Volume 85 January, 2025

Trojan Alumni Newsletter

Alumni Association

Forever True

January, 2025

Dates to Remember

Teutonia Mannerchor Alumni Luncheon

The Christmas Party was held on Tuesday, December 10th. There were 105 alumni and guests in attendance. Jim Eberz, his wife, and Don Gruber hosted the event. North Catholic items, wine, and snack food were among the many door prizes given away.

As always the class of 1959 was well represented as was the class of 1965.

Jim Eberz and his wife

Jim and Don Gruber

It's not Santa (he was there but avoided the camera) It's the next best thing - Mike Sibenac from the class of 1965.

Raffle winners pick their prizes

Remember there are no lunches in January and February because of the cold weather. The first alumni luncheon of 2025 will be held on Tuesday, March 25th.

Alumni Spotlight

Semester Exam

Name that Faculty member!

Pictured below are 12 people who were on staff at North covering the years 1959 to the present. How many can you name? Send your answers here.













if you would like to be one of the alumni who shares their story, you can let us know


Disappointed in what Santa left under the tree?  Treat yourself to a treasure trove of North Catholic football history! 

Grab your copy of A Concise Guide to North Catholic Varsity Football Team Records by Dr. Dennis Ranalli (NC '64). This 75-page guide chronices every Varisty Football game score from 1942 to 2023, as well as lists the legendary coaches, and outlines the history of Trojan Football. Whether it's for the sports enthusiast or the nostalgic alum, this guide is the perfect must-have for every Trojan fan.

To secure your copy, simply click the link below or send a check, $20, payable to North Catholic, and include your name, address, phone number, and email address. Mail to North Catholic High School, Attn: Amber Morrison,1617 Route 228, Cranberry Township, PA 16066.


Transcript Information

Alums who need a high school transcript should note that the process has changed.

Alumni from 1939-2013 should contact Diocesan Archives at (412) 456-3158 for a copy of your transcript.

Alumni from 2014-present should go to northcatholic.org under the Alumni tab and download the request form.

Memories Available

The alumni office has some past editions of the yearbooks. If you can't find yours from senior year, we may be able to help. Not all years are available and supply is limited. Contact us here for information. NOTE: while there is no charge for the yearbook, we do ask that you make a donation to the school.

Some people who have requested yearbooks in the past year have never followed up when informed that a book was available. Those books have gone back into the archives. If you were one of those people, you will have to ask us to pull it back out of the archives.

Scroll down to learn more about the program and see the businesses taking part in this great opportunity!


You can stay on top of what's going on at your alma mater by following North Catholic on Facebook - www.facebook.com/NCForeverTrue.



Congratulations to Brian Anderson ('13) and his wife Riley on their recent marriage.

Congratulations to LaShae Robinson ('09) and her husband on their recent marriage.



Congratulations to Dom Robb ('14) and his wife on the birth of their daughter, Cassie Jo.

Rest in Peace

Bruce Miller - class of 1954

William Srsic- class of 1963

Alfred "Fritz" Grego - class of 1953

Charles Nicotero - Class of 1967

Clarence Walz - class of 1965

James Neugebauer - class of 1959

Dan Haefele - class of 1976 11976








Request for Prayers

Continued prayers for the following alumni:

Jay Attanucci ('91)

Denise Enzerra ('82)

Bob Rathke ('59)

Gary Tevis ('68)

Don Lewis ('57)

Fr. Bill Seifert ('57)

Harmer Weichel ('48)

Brooke Sturgis ('20)

William McDonough ('47) and his wife

Chuck Meharry ('88)

Kim Altman Girty ('88)

Santo Pino (59)

Alfred Camus ('57)

Edward Sommers ('64)

Jim ('61) & Rita Finn

Jim Hamm ('59)

Joe Chalovich ('70)

Jim Profozich ('59)

Vince Ranalli ('56)

Dick Turici ('59)

Ed Smith ('47)

James McMahon ('58)

