January 1, 2019: Year 1; Edition 1
Hi, All ~

Happy New Year, and welcome to the official kick off of NOVA Open's 10th Anniversary Year. In 2018, the Hyatt sold out in a few short weeks. If you are a reader of this newsletter, as we mentioned two weeks ago, the hotel block is now OPEN! For those of you who thought waiting was a good plan last year, and ended up off site, BOOK TODAY! Remember, booking does not charge your credit card, it holds your room - and you can cancel 48 hours ahead of NOVA Open in August. Doubles sell out first. 

As is no surprise to our year-round staff or those volunteers who have been with us throughout the years, we have been in full swing since early fall:

  • Planning and Operations has been working with game and event Leads throughout December, and I can tell you that the 2019 slate will be awesome.  
  • Vendors are all contracted and locked in.  
  • Games Workshop is planning another Big Reveal on Wednesday night for the First 250 to register.
  • Amazing, talented seminar instructors and panels will offer tried and true classes, as well as new course material sure to please.  
  • If you're a fan of the Capital Palette, keep an eye on the newsletters for upcoming announcements about that competition.  
  • The Foundation Lounge will, once again, be in full swing Wednesday through the wee hours of Monday morning with a fun schedule of things to do.
  • The SuperNOVA program will continue this year with a select 50-bag Early Bird offer (more info below); 100 SuperNOVAs and 100 DwarfNOVAs go live March 1.
  • Food Trucks will be back
  • Surprises and New Side Activities will be rolled out and announced in April.
  • The list could go on and on!

The team is working hard to get the schedule of events to you as early as possible this year so that, when registration goes live in 2 months on March 1, you are ready with your NOVA Open plans. If you're in the area, think about signing up to join the NOVA Open volunteers with pre-con events. Whether you're near or far: If you know or run into a NOVA Open volunteer, please thank them . . . this great convention exists on their time, dedication and commitment. It would not happen without them! 

We wish everyone a year better than the last, healthy and prosperous, happy and fulfilling.

Season’s Greetings,
Mike Brandt, NOVA Open CEO
2019 Room Block Open! Book Early Block Sold Out Quickly in 2018!
The NOVA Open room rate is available for ten (10) nights this year. Book your trip to Washington D.C., as early as the Saturday before, and stay in town until the Tuesday after NOVA Open.

Turn your trip into a vacation - bring the family to this friendly convention. The room quality/rate being extended to our guests by the Hyatt is the best deal in the Metro DC area at that time of year. We encourage you to extend your stay. Visit the monuments on the Capitol Mall and tour the Smithsonian's museums. Hyatt shuttles and the Metro make it easy. Thanks for your interest in the NOVA Open, and we look forward to seeing you this year!
  • Entire Hyatt Event Space Reserved for the NOVA Open
  • Room Rates at $99 (single occupancy)
  • More double rooms available in the NOVA Open Block
  • Cell Reception Available in All Areas of Hotel
  • 50% off In-Room Wi-Fi
  • Free In-Room Wi-Fi for Gold Passport Members - Sign Up Today
  • 50% off Valet Parking
  • 20% off Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner at the Hotel Restaurant, Cinnabar - Show Your Convention Badge!
  • $4 Hyatt-Selected Beer for NOVA Open Guests THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE EVENT

Questions? Contact us: customerservice@novaopen.com  
The Hyatt Regency Crystal City
2799 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, VA, 22202
The SuperNOVA is the NOVA Open's answer to the Best Swag Bag Idea in tabletop wargaming. For past attendees, the SuperNOVA needs no introduction. If you've never seen or heard of a SuperNOVA, we think the most important piece of information we can give you is that these  150 bags sell out in seconds! One of the main reasons for its success is NOVA Open's partnership with  KR Multicase - since this "Swag Bag" is actually a CASE! 

The First Fifty SuperNOVA bags will be offered on February 15, 2019, to an exclusive list of past attendees. If you were a SuperNOVA at NOVA Open 2016, 2017, or 2018, you will be receiving an email from Marti Seraphin confirming your email address for this Early Bird option. If you don't receive an email from her by January 21, contact customerservice@novaopen.com.

Click the updated image below to learn more about why you want to be hovering the keyboard at  8:00pm EST on Thursday, March 1, 2019.
At NOVA Open, we like our Due Outs. These are lists of little tasks we need to complete each month. The NOVA Open's Board Game Team needs your help with the following Due Out:

NOVA Open would like to expand space and offer more board game events this year. In the past, the team planned a very limited schedule of events; for 2019, we hope to enter the March 1 launch with a large variety of games and tournaments that will spark broad interest by gamers in attending Board Game events. We're also thinking about building a NOVA Open Board Game Library with 100s of titles.


What Board Games would YOU like to play at NOVA Open 2019?

Please take 5 minutes to send us a list of the board games you would like to see in the library - and board games you would like to play in full tournament style at NOVA Open 2019.

Click HERE and keyboard your favorites into a speedy email sent right to our inbox.

We'd like to see hundreds of ideas before January 15. Your help is Super Appreciated.
NOVA Open extends its sincere appreciation to all those who volunteer in support of NOVA Open and the NOVA Open Charitable Foundation. These two organizations are looking for year-round volunteers with any interest in supporting their missions. 


