Newsletter -January 2025

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Happy New Year !

Newsletter Highlights

Commissioners respond to LWVCC request for more transparency at Board Meetings.

Municipal Elections in February and April

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

Margaret Mead

LWVCC Interest Groups

All Local League members are invited to participate in these meetings

Criminal Justice Tues., Feb 4, 9 am via Zoom

Contact Jan Goldberg

Forest Preserve Thurs., Feb 6, 8:30 am via Zoom


Budget & Structure Tues., Jan 21, 10 am via Zoom


LWVCC Interest Groups keep members informed about important activities of our local government.

Budget & Structure Interest Group

We Learn, We Report, We Make a Difference

Cook County Board Adds to Its Transparency


Responding to an issue raised by the Cook County League’s Budget & Structure Group, Cook County Commissioner Bridget Degnen (12th Dist.) submitted a proposed change to the Board’s Rules, which was adopted by the entire Board on December 19, 2024. Under this change, any report or other documents that are to accompany an agenda item for a Board or Committee meeting is to be filed with that item, but in any case, no later than 48 hours prior to when the meeting is to occur. If the report or document is not timely filed, the item must be withdrawn, deferred, or, in the case of a Board item, referred to a Committee for subsequent action. Another Board rule already requires that such material, when filed, is to be posted on the County’s online “Legistar” system for the public to see.


The League sent letters of support to the Commissioners for the proposed Rules change, which included a thank-you to Commissioner Degnen for sponsoring the proposal.


To read more about this and other action that took place in December, read the Cook County Board Observer Reports on the League’s web site. 

Metropolitan Water Reclamation District News


At it's December 19 Board meeting, Commissioners passed six Legislative Priorities for 2025. Two priorities are important to the League:


1) MWRD will be asking legislators to amend the IL Environmental Protection Act to ensure that wastewater reuse can be utilized for industrial purposes which is a step towards encouraging the industrial reuse of treated municipal wastewater from publicly owned treatment works.


2) Also, amend the act to create a statewide PFAS Trust Fund to reimburse publicly owned treatment works, including drinking water utilities and the MWRD for all PFAS direct and indirect costs. Several commissioners have been calling for this action (funded by manufacturers) for the last three years. 


 LWVCC will be following the movement of these two issues in the IL General Assembly and keep you posted. We will also monitor and report on increased stormwater/flooding projects as the MWRD deals with the effects of climate change and infrastructure aging in the county and surrounding areas.


Voting News

Spring Municipal Elections

Key Dates for 2025 Suburban Cook Elections

While Chicago has no elections in 2025, there will be many local elections in Suburban Cook County. Some towns will have primaries on February 25, and many more will just have the April 1 election. The following key dates are posted on the Cook County Clerk's Web Site:

Feb. 25 Primary

These towns will have primaries:

     City of Berwyn (Nonpartisan),

     City of Calumet City (Democratic), Town of Cicero (Nonpartisan)

     Village of Dolton (Democratic)

     Village of Lynwood (Democratic)

     Village of Riverdale (Democratic)

Important Dates

 1/28/2025 Voter registration closes for deputy registrars and local election officials

1/29/2025 Early voting begins at 69 W. Washington and Courthouses

 2/9/2025 Last day to register to vote by online application

 2/10/2025 Early voting expands to additional locations

 2/20/2025 Last day to request a vote-by-mail ballot, including military and overseas voters

 2/24/2025 Last day of early voting 

 2/25/2025 Last day vote-by-mail ballots can be postmarked

 2/25/2024 Election Day

April 1 Election

Important Dates

3/4/2025 Voter registration closes for deputy registrars and local election officials

3/5/2005 Early voting begins at 69 W, Washington and Courthouses

3/16/2025 Last day to register to vote by online application

 3/17/2025 Early voting expands to additional locations

 3/27/2025 Last day to request a vote-by-mail ballot, including military and overseas voters

 3/31/2025 Last day of early voting 

 4/1/2025 Last day vote-by-mail ballots can be postmarked

 4/1/2025 Election Day

Forest Preserve Interest Group News

Nature is our Business

  • The Cook County Forest Preserves' 5 year plan, includes $55 million in projected spending for 2025 primarily for rehabilitation and renewal of existing trails and facilities - some enhancements are: 
  • Enhancements to the Des Plaines River trail
  • Des Plaines River canoe and kayak access at Maywood Grove
  • Repaving the 2.7 mile Midlothian Meadow loop trail
  • Structural repairs of limestone shelters at Harms Woods
  • New restroom facilities at Beaubien Woods Boat launch
  • Bridge repairs at Chick Evans and Edgebrook golf courses
  • The Forest Preserves have also updated their recycling ordinance to reflect sustainable purchasing which includes decreases in plastic purchasing and use.

Forest Preserves are a reason to be grateful 

Published as a Letter to the Editor in Daily Herald Jan 6, 2025

Submitted by Laura Davis, LWVCC Forest Preserve Interest Group Chair, on behalf of herself.