Lori Sullivan ('80)

Bob Schwerer ('55)

Katie Stufft ('26)

Art Heiles ('64)

General Michael Hayden ('63)

James Brennan ('46)

Merl Bell ('52)

Dave Bauer ('57)

Francis "Fran" Janaszek ('56)

Richard Gross ('57)

Rich Bowers ('57)

Tom Neusch ('62)

Antonela Kasic ('15)

Art Costa ('60) & wife, Sandy

William Ward ('55)

Joe Fucci ('62)

Jennifer Mireles - daughter of James Peiffer ('61)

Bill Yoest ('69)

Bill Kraft ('56)

Don Donatelli ('58)

Tom Loebig ('44)

Tim Rooney ('59)

Fred Slaney ('76)

Charles Hayes ('71)

Tom Cook ('59)

Mary Maloney ('25)

Ed Roche ('73)

Fr. Edward Bryce ('52)

Estelle Brogan (wife of Vince '53)

Charles Hayes from the Class of 1971 is in need of a kidney. Please keep him in your prayers. Click here to read his letter asking for help in finding a living donor. 

Let us know of any alumni who should be included in our prayers by clicking here.


The Marianist Women's Ministry would like to offer alumni and the entire North Catholic community a chance to pray for you and your intentions. The MWM gathers weekly to pray the rosary. Please click this link if you have a prayer request. While they would love to have a first name for each prayer request to make the prayers more personal, it's completely understood if you wish to keep them anonymous.

Flashback Photo

Last Month's Flashback

This is a picture from the 1999 yearbook. It was taken during morning announcements in the NCTV studio. That's Brad Ravenstahl doing a sports report holding the statue of Trojan Man.

We got quite a few responses to this picture. Ronnie Dunn ('02), Maggie Kutschbach Bailey ('04), Marc Gonzales ('06), Matt Musial ('05), Shannon Zeis Wishart ('01), and Shuana Gonzales ('00) all identified Brad Ravenstahl. Phil Balestrieri ('99) said, "I know that's Brad Ravenstahl. I can only guess he's doing the sports segment for morning announcements." The best response, however, came from the man himself. "Hey that's me. My good friend Mr Pete Gaertner (‘05) told me to check out this month’s news letter.

I was doing the morning announcement sports report in this photo. The statue I am holding was my co host “Trojan Man” a man of few words. If I remember correctly that was my Senior year and the last few days of school… hence the attire.  There is a good chance I was reporting on the Girls Basketball team with yet another lopsided victory the night prior.  This brings back some great memories and a lot of laughs in the AV room those mornings with my friends."  Brad Ravenstahl

This Month's Flashback

As a tie in to our semester exam, we bring you this month's flashback. Can you identify the people in the photo? Can you tell us what they represent? Send us what you know or can guess about this photo.

Send your guesses to us here.

The display case just inside the entrance to the school houses memorabilia from the school's history. There is also North Catholic apparel available.

You can check out the NC gear in the spirit shop by clicking here.

Alumni Class Notes

Class of 1949

Five members of the Class of 1949 having their 75th Annual Gathering at the Pancake House off McKnight Road. Seated from l to r: George V. Bauer, Clinton E. Bleil. Standing l to r: James R. Sismour, Sr., Clyde C. Rombach, Jr. and Joseph J. Nowak.

Class of 1959

Steeler connection - that's Tim Rooney on the far right, Kevin Colbert in the middle, and Principal Dr Zeb Jansante at the Hall of Fame dinner. Dr J's father played for the Steelers in the 1940's

Class of 1965

The class representing at the alumni Christmas party.

Walt Mager, Walt Quinn, Dan Wolovich and John Mikulan display the class banner at the alumni Christmas Party.

Thanksgiving Pride for NC Mike Murphy ’71 and Art Murphy.

That's Joe McKelvey and his wife Ruth and their 17 grandchildren (4 months to 22 years old). Sixteen grandaughters and one grandson.

