Quick Calendar for

January 8 - February 5

Jan 10 - OrH, Freylekh Friday

Jan 12 - Adath Shalom, The History of Berlin's Jewish Community

Jan 15 - PJ Library Babies and Bagels at Keepin' it Vegan

Jan 15 - OJCS, A Taste of Middle School

Jan 17 - Temple Israel, Coffee House

Jan 19 - Temple Israel, Books and Bagels

Jan 19 - PJ Library at Rink of Dreams

Jan 23 - Jewish Presence in the Yukon

Jan 25 - JET Ottawa, Gatineau Family Havdallah

Jan 26 - Adath Shalom, History of Temple Mount or Noble Sanctuary

Jan 26 - PJOW, tween club first session

Jan 26 - SJCC, Yossi Gavni Stand Up Comedy

Jan 27 - International Holocaust Remembrance Day

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Coming soon! Jew Hate and its Assault on Canadian Values

February 9, 7 pm

The Jewish Federation of Ottawa invites you to a thought-provoking evening with Professor Gil Troy, an award-winning historian and leading scholar in Zionist thought. Professor Troy will examine the rise of antisemitism and its impact on Canadian values, drawing from his new book To Resist the Academic Intifada: Letters to My Students on Defending the Zionist Dream which will be on sale at the event. More information including RSVP details, will be shared soon. Stay tuned!

Contact: Jodi Green at jgreen@jewishottawa.com

PJ Library

Babies & Bagels at Keepin' it Vegan January 15

10 am - 12:30 pm

Join us for a delightful morning of community and connection as we ring in a healthy 2025! Along with tasty vegan treats, meaningful conversation and activities for parents and their little ones, we are happy to welcome a pediatric nurse from CHEO! Kosher bakery. Parking on site. Play area & snacks provided for babies.

Keepin' it Vegan offers one free small drip coffee with purchase of a pastry and a promo card with a 10% discount on one item on their next purchase. Location: 3 Chartwell Ave. Contact: Eriel Ben-Gal at eben-gal@jewishottawa.com

Register here

Rink of Dreams: Skating into a Winter Wonderland!

January 19

2 - 4 pm

Join us for a magical family skating event filled with fun, stories, and warm treats! Bring your skates or rent onsite; cost to rent is $20 for one and a half hours.

Indoor paid parking at City Hall. Free event.

Register here

City Hall - Rink of Dreams, 110 Laurier Avenue West

Contact Eriel Ben-Gal at eben-gal@jewishottawa.com

PJ Our Way

January 26

1 - 2:30 pm

Tweens will enjoy this monthly club (January to April) exclusively for PJ Library graduates 9-12 yrs old. Each 1.5 hour session will be filled with fun activities, interesting discussions and interactions with other Jewish tweens. The first session will focus on the stained glass work of artist Marc Chagall. Free - snacks and drinks included.

Greenberg Families Library, 21 Nadolny Sachs Pvt. Contact Eriel at eben-gal@jewishottawa.com

Register here

Community Events in alphabetical order by organization name

Adath Shalom Congregation

January 12

The History of Berlin's Jewish Community

11 am - 12:30 pm

Adult Education event on ZOOM. Olga Bokhonovskaya discusses the fascinating history of Berlin's Jewish community from the early settlers to modern times. Illustrations will include a central neighbourhood once dominated by Jews, the oldest Jewish cemetery, the imposing New Berlin Synagogue, and the mansion that belonged to the chief financier of a King of Prussia.

Register with event title to: psadler@psadler.com

The History of a Highly Contested Space: Temple Mount or Noble Sanctuary

January 26

Adult Education event on ZOOM. This Jerusalem site sacred to both Jews and Muslims has long been a flashpoint for ongoing wars. Professor Shawna Dolansky will review this site's religious and political history in order to better understand its centrality as a rallying cry in Jerusalem's fraught landscape of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Register with event title to: psadler@psadler.com

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

January 27

11 am - 1 pm

This day honors the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi concentration and death camp, where more than one million innocent people were systematically murdered during the Second World War. The event will be live-streamed and part of the national campaign “WE REMEMBER”. All are welcome. Outdoor event so please dress appropriately. Paid indoor parking is available at the Canadian War Museum or on surrounding streets.

