Janssen Labs A Powerful Dose of Innovation
Apr 28, 2014
Dear Fellow Innovators,
I am pleased to present the inaugural issue of 10X, which highlights the continued success of Janssen Labs and the external innovators we support. For those who aren't familiar with Janssen Labs, our flagship incubator in San Diego was launched in 2012 with a goal of building a rich ecosystem that catalyzed and accelerated new healthcare solutions for patients by helping innovators overcome challenging discovery and development barriers. Our concept was simple: provide entrepreneurs with access to many of the benefits of a big corporation within a capital efficient, entrepreneurial, high-energy, think tank environment...all with no strings attached.
Wellspring Biosciences
Sienna Labs
Tech Tonics
Janssen Labs started off as an experiment; a totally new approach to external innovation, not just for our company, but for the industry as a whole. Many questioned our "no-strings-attached" approach, but we saw the potential to create high-impact relationships with high-potential innovators. We believed that through strategic proximity we could not only get to know the teams and technology better, but we could also highlight the quality of development and commercialization J&J could bring as a potential partner.
Our model provides turnkey lab and office facilities, specialized equipment and operations management through short-term, renewable leases with an option to expand as needed. We also provide capability building programs, in both business and science, to help entrepreneurs grow smarter companies that are partner-ready for us. Additionally, we bring other funding sources to the table to help fund and mature these technologies. We hope the contribution Janssen Labs makes it even more likely that the life science community as a whole and the patient will win.
Since opening our doors at our 40,000 square foot facility in San Diego, we have expanded to two additional locations: San Francisco through a collaboration with QB3, and Boston through a collaboration with LabCentral. What started out as an idea just three years ago has now grown into 52 independent companies calling Janssen Labs �home� across three locations in the U.S.
Multiple tenant companies have grown to the point of moving from the incubator into larger independent facilities, and five companies have entered into strategic relationships with Johnson & Johnson or Janssen. (Read the details in the articles below!)
I am proud of the progress Janssen Labs has made in a short amount of time, and I�m even more proud of the impact we are having on the life science ecosystem.
Melinda Richter Best,
Melinda Richter
Head of Janssen Labs
Janssen Labs by The Numbers
53  companies in
have grown up
and out into to
larger facilities
new strategic relationships
established with
Wellspring Biosciences�Enters Cancer R&D Agreement with Janssen Biotech

In February 2013,�Janssen Labs at San Diego tenant company�Wellspring Biosciences through its affiliate�Araxes Pharma, entered into an exclusive agreement with Janssen Biotech�to develop�first-in-class�therapeutics against�K-Ras for the treatment of cancer.��The work arose out of the research of UCSF Professor Kevan Shokat, one of the company�s founders and Chairman of the SAB. Shokat�s research, ultimately published in Nature, describes the discovery of small molecule allosteric inhibitors that bind to an oncogenic mutant, K-Ras G12C. �Under the agreement, Araxes Pharma�will advance its program through Phase I to clinical proof-of-concept.� Thereafter, Janssen Biotech will have sole responsibility for the continued development and worldwide commercialization of products arising under the agreement.�
Wellspring Biosciences
Assembly Receives Venture Investment from Johnson & Johnson Development Corporation

Janssen Labs @QB3 tenant Assembly Pharmaceuticals, a virology-focused biotech company, received an investment from Johnson & Johnson Development Corporation in collaboration with Johnson & Johnson Innovation. Assembly Pharmaceuticals� discovery platform is based on proprietary Core Protein Allosteric Modulators (CpAMs) for the treatment of viral infections, starting with Hepatitis B (HBV). CpAMs are being studied for their potential to provide curative rather than suppressive therapy for chronic Hepatitis B.
Alector and Janssen Team Up for New Alzheimer's Disease Therapies

Antibody neuroscience company Alector, LLC, with operations at Janssen Labs @QB3, has established a research and development collaboration with Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Under the agreement, Janssen Pharmaceuticals will fund research in one of Alector�s targets through proof-of-concept disease models and will retain a time-limited option to negotiate a commercial agreement. The deal was done through the Johnson & Johnson Innovation Center in California.
Triphase Inks Strategic Deal with Celgene

Cancer-focused accelerator, Triphase, with operations at Janssen Labs San Diego, signed an option agreement with Celgene Corporation. Under the strategic relationship, Celgene obtained rights of first refusal on the first three oncology products Triphase advances to clinical proof-of-concept, plus a right of first negotiation on three more future oncology therapies. Financial terms were not disclosed.
CURx Pharmaceuticals Enters Into Global License Agreement with Gilead