Class of 1966

On Santa’s nice list! Tom Balestreire and his wife Bernadette visit with the big guy.

Class of 1970

The Turkey Trot in Sewickley brought out the Zeis family (l-r): Joe, Anna Wishart (2029), Shannon Wishart Zeis ('01), and Matt Zeis ('04).

Class of 1975

Tom Winner prepares for a big role.

Joe Cieply, Pat Collins, and Mike Herman renew old friendships over the Christmas holidays.

The class of 1975 50th reunion committee had their first meeting. They are (clockwise from the top): Bill Young, Mark Shepard, Medio Monti, Don Graham, Joe Cieply Kevin Gmiter, and Chris Choy.

Class of 1977

Dave Marx is with his whole family at Christmas.

Class of 1979

Mike Kukawa and his family visit The Big Apple.

Linda Ziccarelli Hines sends Chrstmas greetings from Pensacola.

Dean Santucci is cooking up something special for the holidays.

Class of 1982

Shari Brown Butler poses with classmate Sean Cannon, associate athletic director, at a game earlier this season.

Class of 1984

That's Dan Schell and his wife

Class of 1986

Bernie Dlugonski and his wife are ready for the holidays.

Class of 1989

It's Mary Kate Vaughan checks with Santa to see if she's off the naughty list.

Class of 1991

Kristan Curtin and her son

Class of 1992

Matt Muckle and his dog Georgia send out their Christmas greetings. They were featured on the cover of Pet Connection Magazine.

Myles Rooney is ready for some good eatin'.

Class of 1994

Mark Rovnan and his son take in some Penguin action.

Class of 1997

Bobby Matuszewski meets up with Marty Nasiadka ('02) and classmate Eric Wilcox before the Steeler game.

Class of 1998

Juliane Kania Hedgepeth and her daughter are ready for a Musical Christmas Carol.

Class of 1999

That's Christian Sprung and his family in this casual Christmas photo.

Class of 2000

Shauna Gonzales celebrates a birthday with her sister-in-law.

Class of 2001

Maggie Weber Boucher and her family are ready for Christmas.

That's Lauren Breskovich Lagana and her family in this Christmas photo.

Class of 2002

Tara Pagone Boyers and her daughter are bundled up for the weather.

Michelle Novak and her family pose for their Christmas card.

Class of 2003

It's a family Christmas party for Liz Heisel Keegan and her family.

Class of 2004

Here's some photos from the November class reunion.

It's a candy cane Christmas for Michelle Capizzi and her family.

Class of 2005

Gina Covelli Brandt sends along this Christmas photo of her family.

Rachel Frederick Zimmerman does color commentary for Duquesne womens basketball

This Birthday celebration features Kurt Steigerwald.

Class of 2006

Melanie Malloy and her family are in the spirit of the season.

Class of 2007

Aaron Smetanka, his wife Kristen Simon Smetanka ('07) and their children await Santa.

Bill O'Toole and his family celebrate Christmas.

Bob Ferguson and his family are in a winter wonderland.

Jessica Surmacy and her man are ready for Christmas.

Class of 2008

Kari Cabin and her family

Hope Nelson Babich and family use matching PJs to bring in Christmas cheer.

Kerrigan Sweeney and wife Kelsey DiSanti Sweeney and family celebrate Christmas.

Class of 2009

Jess Hartman Morris gets ready for the season with her little one.

Lashae Robinson is a beautiful bride.

Class of 2010

John Klocko and his wife

Tyler Feith and his wife enjoy their time alone.

Class of 2011

Clare Lamperski and her family stop for a photo during their winter hike.

Here's a Christmas picture from Kendall Hoffman and Martin Long and their family.

Class of 2012

Bobby Tacey is with his special lady.

Class of 2013

Introducing the newlyweds: Mr and Mrs Brian Anderson.

What a great way to see the sights of Pittsburgh - by plane! That's Nick Nyman, John Hanna ('11) in the pilot's seats with Delia Hanna ('08) and Natalie Nyman relaxing in the passanger seats.

