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League Calendar

Observer Reports

 RF Park District

Triton College Special Board Mtg.
January 2016
From the President
Dear Members,
Happy New Year! As a new year starts, I wanted to share the good news that we had 19 new members join us in 2015.  All of our hard work with new programs, member recruitment, and enhanced communication has paid off.   Congratulations everyone!

I hope that you all have your calendars marked for our Member Coffee on Saturday, January 23.  This event is for new, prospective, and current members. As a League supporter, this is a timely event to learn how we make a difference in our community. Please read more about the Member Coffee in the article below.

Though January can be a cruel month temperature wise, I hope you can join us at one of our monthly programs.  Great topics, good locations, and congenial colleagues.  What more could you ask for?
Finally, you will notice we have three new pictures in the header.  Thank you Marilyn Fitschen for supplying the library photos for our newsletter.

Peggy Kell

Monthly Programs
Second Tuesday
On Tuesday, January 12, from 9:30-11:00am, John Williams, Oak Park Township Youth Services Coordinator, will be discussing and answering questions on gang formation at The Nineteenth Century Club, located at 178 Forest Ave., Oak Park.   Please join us for this free presentation. Bring a friend to share in the discussion!
And if you missed the December program, click here for the recap. 

Drinks & Dialogue
On January 20, at Doc Ryan's, Forest Park,  Amy Starin, Director of the Parenthesis Family Center, will be talking about their early childhood programs.  From 5:30-7:00 pm, members and their guests, can enjoy refreshments and learning about this community resource.  Doc Ryan's is located at 7432 W. Madison, Forest Park.  See you there! 

Member Coffee
Are you a new member of our League but not sure what we do?  Have you been a League member for years but would like to hear more about our successes? Then join us on  Saturday, January 23, 2016, to attend a new, prospective and current member coffee, "Making a Difference in the Community".  You will hear from Pauline Koch on the results from our Triton College Study and Diane Moses on what is so important about our Advocacy Committee.  We will meet at the Township Senior Service Room, 130 S. Oak Park Ave, Oak Park, from 10:00 am - Noon.  Coffee and light refreshments will be served.  The Membership Committee will schedule more of these informal, informational coffees in the upcoming year. For more information contact  Marilyn Cantisano
marilyncantisano@gmail.com  or Donalda Ellek

Holiday Social  Redux
Kathy Balk, Beverly and Keith Graham
Thanks to Kathy Balk and Beverly Graham for organizing this year's Holiday Social.  What a wonderful December night of socializing with members while enjoying the great food of Maya Del Sol.  We hope you had time to stop by and join in the fun.  Thank you Sarah Shirk for supplying the photos.

M. Cantisano, L. Bauer, A. Rudner       J. Petertil

Great Decisions 2016
Briefing books for the 2016 Great Decisions discussion groups should arrive in early January.  If you would like to get your copy at the Member Coffee on January 23, contact Jean Peterman jeanpeterman@gmail.com or Carolyn DeCoursey  cgdecoursey@yahoo.com. Please make checks to LWVOPRF in the amount of $22.00.  Cl ick her for the new discussion topics and dates/times of meetings.
Election Judge Recruitment
The Cook County Clerk's office is looking for community members to work as suburban poll workers for the March 15, 2016 Presidential Primary. It's an unique opportunity to get paid for serving voters and supporting local democracy.  Poll workers are paid $175 or $325 based on the position they choose.  Bilingual judges are always needed.  
Visit  cookcountyclerk.com/judges or call 312-603-0965 to learn more and submit an application.   Poll Worker Flyer

LWVIL Issues Briefing
Mark your calendars now for the 2016 LWVIL Issues Briefing.  On Saturday, February 26, the tentative agenda will include plenaries on Gun Violence Prevention and the Outlook for Criminal Justice Reform.  There will also be workshops on Redistricting, Illinois Clean Jobs Bill, Illinois Vision 20/20, America's Watershed Initiative, Mental Health in Prisons, and What to do about 6900 Units of Government. The briefing will once again be held at University Center, 525 South State Street, Chicago, starting at 10:00 am. Registration will begin on January 5, 2016. Registration forms can be found on the LWVIL website  lwvil.org.

League of Women Voters of Oak Park & River Forest | | (708) 342-0803
  lwvoprf@sbcglobal.net | http://lwvoprf.org
P.O. Box 3301
Oak Park, IL 60303-3301