Senator and Delegate
You can also contact your General Assembly representatives at any time to provide your input on state-related issues.
We all lead very busy lives, but I encourage you to stay informed and engaged as much as possible. It is after all, your government.
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Christmas Tree Recycling/Disposing | |
My office and the county have received questions about recycling/disposing of live Christmas trees. From the Department of Public Works and Environmental Services:
All licensed trash collectors in Fairfax County are required to collect and recycle live Christmas trees less than 8 feet tall that have been separately set out at single-family homes and townhouse communities during the first two weeks of January. Please contact your trash collection company for questions regarding this service. Residents can also recycle live Christmas trees at the I-66 Transfer Station or the I-95 Landfill Complex. Be sure to remove tree stands, lights, ornaments and other decorations.
Also, a reminder from the Park Authority that it is illegal to dump a Christmas tree on park property. It can facilitate the spread of invasive pest species and add additional layers of material that suffocates seeds, seedlings and plants, thereby reducing the regeneration of a healthy forest.
Learn more.
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Streetlight Outage: What To Do | |
It is always important that our neighborhood streetlights are working, especially for pedestrian safety and as a crime deterrent. If you notice a streetlight that is out, here are three things you can do to report the outage:
Look for the pole ID number, which can be found on the pole.
If you can’t find the pole number or if you notice a streetlight outage while driving, use the online streetlight locator tool to find pole numbers. Zoom in on the map to see streetlight locations.
- After finding the streetlight on the map, report it online in the link provided on the map.
If a particular streetlight is not on the map, it may be privately maintained by a homeowners association or other group. If you need additional assistance, call 703-324-5111, TTY 711.
Learn more.
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Land Use and Transportation Updates | |
Affordable Housing Community Meeting, Jan. 12, 7 p.m.
Fairfax County's Department of Planning and Development (DPD) and Neighborhood and Community Services (NCS) are hosting a community meeting to discuss policies and what steps the county is taking to protect affordable housing in the Reston community. Housing affordability is necessary for Fairfax County to remain a great place to live and raise a family. Snacks and childcare will be provided. The meeting will be held on Thursday, Jan. 12, 7 p.m. at the Cathy Hudgins Community Center at Southgate, 12125 Pinecrest Road, Reston. Learn more about the meeting and the county’s proposed affordable housing policy.
Parking Reimagined Project: Community Engagement Wraps Up Jan. 16
The Parking Reimagined project is in its final phase of community engagement and the county's Department of Planning and Development is seeking your input. Recommended changes to the county’s off-street parking and loading requirements have been released for public comment. Learn more and provide input by Jan. 16.
Hunter Mill Land Use Committee Virtual Meeting: Tuesday, Jan. 17, 7:30 p.m.
The Hunter Mill District Land Use Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 17 at 7:30 p.m. use this link to attend. You may also call in and listen to the meeting, dial 571-429-5982 and use conference call ID: 217 968 966 #. For information, contact Shruti Nallappa.
Reston Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Virtual Meeting, Monday, Jan. 23, 7:30 p.m.
The Reston P&Z meeting is scheduled for Monday, Jan. 23 at 7:30 p.m. Use this link to attend and participate. You may also call in and listen to the meeting, dial 571-429-5982 and use conference call ID: 243 717 721#. For more information contact Shruti Nallappa.
Reston Comprehensive Plan Information
Reston Comprehensive Plan Study webpage and podcast.
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From the Fairfax County Police Department:
Firearm and Ammunition Disposal Program
The best way to dispose of a firearm/ammunition is to call the Police Department's non-emergency line at 703-691-2131 and request an officer come to your home. Make sure you leave the unloaded weapon in a safe place and direct the officer to it. The officer will verify the weapon is unloaded and rendered safe before taking possession of it.
Although not the preferred method, you can also turn in a firearm at one of our eight district stations. Please call before arriving, make sure the weapon is unloaded and placed in the trunk of your vehicle, and separate from any ammunition. When you arrive at the station, leave the weapon in your car. Once you speak with the front desk, an officer will be called to the station to take the report and take possession of the weapon or ammunition.
Learn more and watch the video below.
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From Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department:
You Can Save a Life; Download the PulsePoint App
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) can happen to anyone, at any age, at any time. SCA is a leading cause of preventable death. For every minute that passes before help arrives, SCA survival decreases by 7 to 10 percent. Last year, the county's Fire and Rescue Department launched the PulsePoint mobile app countywide. The PulsePoint app alerts bystanders nearby, trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), who can help victims before firefighters and paramedics arrive. It also directs these potential rescuers to the exact location of the closest Automated External Defibrillator (AED). The PulsePoint mobile app can be found in the Apple App Store and on Google Play.
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Town Dog License Deadline is Jan. 31
All dogs ages 4 months and older must be registered with the Town of Vienna by Jan. 31 annually and have proof of updated rabies shots. A dog license helps animal control and local shelters easily identify your dog should it get lost or go off leash. For requirements and applications, visit www.viennava.gov/doglicense.
Freeman Store Open by Appointment Only January and February
The Freeman Store & Museum, Used Book Cellar and Little Library Museum are open by appointment only through the end of February. Email historicviennava@gmail.com. to schedule a tour or to make a purchase.
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Reston Community Center Celebrates the Legacy of MLK
Reston Community Center will mark the 38th annual Reston Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration with a lineup of events for community reflection on Dr. King’s legacy. Heather McGhee, a renowned expert on the American economy and author of The New York Times bestseller The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Us and How We Can Prosper Together, will deliver the keynote address on Monday, Jan. 16. Learn more.
Emergency Preparedness Workshop for Children with Disabilities and their Guardians Jan. 10
Ready Fairfax invites you to a workshop to learn how to take steps to prepare yourself and those in your care to be resilient and prepared in the event of a crisis. There will also be a discussion on special considerations to keep in mind when creating an emergency plan and kit. The workshop will be held at the at the James Lee Community Center, 2855 Annandale Rd, Falls Church. To register: https://forms.offi ce.com/g/WWX300EjVU
Volunteers are needed for the 2023 Tax Season
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program needs greeters, interpreters (including ASL), screeners and tax preparers. No tax training is needed for greeters and interpreters. Free training is available for screeners and tax preparers. Opportunities are available throughout Fairfax County, with flexible schedules. For more information go to nvacash.org. The VITA program offers free income tax preparation and filing services to individuals and families who earned less than $60,000 in 2022.
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Rx Resolution: Make A Prescription Plan
Approximately a third of people over age 60 are on more than five prescription medications at any given time, a term referred to as polypharmacy. As people get older, it is very likely that doctors prescribe medications for chronic conditions such as diabetes, asthma, hypertension, or heart disease. This new year, the Fairfax County Health Department’s Division of Emergency Preparedness and Response urges you to consider medication preparedness. Read more.
COVID-19 Vaccine Access
Vaccines are widely available throughout our community and residents can seek COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters at pharmacies, providers offices, groceries, urgent care centers, or other sites throughout the community. Residents who are unable to access a booster vaccination may call the Fairfax County Call Center at 703-324-7404 to make an appointment at one of the Fairfax County Health Department’s district office clinics.
Fairfax County COVID-19 Data Dashboard
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Stay Informed and In Touch
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Hunter Mill District Supervisor Walter Alcorn
703-478-0283, TTY 711
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