Joining in celebrating with Brian Anderson at his wedding were (pictured l-r) classmates James McFetridge, Nick Ramsden, Simon Walker, Brian Anderson, Gordon Bolar, Justin Braun, and Shane Haggerty with Anthony Donatelli relaxing in the front.

Shawn Tunstall, his wife Lynzi Mueller Tunstall ('12) and their kids visit with Santa.

Class of 2015

Mae Haggerty enjoys her time with brothers Shane ('13) and Brendon ('20).

Class of 2016

Tyler Zahurak spends time with his family including his mom Heather ('97).

Class of 2023

The McConnell girls came home for Christmas to spend time with family. That's Sara and Ava ('24).


If you know an alum who doesn't get the newsletter and would like to receive it, send us their email address, and we will add them to the distribution list.

Thanks to Shannon Zeis Wishart ('01), Joe Geiger (‘76), Medio Moni ('75), Tony Grego ('02), Al Young ('67), Gina Covelli Brandt ('05), Ray Vinson (‘54), Boats Gabos ('65), Mike Herman ('75), Carmen DiGiacomo ('59), and Jim Eberz ('64) for sending information and pictures to us.


If you have news/photos you want to share with classmates, send them to alumni news.


ALL reunion updates will ALSO be available on the school's website, northcatholic.org or by clicking here!

Want to make sure you get the details for your class reunion?  

Update your contact information HERE!

Reunion News

NC Class of 1965

Planning has begun on the 60th class reunion. Bob Colbert will be leading the committee. Like the 50th reunion, the party will be held at North Catholic on Saturday, June 7, 2025, which marks the date of graduation back in '65. Bob wants you to save that date and look for more information here as details become available. If you are interested in helping with any of the details, you can contact Bob at bobcolbert@comcast.net.

NC Class of 1966

If you want a comprehensive resource organizing any reunion especially a 50th: 

           Go to YouTube on any browser

           Put “North Catholic Reunion Book” on Search bar.

Slides are shown on a 7 second interval automatically or you can scan forward using the scanning bar on the lower left, Bob Gierl can help and is available at robertcgierl@gmail.com.

Bob Gierl says the 60th class reunion will be October 15, 2025!


NC Class of 1975

Under the direction of Medio Monti plans are under way for the 50th class reunion. No real details yet, but watch this space for information in the coming months.

NC Class of 1999

There may be plans in the works for a 25 year reunion. We will share details when we hear more.

As we enter 2025, classes begin to plan reunions: 2015-10 year, 2005-20 year, 1995-30 year, 1985-40 year. If your class is planning a reunion let us know. Amber Morrison, Director of Alumni and Development can provide class rosters and other services. Contact her for help.

Scholarship News

Class of 1959 Scholarship

The NCHS Class of 1959 Scholarship Fund has awarded $5,200 Scholarships for the 2024-25 School Year to Mary Taggart-Snyder, Kennedy Brown, and Evan Stanton.

The Fund has awarded scholarships totaling $119,200 to fourteen recipients since the inception of the Fund. Contributions to the Fund can be made at any time and should be sent to the North Catholic Foundation, North Catholic High School, ATTN: Class of 1959 Scholarship Fund, 1617 Route 228, Cranberry Township, PA 16066.

If you would like more information about the Fund, please contact Joe Blitzko(joeyblitz@aol.com), Dick Halleran (rhalleran@verizon.net), or Mike Conroy (conroy1603@gmail.com).

From l to r: Dick Halleran, Mary Taggart-Snyder, Mike Conroy and Joe Blitzko on computer screen.

From l to r: Dick Halleran, Kennedy Brown, Mike Conroy and Joe Blitzko on computer screen.

From l to r: Dick Halleran, Evan Stanton, Mike Conroy and Joe Blitzko on computer screen.