Those of us who live in Cook County have benefited from a superb example of County Government. Fifteen years ago, President Toni Preckwinkle selected Arnold Randall to be the Superintendent of Cook County Forest Preserves. With a great team assembled by Superintendent Randall and short and long term planning with accountable goals, the Cook County Forest Preserves are now a crown jewel in Cook County.  

Based on the goals set, the Forest Preserves are being restored and expanded. Land recently acquired has now contributed to over 70,000 acres protected in the Cook County Forest Preserves. Ongoing restoration has contributed to removal of invasive species and allowed native plants to thrive. 

Our native plants support birds, bees and a wealth of insects and other living things, including over 100 threatened and endangered species. The restoration is being ramped up from 15,000 to 30,000 acres. This is monumental in supporting biodiversity, filtering the air and decreasing greenhouse gases, capturing and cleaning water, all while offering a lovely place to get outdoors and enjoy the trails.

The Cook County Forest Preserves did so much with so little for so long. Now with the little extra money from the 2022 referendum, the Forest Preserves can pay for restroom and trail improvements, parking lots and driveway repairs, in addition to many other needed capital improvements. 

Many people in the greater Chicagoland area see the value in open space protection and restoration as is evident by the recent passage of all the surrounding counties forest preserve districts property tax or bond requests. 

We all benefit from a healthier environment, clean air, protection of biodiversity, and water capture and filter. For this treasured land and healthy forests, supported by great forest management and committed volunteers working on restoration, I am very grateful and look forward to my next walk in the woods. 

If you want to join our team, contact Laura Davis

Next team meeting is Thursday, February 6, 2025 - 8:30am on zoom 

Criminal Justice Interest Group

  • The Criminal Justice Interest Group was encouraged to hear that there is preliminary planning to combine the two separate Electronic Monitoring programs in Cook County hopefully by this April, 2025. We have long advocated for this to happen because the Sheriff's program has always been more restrictive than that of the Chief Judge. Equity between the two programs has long been one of our recommendations.

  • The reports out of Loyola University continue to show that the SAFE-T Act has not increased crime or increased the failure to appear in court. Pre-Trial hearings are longer, with more evidence presented. Money spent on bail can now be kept in the community.

  • A new report by the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority stated that domestic violence detentions have gone up since the passage of the SAFE-T Act.

  • The Group is planning on interviewing the new State's Attorney in Cook County, Eileen Burke.

  • Our next regular meeting will be on Feb. 4, 2025 9 am via zoom.

  • The next book discussion will be Feb. 21, 2025 at 9 am via zoom. The book is "Framed" by John Grisham. It is a non-fiction book about 10 cases of wrongful conviction.

  • To participate in these meetings, please contact Jan Goldberg

LWVCC observes and reports on board and committee meetings of Cook County government entities to provide our members with an understanding of current issues. To read more: LWVCC Observer Reports

Local League Upcoming Events

Thursday, January 16, 6:30 pm In person

LWV Oak Park River Forest

Drinks & Dialogue

Speaker: Dr. Greg Johnson, Superintendent of Oak Park River Forest High School

Friendly Coffee Lounge

6733 Roosevelt Rd., Berwyn 

No Registration required.

Tuesday, January 28, 7pm In person and Virtual

LWV Palatine, Barrington, and Schaumburg

Election Update

Speaker: WGN TV Political Analyst Paul Lisnek

Schaumburg Public Library

130 S. Roselle Road, Schaumburg

Link to info/Registration Here

Monday, February 3, 5:30 pm In person and Virtual

LWV Chicago

Freedom Seekers and the Underground Railroad In Northern Illinois

Speaker: Dr. Larry McClellan

Regenstein Library Room 122

University of Chicago

1100 E. 57th Street, Chicago

Register Here

Saturday, February 8, 9:00AM–4:00PM, Attend virtually or in person


Issues Briefing 2025

Northern Illinois University Naperville Conference Center

1120 E Diehl Road, Naperville, IL 6056

Tickets are $25 for members

Register at:

Saturday, February 8, 10:00 am In person

LWV Palos Orland Area

Nature and Neighborhoods: The Impact of Park Districts

Speaker: Suzi Wirtz, Executive Director, Illinois Park and Recreation Association

Palos Heights Public Library

12501 S. 71st Ave, Palos Heights, IL

No registration required.

2024-2025 Cook County League Board Members 

OFFICERS: President: Cynthia Schilsky, LaGrange Area; Vice-Presidents: Pris Mims, Chicago, Kathi Graffam, LaGrange Area; Secretary: Carolyn Cosentino, Homewood/Flossmoor; Treasurer: Trudy Turner, Evanston.

Board membersVictoria Cerinich, Palos-Orland Park Area; Laura Davis, Palatine; Jan Goldberg, LaGrange Area ; Sue Gregory, Glenview-Glencoe; Betty Hayford, Evanston; Sandra Slayton, Homewood-Flossmoor


The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, political organization whose mission is to encourage informed and active participation in government; to increase understanding of major policy issues, and to influence public policy through education and advocacy. Membership in the League is open to anyone regardless of gender, race, or ethnic group.


League of Women Voters of Cook County

332 S. Michigan Ave. Suite 634, Chicago, IL 60604

312-939-5935 x127