To Our Treasured Supporters

As we step into a new year full of hope and promise, we're filled with gratitude for our community!

Every act of kindness and every pledge of support uplifts our participants and staff daily.

Your warm hearts are warmth and security for all we serve. The chill of winter has no chance with amazing supporters like you!

Here's to a year of growth and community,

Sherrece Scott

Annual Giving Manager

Check Off a New Year Resolution!

A great start to a new year should include VOA! We have exciting opportunities for you to share our time and talent.

Join our Board of Directors

Our board is instrumental in our outreach and strategic planning as we work to end homelessness. The board meets in person six times a year and board members are encouraged to serve on a committee. To learn more or to submit your application visit our website HERE.

Change a Life, Volunteer

Did you know that we have volunteer opportunities that will work around your schedule? From sharing your favorite hobby with shelter participants, covering the front desk at a shelter or cooking a meal- we

For a full list of volunteer needs and for the full application, please visit our website or email our Volunteer Coordinator, Anna, at [email protected]

Pictured above: Amanda Swan (Board President), Volunteer Kacie, (President/CEO Fawn Schott, David Heath (Vice Chair) Pictured below: Volunteers with Travelers Insurance.

Bras, Tampon, Oh My!

Start assembling your friends for our 8th annual Mardi Bra fundraiser. Parterning with Transitions, we are in need of several items to help our local community members with essential items.

Our biggest need this year are:

  • Underwear
  • Sports bras
  • Deodorant
  • Razors

Follow us on Facebook spokanemardibras, for up to date details on how to participate.

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