Military Legacy Scholarship

North Catholic has a Military Legacy Scholarship in honor of all alumni who have served in our nation’s military forces. The goal is to provide a $1,000.00 scholarship annually. To date, over $30,000 has been raised to fund this annual scholarship. The scholarship is awarded annually to the student provided certain benchmarks are met.

Every 4 years (or sooner) it is awarded to an incoming 9th grade student. This year’s recipient is freshman Gunner Kopriva.

If you wish, you may make a contribution in someone's honor/memory. Donations can be made by sending checks payable to North Catholic, write "North Catholic Military Scholarship" in the memo, and mail to: 

North Catholic High School

1617 Route 228

Cranberry Township, PA 16066

ATTN: Development Office

A kiosk with the names of all alumni who have served in the military stands in the main hallway of the school. Thank you for your service.

Class of 1965 Legacy Scholarship

The Legacy Scholarship was set up as part of our 50th class reunion by Dan Wolovich and Wayne Young and has been under the direction of Bob Colbert and Walt Quinn for the past few years. As we prepare for out 60th reunion we are hoping to increase this amount twofold.

The scholarship has helped students with the ever increasing cost of Catholic education. When we were at North, almost all of the tuition was paid by our parishes (remember having to face your pastor as he reviewed your report card?) Now the cost of tuition has fallen completely on the parents. Tuition for the upcoming school year is $15,850.

In order to help parents provide the great education that we received all those years ago, we need more of our classmates to step up and help keep our legacy scholarship fund growing. No contribution is too small. Big Shout Out to classmates, JOCKO ILCISIN and ART MURPHY for their recent contributions. Classmates Joe McKelvey and Bill Gubanic as well as many others continue to make contributions periodically through out the year. Other classmates have continued to make small monthly contributions by setting up a monthly credit card donation (read $10 to $25). The great thing about that is it's painless and adds to the scholarship fund which continues to grow. As of the beginning of November there is over $50,000 in our endowment.

We are happy to announce that this year's Legacy Scholarships for this school year have been awarded to junior MADISON SERETTI. Madison is an honors roll student with a GPA of 3.9 and is the daughter of NC alum, Leslie Filip ('89) She is active in the school's drama department. Senior DONNIE SCHUBERT is a basketball player and also made the high honor roll with a 3.9 GPA.  

As we begin planning for our 60th class reunion, we are looking for classmates to step up and make a contribution to the scholarship fund.

That's our scholarship awardees along with Bob Colbert and Walt Quinn. Other scholarship trustees, Dan Wolovich, Wayne Young, Roy Kim, Tony DiPasquale, and Art Murphy were unable to be there for the photo.

Consider making a donation to the fund today!

You can send your check to the school with a notation that it's for the '65 scholarship fund; or If you would like to contribute a small monthly amount via your credit card, contact Amber Nicotra Morrison to set it up.

If you have questions about our efforts, feel free to contact Bob Colbert (bobcolbert@comcast.net) or Walt Quinn (quinn.walter@comcast.net)

Special Shoutout

John Mikulan is also donating 20% of the royalties from his book, The Bark of the Day to the fund.

Class of 1966 Scholarship

The Class of ’66, is proud to announce the selection of their third scholarship recipient, Maddie Stillwagon ('28), Dom Dixon ('27) and Andrew Scears ('26) were selected by the committee, under the leadership of Tom Balestreire. The committee is well on its way to funding its goal of $150,000 for the Class of ’66 Scholarship Fund. The Fund will be administered by the Class in conjunction with the school. We, Tom Maier, Jim Beran, Hank Marziale, Paul Ladish, and Bob Gierl have contacted many, but if you or someone you know is wishing to be included, contact Tommy, 404.358.4864, text or call.

Some members of the committee just met with the student recipients.

