Dear Holy Name Families,

As we enter mid-January, we enter a busy stretch of the school year with winter MAP testing and Catholic Schools week. Grades three through six begin MAP testing next week. MAP testing is one important measure of student learning. Please avoid any unnecessary absences or tardies during the MAP testing window so the school can finish this process efficiently. Next week a detailed email will be sent with all the activities and details for Catholic Schools Week which will be celebrated from January 29 to February 2.

This week I want to highlight two webinars that are scheduled for later this month. Both are sponsored by the Catholic Schools Office. Both are of interest to parents and I encourage you to participate. The first is a workshop on mental health and will help parents with strategies to promote healthy minds. The other workshop is on social media and will share research into how social media is affecting friendships and relationship building in kids today. Please see more information below.

Have a great weekend.

Best regards,

Mr. Chisholm

Announcements and Reminders

  • There is no school on Monday, January 15th in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
  • With the admissions process in full swing, HNPS is receiving applications for the 2024-25 school year. We encourage any current family who will be submitting an application for a sibling to do so as soon as possible or to notify Mrs. Buckley of your intent to apply. This is especially important if you will be applying to K1.
  • Winter MAP Testing begins next week. Students in grades 3-6 will take their tests on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8:15 to 9:30 am. It is helpful to us if families can avoid any unnceessary absences or tardies on these days.
  • The 6th Grade is sponsoring a fundraising event at Bertucci's on January 20th to benefit the annual trip to Camp Agassiz. On January 20th, 15% of any order (dine-in or take out) at any Bertucci's will be donated back to Holy Name. Please mark your calendars and visit Bertucci's on this date. Please click here for the flyer.
  • The 6th Grade is also sponsoring a Super Bowl raffle to benefit the Agassiz Trip. Please see more details below.
  • The Scholastic Book Fair will soon be here. It will be held during Catholic Schools Week. Click here to view Holy Name's Book Fair website.
  • Lunch Ordering for February is now open. Please click here for more info.

Super Bowl 6th Grade Raffle

Who is ready to win cash prizes while helping the 6th grade class go to Agassiz this spring?

Do not miss scoring a touchdown with the 6th grade class“Cash Prize Raffle!”

Here is how it works:

  • Raffle Tickets are $10 each
  • Please return the tickets with cash or check made out to: Holy Name Parish School and in the memo put 6th grade raffle.
  • All tickets must be returned to Mr. Gordon & Mr. Reilly by February 9th 
  • Winners will be chosen on February 11th 
  • First name drawn will receive $500 
  • Second name drawn will receive $250
  • Third name drawn will receive $250

Click here for tickets. Thank you in advance for your support of the 6th grade trip to Agassiz!

Meeting Christ in Prayer

During Lent, Holy Name Parish will be hosting Meeting Christ in Prayer, an engaging guided prayer experience for small-groups. Meeting Christ in Prayer has been used in many parishes and we look forward to brining this opportunity for spiritual renewal to Holy Name. Holy Name parents are invited to paricipate. Please click here for a short survey to help gauge interest, format, and groups.

Parent Webinars Sponsored by the Catholic Schools Office

Mental Health Matters: A Workshop to Empower Parents

The Catholic Schools Office is sponsoring a workshop that is of interest to parents. On Wednesday, January 24th at 7 PM join Dr. Mookie Manalili, a Catholic psychologist from Boston College; retired psychologist and pastor, Father Jim Ronan, and mental health clinician, author, and parent Suzanne Muldoon for a Zoom panel discussion on how parents can best support and care for their children and themselves in the midst of mental health concerns. The panelists will address diagnoses, recommendations, and how faith impacts healing. The complimentary workshop is sponsored by Family Life. For questions, call Emily Elliott at 617-746-5756. To register, click here:

Social Media’s Impact on Friendship Skills

Please join us for a Webinar on January 25th at 6:30pm to discuss how even before the pandemic, screen use, anxiety, and social problems (like bullying and fighting) were top concerns for parents. Unfortunately, the last few years have made some of these issues even more challenging. Elizabeth Englander will examine how kids are doing emotionally and socially, in light of the ways they use screens, gaming, and social media, and how these impact challenges in school, like bullying and friendship skills. Research will be summarized, and practical approaches to family life that can help children develop emotional resilience, healthy social skills and friendships, and sensible screen and social media habits will be discussed during this presentation. We will discuss how to move forward to a healthier "new normal" and how to help parents be most productive in guiding their children towards a full social and emotional recovery.

Please use this link to join.

Home and School Update

Glow Run Sponsors Needed!

If you or someone you know owns a business and is interested in an opportunity to advertise while supporting HNPS please contact Home & School for more information. Email: [email protected]

Like us on facebook at Holy Name Parish School Fundraising to learn more about our work!

Holy Name in Pictures

What an adventure in STEM this week in Ms Davis' class! Second graders listened to the story "Fergal is Fuming" and then worked in teams to create a hot air balloon for Fergal that would provide him a safe landing. The students first planned by themselves then worked in a group and as a team they built their hot air balloon invention! All were successful in providing a safe landing for Fergal! An SEL and STEM activity.

So adorable, K1-4 wishes you a Happy New Year!

Looking Ahead

  • Catholic Schools Week (CSW) will be celebrated from Monday, January 29 through Friday, February 2nd. CSW will be begin with a school Mass on January 29th at 8:45 am. Full details of the week will follow.
  • Progress Reports for the second trimester will be sent home on January 26th.
  • The second round of Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, February 8th. This is a half-day of school.
  • Wednesday, February 14th is Ash Wednesday. We will have a school Mass at 8:45 am in the Church.
  • February Break is from Monday, February 19th through Friday, February 23rd.
  • The Bernardines are hosting two dances later this year. The "Me and My Guy" dance will be on Saturday, March 2nd. There will also be a junior high dance (current 6th graders included) on Friday, May 17.
Holy Name Parish School | 617.325.9338 | 535 West Roxbury Parkway
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