Janssen Labs at San Diego tenant CURx Pharmaceuticals entered into a global license agreement with Gilead Sciences, Inc. for development of a late-stage treatment for lung infection in cystic fibrosis patients. The company�s inhaled drug, Fosfomycin:Tobramycin, is designed to treat Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infection in cystic fibrosis patients and is currently ready for Phase III clinical trials, following a reported successful completion of Phase II trials.
Company Financing Round-Up

RNA medicines company, Arcturus Therapeutics, with operations at Janssen Labs San Diego, raised $5 million in Series A funding for its lead candidate (LUNAR-101) for the treatment of rare diseases.
Janssen Labs at @QB3 tenant, Bell Bio, raised an undisclosed amount in series A funding to increase their research and development efforts in producing synthetic organelles for life science research.
A Spotlight on Sienna Labs
We recently had the opportunity to catch up with Todd Harris, founder and CEO of Sienna Labs, an exciting medical device company located at Janssen Labs at San Diego. We wanted to learn more about the company, it�s unique approach to dermatology, and how things have been going since moving into the incubator. Here is what Todd shared with us:
Please give a brief overview of your company and the technology your team is working on. What market need is your technology addressing? Sienna Labs is a clinical-stage medical device company developing topical products for medical and aesthetic dermatology, currently being tested in five indications. The company is named after the pigment sienna, which was used anciently in cave paintings. Fast forward 10,000 years, and we are using sophisticated pigments to develop topical products that enhance dermatologic surgery. These pigments leverage a phenomenon called plasmon resonance, which occurs when electrons in a metal portion of the pigment are displaced by a specific light frequency, much like an antenna.
Our proprietary products work on the microscale to target the surgical effect of lasers to fine structures in the skin. These pigments specify where energy from the current installed base of dermatologic lasers gets deposited, enhancing the selectivity of current treatments and improving their safety and efficacy in new indications.
Why is now the time to be in this space? Dermatology is a space that is ripe for innovation. In the United States, an estimated 15 million people suffer from acne, with 3 million suffering from moderate to severe disease. The global market is $3 billion and growing. Many OTC and generic prescription therapies are available but none are safe and effective for treating moderate to severe acne, the segment of highest unmet need. Oral retinoids (Accutane) have shown efficacy, but their side effects limit their use in many patients. Laser and light-based treatments achieve temporary relief, but are unable to provide prolonged efficacy at patient-tolerated doses.
How many employees does your company have? 3
How many patents has your company filed? 8
When and why did you move your company�s operations to Janssen Labs? We moved to Janssen Labs in June 2013. We were attracted by the access to shared lab space and the community of fellow entrepreneurs residing here.
How has moving to Janssen Labs impacted your company? Janssen Labs has accelerated our ability to launch studies in the clinic and allowed us to discover new product concepts that we are starting to spin off.
If you weren�t running a biotech, what other profession would you be doing? Running a surf resort in Bali, Indonesia.

San Diego

Tech Tonics: Can Passionate Entrepreneurs Heal Healthcare With Technology?

Tuesday, 04/29/14 at 6:00pm

Digital health and healthcare IT have exploded over the past several years, attracting passionate entrepreneurs and a remarkable range of investors. Many see in these emerging technologies healthcare's missing link, and hope for an innovative technology-enabled solution to our system's ills.

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Meet with... Leaders from the NCI's SBIR program

Thursday, 05/01/14 at 8:30am

The Federal SBIR and SSTTR programs are a critical source of non-dilutive financing for early stage companies, providing over $115M in fiscal year 2014 to develop next generation technologies. Don't miss this opportunity to meet one-on-one with directors from the NCI SBIR Development Center: apply today!

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Bay Area

From the Trenches: Are you ready to IPO?

Tuesday, 05/20/14 at 11:00am

If a potential IPO is on your radar screen, join us for an honest and transparent roundtable discussion about lessons learned and key insights from those who have recently traveled the road to IPO.

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Bay Area

Meet with... Wellcome Trust

Wednesday, 06/04/14 at 10:30am

Is your company looking for funding? Or simply interested in learning more about global non-governmental life science funding opportunities? Then join us for a chance to hear from one of the world's largest private funders of scientific research, and apply for a one-on-one meeting opportunity with a representative from Wellcome Trust today.

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