Front row: Maddie Stillwagon, Drew Scears, Dom Dixson

Back Row: Tom Maier, Hank Marziale and Jim Beran 

Kathy Monti Memorial Scholarship

Special thanks to all who donated to the Kathy Hickey Monti (’75) Award. Each year the award is presented to a young woman who possesses the same leadership qualities that Kathy demonstrated in her life.   Congratulations to recipients Ava Walker (4.1 GPA), Sara Loughry (4.0 GPA) and Joleen Condle (4.7 GPA).  If you'd like to donate, please click here or checks can be sent payable to North Catholic

with "Kathy Monti Scholarship Fund" in the Memo and mailed to North

Catholic High School, 1617 Route 228, Cranberry Township, PA 16066.

NC Class of 1953 Scholarship

Thank you to all who have donated to the North Catholic Class of 1953 Scholarship Fund.  More than $31,000 has been raised thus far. 

The class is pleased to announce this year’s freshman recipient is Angelo Vissari. Angelo is the third recipient of the scholarship. He joins sophomore Gianna Fuller who was selected last year to receive the four-year scholarship.  Good luck to both students as they begin this academic year.

The Fund was proposed by Reg Urschler in the Spring of 2021, and

an ad hoc committee was established, comprised of Reg, Charley Goetz, Bob Muth,

and Vince Brogan.

The ad hoc committee urges all classmates to make new or

continuing contributions to the Fund. Checks should be made payable to the

“NC Class of 1953 Scholarship Fund” and sent to the attention of: Amber

MorrisonNorth Catholic High School, 1617 Route 228Cranberry

Township, Pa 16066.

How fortunate we were to have had the benefit of the education

afforded us. What a wonderful opportunity this provides to all of us and the

remaining families to "invest" in a "guaranteed return on that

investment" by providing a similar opportunity to current students'


Richard “Dick” Scherer (NC ’53) Scholarship 

To all ’53 grads and alumni who knew Dick Scherer (NC ’53) and participated with him in the many activities while at North, particularly football.

A scholarship in Dick’s name has been established. There is solid “start” to fulfill the $100,000 (goal) scholarship (supplemental funds) for a perpetual, self-sustaining effort to recognize Dick for his many contributions to our Alma Mater.

Dick was the type of student who epitomized the standards of those who wish to excel in scholastics, as well as athletics.  Details on criteria are still being established.  

Contributions can be made online here HERE or mailed to North Catholic, 1617 Route 228, Cranberry Township, PA 16066, ATTN: Development Office.

Military Alumni

Thanks to many of you, our list of alumni who have served in our nation's military services has grown to almost 1,500. We thank all of you who have taken the time to help us with this endeavor. If you know of someone who should be on the list, please let us know. We will always appreciate your efforts to help us update this honor roll of our alumni.

To view our Military page on the school’s website, please click here.

Additionally, a kiosk listing the names of all alumni who have served in the military stands in the main hallway of the school.

Thank you to all of our alumni for their service to our country!

News From North

School News

Students in Mrs. Bucci's 2D Drawing and Paint class created these continuous line drawings. The drawing is created by keeping the pencil in contact with the paper for the duration of the exercise. Students finished their drawings with marker and watercolor.


Students in Mrs Miller's chemistry classes took a creative approach to studying by playing Battleship on the periodic table to review electron configurations.



The NC Invitational ran unbelievably smoothly. Thanks to all of the parents, teachers, alumni, friends, and students who made this happen. The 50th will go down in the books as one of the best ever!

Congratulations to the following students for their performances:


Parlimentary Debate - finishing in the top half at their first attempt (2-2 record) - Matt Kisiday & Sam Funk

Pro-Con Challenge - Abigail Shah, 4th; Teresa Kedzierski, 1st

Storytelling - Katie Hardy, 6th; Hannah Parker, 3rd

Duo Interpretation - Jack Davison & Ava Sparacino, 3rd

Sweepstakes - Large School Sweeps, 5th


Duo Interpretation - Jack Davison & Ava Sparacino, 2nd

Poetry - Abby Brown, 3rd; Hannah Parker 2nd

Pro-Con Challenge - Drew Scears, 5th; Teresa Kedzierski, 2nd

Storytelling - Christopher Ramaley, 6th; Teresa Kedzierski, 3rd

(With this competition, Abby Brown and Hannah Parker have won the 3 required bids and will be going to the State Tournament in March, AND they have won the first bid for competing in the University of Kentucky Tournament of Champions in March and in April)


Trojan Sports

Athletes of the Month

With fall sports winding down and winter sports just starting there were a limited number of athletes of the week in December.


