Top issues include:
Sales Tax Exemption (S.F. 394)
Exempts from the state sales and use tax lodging supplies sold to a lodging provider in order to properly prepare a guest room.
Press for an Increase State Per Diem Rates
Press the Iowa Department of Administrative Services to increase state employee per diem rates to federal rates for Iowa.
Work with a Coalition Seeking a Vendor Allowance on Credit Card Fees on State Sales Tax
Work with the Iowa Grocers, Iowa Retail Federation, and Iowa Restaurant Association to find solutions for reducing credit card fee burden on the collection of sales tax.
Support Creation of Youth Drive Permit
Support a bill that allows 14 ½ and 15 year olds who work the same driving privileges as students who participate in school activities.
Slow Special Use Tax Exclusive to Hospitality
Bills have been proposed that authorize cities to establish entertainment areas and impose an entertainment surcharge within the area. Others proposed increasing lodging tax by 5% to cover public transit shortfalls. Other groups are seeking legislation allowing Tourism Improvement Districts.