The First Sunday after the Epiphany

Sunday, January 12, 2025

8:00 AM The Holy Eucharist: Rite One

9:15 AM The Holy Eucharist: Rite Two

11:15 AM The Holy Eucharist: Rite Two

(also streamed - see below)

Nursery opens at 9AM.

Wednesday Worship

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

5:00 PM The Holy Eucharist: Rite Two

5:30 PM Family Dinner in Tucker Hall

6:15 PM Programming for all ages begins

11:15 AM Worship

Worship Bulletin

Estimate 2025 Giving


1/12/25 New Class: The Theology of Sacred Spaces begins at 10:30 AM in the MPR

1/17/25 Women's Retreat begins at Camp Capers

1/19/25 Annual Meeting follows the 10AM service in Tucker Hall

1/26/25 Youth Sunday at the 9:15 AM service, featuring Senior Keaton Herman

This may not be an all-inclusive list - please check the calendar on our website or the schedule in our weekly bulletin.

Exciting news!

The Rev. Rich Nelson Named Founding Director of the Community of Saints Francis and Clare

The Rev. Rich Nelson has accepted the call to serve as the Founding Director of the Community of Saints Francis and Clare at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Kerrville. Fr. Rich will officially begin working in his role on January 15, 2025, initially working part-time and remotely as preparations are made for this transformative new ministry.

The Community of Saints Francis and Clare is an intentional, Christ-centered community for young adults aged 20 to 35. Members will live on St. Peter’s campus, dedicating ten months to prayer, study, and service while sharing life together in an ecumenical and supportive environment. Set to welcome its first cohort in January 2026, this program seeks to foster spiritual growth, guide participants in their journey of faith, and support them in embodying Christian discipleship in all aspects of their lives.

The Rev. Nelson brings over two decades of experience as an Episcopal priest, having served Episcopal and Lutheran (ELCA) congregations, as well as roles as an Episcopal school and college chaplain. He is a co-founder of community-based ecumenical nonprofits and spirituality centers and is deeply committed to fostering intentional communities and spiritual formation. His academic achievements include a Master of Divinity from the Seminary of the Southwest and a Master of Arts in Christian Formation from Virginia Theological Seminary.

In the words of the Rt. Rev. David Read, Bishop of West Texas, the CSFC members will be “living icons” of what it looks like to be a disciple in today’s world. Inspired by the lives of Saints Francis and Clare, this community seeks to send forth young adults firmly rooted in their Christian identity to impact the church and the world profoundly.

For more information about the Community of Saints Francis and Clare, please visit You can also read more about The Rev. Rich Nelson at his website

Read the Rock Road Here!

The school has started their mid-year registration with immediate openings in their 2 and 3 Year Old Programs and a January opening in the Pre-K (4s) Kinder Readiness Program.

If you know a family interested in attending St. Peter's School, have them give the school a call or email Janet by clicking the image above.

Instant Church Directory Access

Get in Touch!

Call the church office with any questions you may have: 830-257-8162.

And, as always, St. Peter's Staff and Clergy are accessible via email as follows:

For St. Peter's School:

Janet (school director):

Felicia (assistant director):

Please beware: Just a reminder that a few people have once again received emails from scammers pretending to be Fr. Bert.

Stay alert for emails which, at first glance, appear to be from a priest or an employee of St. Peter's, or maybe another parishioner.

If an email sounds or feels questionable, do not reply to the email, but instead call the church office or reach out to the person directly. Also, verify the sender's email address, as those of us in the office use the email addresses listed near the end of this parish email. Call Ginny if you'd like help with any of the above! 830-257-8162

To be notified when new videos are uploaded by St. Peter's, click the "subscribe" button near the top right side of the home page!

This group of volunteer parishioners aims to help fellow parishioners with household projects they cannot do themselves.

Click HERE for the form on the St. Peter's Website - you can read about and request services!

Click HERE for a printable form to drop off at the church office. Or just call the church office and let the volunteer know what you need!

For more information about Handy Helpers

Giving to St. Peter's

  • You may bring your offering to church on Sunday morning.
  • You may drop your check in the mail slot to the right of our office doors!
  • You can always mail your check to the church at 320 St. Peter St. Kerrville, TX 78028.
  • You may also use the online option located in our website, There is a link below.

Give Online
Estimate your 2025 Giving
Helpful charts to estimate your giving

Please help us be aware of your Hospital Visit!

If you find yourself in the hospital, please have someone notify us by calling the office at 830-257-8162, or emailing

We want to pray for you and stay connected every way we can!

Local Happenings in JANUARY

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Click the link HERE to sign up for weekly emails with

Diocesan events and announcements.


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