Trojan players Ryker Kennedy, Joey Felitsky and Roman Sylvester were named to the all conference team. Sylvester was named as both an offensive lineman and a defensive lineman, Felitsky was the quarterback, and Kennedy was the wide receiver. Roman Sylvester was the conference lineman of the year.



The Trojan iceman are 8-2-0 after a 2-1 shootout win over Indiana.

Boys Basketball

The Trojans opened section play by defeating Valley 86-38. Jason Frederick's 23 points led the team while Joe Waskiewicz added 19.

The Trojans played in the Boardwalk Classic in New Jersey over Christmas break and defeated Strath-Haven 54-34 in the semifinals and won the championship by defeating Hatboro-Horsham 75-34.


Girls Basketball

The #1 ranked Trojanettes opened section play by defeating arch rival Oakland Catholic 42-34. Sam Weir led the scoring with 19. Sarah Loughry's 13 points led the Trojanettes in their second section win, a victory over Valley 74-29.

During the break the Trojanettes won the North Allegheny Tournament by defeating defending 6A champion Norwin. The team is 7-2 as plat resumes after the break.

Here's a PG article about coach Rottman's young squad.



Victor Wagner defeated Declan Boyles from Central and then defeated Alex Medlen Of Beth Center to medal in the Southmoreland Holiday Classic.


You can follow the teams and enjoy the sports podcasts by visiting the website northcatholicathletics.org


Planned Giving

Planned giving is a wonderful way to prepare for the day we depart this life and enter into God's kingdom. By planning ahead, you can provide opportunities to young men and women by supporting North Catholic. Planned giving allows us to help continue the work of Christ and pass on our traditions and Catholic Marianist values. Gifts can be specified in one's will as either a dollar amount of a stated percentage of one's estate. A growing number of alumni have taken this step and discovered a great sense of joy and satisfaction that they are helping families. If you are interested in finding out more, please click here or contact Amber Nicotra Morrison in the Development Office at amorrison@northcatholic.org.


For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  

Luke 12:34

Donating Made Easy

Online giving to North Catholic is fast, secure and easy! 
Because tuition alone does not fully cover the cost of educating our students, we are grateful for every gift made to the Annual Fund, Capital Campaign, Scholarships and various fundraisers. Every gift benefits our students and stays at North Catholic. 
Please accept our deepest gratitude on behalf of the young men and women who will benefit most from your generosity. 

EVERY gift stays at North Catholic. 

To make a donation please click here
To make a donation from your DONOR ADVISED FUND please click here

EITC Contributions


Taxpayers can opt to have 90% of their tax liability given to North Catholic High School or the private school of their choice through the EITC (Educational Improvement Tax Credit) Program. Funds directed to North Catholic from this program directly support scholarships for students. 


The Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and the Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) are two programs that can make it possible for many students to receive a Catholic education.

Interested in more information?

Contact Amber Morrison at amorrison@northcatholic.org or

by calling (412) 321-4823.

Watch this short video to learn more how easy it really is!

Click here to watch the short video!

Many thanks to our generous EITC contributors:












Keep in Touch

With over 15,000 graduates world-wide, we strive to spread as much news as we can! If you have personal news, accomplishments, ideas about topics, articles, stories or alumni profiles for our newsletter, please reach out to Newsletter Editor Walter Quinn, NC '65 at wquinn@northcatholic.org or share them with us at alumni@northcatholic.org.



 North Catholic High School

1617 Route 228 

Cranberry Township, PA 16066

Thank you for your continued support!