Dear Members,
Happy New Year! As a new year starts, I wanted to share the good news that we had 19 new members join us in 2015. All of our hard work with new programs, member recruitment, and enhanced communication has paid off. Congratulations everyone!
I hope that you all have your calendars marked for our Member Coffee on Saturday, January 23. This event is for new, prospective, and current members. As a League supporter, this is a timely event to learn how we make a difference in our community. Please read more about the Member Coffee in the article below.
Though January can be a cruel month temperature wise, I hope you can join us at one of our monthly programs. Great topics, good locations, and congenial colleagues. What more could you ask for?
Finally, you will notice we have three new pictures in the header. Thank you Marilyn Fitschen for supplying the library photos for our newsletter.
Peggy Kell