Location: Holocaust Monument, 1918 Chaudiere Crossing, across from The Canadian War Museum.

Partners: Jewish Federation of Ottawa; B'nai Brith, CIJA, Embassies of Israel and Poland, Government of Canada, CHES

Contact Annette Wildgoose at aw.goosie0@gmail.com

JET Ottawa

Gatineau Family Havdallah

January 25

Experience the conclusion of Shabbos with your family and community. This beautiful Jewish tradition is more powerful when it's done together. Come and hang out with other Gatineau families over wine/grape juice and cheese.

Contact Michael Altonaga at rabbia@jetottawa.ca

Register here

Ottawa Jewish Community School

A Taste of Middle School

January 15

6:30 - 8:30 pm

Discover why so many Ottawa Jewish families have recently chosen OJCS for their children. Speak with our Head of School, Dr. Jon Mitzmacher, meet our Middle School teachers and learn how your child would benefit from an OJCS education. Bring your questions! We can't wait to share #TheOJCSDifference with you.

RSVP by Jan. 10 to Jennifer at j.greenberg@theojcs.ca

31 Nadolny Sachs Pvt.

Ottawa Jewish Historical Society Jewish Presence in the Yukon

January 23

7 - 8 pm

Ottawa native Rick Karp and his wife moved to Whitehorse in 1985. Rick worked with the Jewish community there to find, restore, and rededicate the Jewish Cemetery in Dawson City, which was created in 1902. Rick has written four books, and participated in the publication the Jewish Presence in the Yukon, Before, During and After the Klondike Gold Rush.

Register by email to ojhsoc@gmail.com

Contact Teigan Goldsmith at 613-798-9818 x264

Or Haneshamah Ottawa's Reconstructionist Community

January 10

Freylekh Friday|

Join this monthly, multigenerational Shabbat evening that includes a guest speaker ready to spark discussion and introduce new ideas to mull over all weekend!

5:30 pm - family-friendly Teddy Bear Shabbat Register here

6:30 pm - potluck dinner,

7 pm - Musical Kabbalat 

8:15 pm - Adam Chisvin will speak on Seniors and Scammers (also on Zoom) Register here.

30 Cleary Ave.

Soloway JCC

Yossi Gavni Stand Up Comedy - New Show!

January 26

7 - 9 pm

Known for his sharp wit and hilarious take on everyday life, Yossi's previous show was a complete success, drawing a large and enthusiastic crowd. This time, he's bringing a fresh set of jokes, stories, and humor that are sure to leave you in stitches.

Sponsored by: Vered Israel Cultural and Education Centre

Tickets Contact Ella Dagan edagan@jccottawa.com

Temple Israel

Coffee House

January 17

7 - 9 pm

Steve Mendelsohn - testimonial to his service in the Developing World.

Contact Raquel Black at execdir@templeisraelottawa.com

1301 Prince of Wales Dr.

Books and Bagels

January 19

10 am - 11:30 am

The Phoenix Bride by Natasha Siegel will be reviewed by Carlie McPherson. This novel is a passionate tale of plague, fire, and forbidden love in 17th-century London from the acclaimed author of Solomon's Crown.

Zoom Link

Contact Lily Cox at lilycox@bell.net

Please submit your events and virtual events

to our website Community Calendar

no later than January 31 at noon for the

February issue on Wednesday, February 5.

E-News will be on or near the first Wednesday of every month.

For community organizations wishing to be included in our E-News, please do so by visiting our website's Community Calendar and "Suggest an event" at the top right. We will do our best to make sure that your event is included. The latest E-news link is available on our home page here.

We reserve the right to edit for space or suitability.

Info: Pauline Colwin at pcolwin@jewishottawa.com

or 613-798-4696 x255.

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