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Help us make the monthly messages even better. We would love to know what links from this email or past months you plan to visit and potentially use with your families/students. Thank you!

The month of January brings about a time of setting goals for the new year. As a service provider, iSOSY has you covered with planning resources to help you reach your instructional goals for the new year. Take some time this month to check out the different tools available to assist you in all stages of student interaction.

You can help your students break down their goals into manageable steps so those goals can become attainable by accessing the Goal Setting resources on the iSOSY website. The resources include service provider training that offers a PowerPoint and scenarios that can help all of us feel more confident in our ability to provide goal setting workshops to the students we serve.

January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month

Human Trafficking continues to be an important topic in the U.S. You can learn more about it by visiting the U.S. State Department site HERE.

You can also find downloadable resources such as pocket-sized trafficking hotline cards and flyers HERE.

Teaching your students the international hand signal of distress could help save a life. Check out the visual above and practice the signal with your students. Talk about what to do in the event they see someone making this hand signal.

If you or someone you know is a victim of human trafficking, please call The National Human Trafficking Hotline:

● 1-888-373-7888

● SMS: 233733 (Text “HELP” or “INFO”)

● Hours: 24 hours, 7 days a week

● Languages: English, Spanish, and 200 more languages

● Website:

Listen to the recording of our Resilience Module 4 HERE!

Need more ideas?

Check out 21 Ways to Celebrate Mental Wellness Month.

January is also Mental Wellness Month - highlighting the importance of integrating both emotional/mental and physical health. Mental health is just as important as physical health!

iSOSY’s Personal Wellness Training Package has a wonderful unit on Resilience. To improve mental health and wellness, learning skills that increase resilience is important to create a life in which you can grow and improve even in the midst of challenges. The foundational principles of resilience - relationships, self-care, self-awareness, purpose, and mindfulness - offer opportunity for personal growth.