If you enjoy the NOVA Open and being a part of the charitable work of NOCF - and you have the time and energy to put into year-round volunteering - please send us an email telling us a little about yourself and your experience with NOVA Open: customerservice@novaopen.com 

This is also a great opportunity for high school and college students and graduates. NOVA Open has a long history of providing internships to enhance college and job applications. Internships in the convention and event planning arena are hard to come by, and those with non-profits are very difficult to attain. If you have a son or daughter, family member or friend, who may be in need of an internship, send them our way using the customer service email above.

Everything you need to know about volunteering at the NOVA Open can be found on our website by clicking the button below.
NOVA Open is excited to announce that the following vendors have already locked in their booth space and will be returning for NOVA Open 2019:
All other interested vendors may now send an email expressing interest in vendor space to laurie.brandt@novaopen.com
Switch to AmazonSmile - Too Easy
The NOCF received hundreds of dollars this year from Amazon - with only a handful of tabletop wargamers identifying it as their charity of choice. Join today and it could be thousands!


We all shop Amazon, right? With a simple switch, select and click, every purchase you make will support the NOVA Open Charitable Foundation (NOCF).

AmazonSmile has made it easy. By choosing the NOVA Open Charitable Foundation as your preferred charity, a percentage of every purchase made goes straight to the NOCF!

Remember, only purchases at AmazonSmile, (not www.amazon.com or the mobile app,) support charity.  
Mike Brandt was recently on Forge the Narrative's podcast discussing his perspective as a player in a major 40K tournament.

You can listen to the podcast titled, What Will Win the Las Vegas Open, HERE.
The NOVA Open 2019 Seminar Team will be finalizing classes and schedules for NOVA Open in January. This would be a good time for you to share your thoughts, ideas or recommendations for seminars you would see offered this year. Send email to seminars@novaopen.com

If you are interested in teaching seminar/s at NOVA Open (or a multi-day workshop?), read through the information below and reach out to us with your course descriptions at the email address above.

For Profit vs. For Non-Profit
NOVA Open, LLC is a U.S. company in the business of funding its sister organization, a non-profit, NOVA Open Charitable Foundation (NOCF). As such, 100% of the people involved in the running of the two organizations are VOLUNTEERS. These are exceptional leaders and hobbyists (and their supportive friends and families) who have helped create this experience in order to grow the gaming community while directing financial support to global charities. 

NOVA Open’s support of, and expense coverage to, NOCF is one significant reason over $210,000 has been donated by the Foundation to charities (including DWB, BCRF, Fisher House) since its inception in 2013. The primary reason for this success can be traced to artistic donations, generosity of time-talent-treasure, parent company support and other hobby related outlets. The exclusive membership of these fundraising efforts is the world-wide tabletop wargaming community.

For this reason, the structure of its instructor packages may be somewhat different from other opportunities.

Why Teach at NOVA Open?
Beyond the charitable focus of NOVA Open, the convention extends compelling additional support to its instructors. NOVA Open offers significant transparent and traceable marketing power for instructors and their classes via a bi-weekly newsletter reaching thousands of unique hobbyists, as well as through its extensive social media outreach. As the premiere East Coast tabletop wargaming convention, instructors also have access to this geographical base along with a substantial European presence.  

NOVA Open provides each instructor with a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) which will outline the specific terms of their package to prevent any misunderstanding or failure of delivery. Instructor interviews are routinely requested by the marketing groups, as well. The MOA will be signed and executed by both parties.

NOVA Open's comfortable, carpeted seminar rooms are fully outfitted with a locker full of basic hobby supplies, and 55" mobile TV units with Hovercam Ultra 8 cameras. The instructor MOA also provides an addendum which lists each additional supply as requested and agreed to.

We always hope that, beyond the satisfaction an instructor experiences having brought a new group of NOVA Open attendees a great learning opportunity, he or she will also enjoy knowing that their time and talent supports the charitable efforts of the NOVA Open. In so doing, we all help NOCF on its mission to increase the visibility of tabletop wargamers worldwide through the donations made in the community’s name.

KR Multicase
Games Workshop
Fantasy Flight Games
Toledo Game Room
Steamforged Games
Corvus Belli
Atlantis Games and Comics
The Chance Cube
Secret Weapon Miniatures
Wyrd Miniatures
Powered Play Gaming
Crystal Brush
Firmer Terra
Stiff Neck Studios
Green Stuff World
The Army Painter
Privateer Press
Black Maria Designs
Mini Duels
Hampton Inn
Warlord Games
Forge World
Broken Egg Games
Florian Stitz
Victory Comics
Game Envy Creations
Anvil Eight Games
Printable Scenery
Tectonic Craft Studios
Crafted Storage
Andres Jimenez Design
Fallout Hobbies
Armor Class 10
TNT Laserworks
Epic Quest Master
Shadow's Edge Miniatures
Death Ray Designs
RMC Gaming
Breach Storm
Dad's Armies
Games and Gears
The Genesys Project
The Magnet Baron
Redgrass Games
Slugfest Games
Best Coast Pairings
White Metal Games
Firelock Games
Creature Caster