January 13, 2025
Weekly Prayer Focus: Elementary Camp Baldwin (January 17-19)
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Vision 2030 Banquet
Sunday, January 26, 5:00pm, Activities Center
Come enjoy a meal with your church family! We will celebrate all God has done and look ahead to what is to come! RSVP on our website by 1/22. Childcare provided (thru 5th grade).
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Wednesday Evenings for Nursery, Elementary, and Youth
Resuming Wednesday, January 15, 5:00-7:00pm
Wednesday evening activities for nursery, elementary, and youth will resume this week. Dinner served. Your child will have fun while learning valuable, life-long lessons about God and His love for them!
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Disciple Fast Track: THIS WEEK!
Beginning this week, January 15 and 16
Disciple Fast Track will resume with a study of the New Testament. We recieved so much great feedback from last semester. Join us on Wednesdays or Thursdays and get a quick, yet in-depth overview of the New Testament! RSVP at the Hospitality Desk.
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Women’s Small Groups
Beginning this week!
April Stokes will continue in leading women through the “Bad Girls of the Bible” Study. Come meet new friends and learn of the transformative power of God in the lives of women from long ago; He is still doing the same today! Tue. at 8:00am and Thurs. at 4:15pm classes meet at the Redemption Store. Wed. evening is at 5:30pm at church. RSVP at the Hospitality Desk.
Be sure to check out the "Spiritual Development" section below for information on new Bible Study options for Men and Women!
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Church Membership Class
Concluding this Sunday January 19, 10:10am
Come and learn more about what it means to be a member here. Pastor Scott will lead this two-week class in the Activities Center. If you missed the first class yesterday, it's not too late to jump in!
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Upcoming Opportunities to Reach Out!
Tool Drive for Steinhatchee
Now through January 22, we are collecting tools of all kinds to be distributed in the upcoming trip to Steinhatchee, FL as they were devastated by Hurricane Helene in the fall. Please drop off new/used hand tools, power tools, etc. by 1/22 in the Gathering Lobby.
Kairos Prison Ministry:
On January 23, training begins for a weekend of Kairos Prison Ministry at the Century Correctional Institute. Training is at Cokesbury UMC and the prison retreat is in April. Email scott@perdidobay.church for more info.
Lasagna Challenge for Bright Bridge
We are cooking lasagna for 200+ and need your help! If you’d like to join the challenge, bring your fully cooked (hot or cold) lasagna to the church office Tues. 1/28 (9-3) or Wed. 1/29 (9-Noon). Contact renee@perdidobay.church if you plan to contribute. Thank you for your generosity!
Family Promise in February 2025
February 2-9
We will once again have the honor of hosting a family facing homelessness and there are many ways you can get involved (cooking, providing evening fellowship, or spending the night). Click HERE to sign up! Click HERE to view training info.
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Current Sermon Series: Walking with the Wise
In January we’ll look deeply into the book of Proverbs, a rich source of wisdom, offering practical guidance for living a righteous and fulfilling life!
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Bright Bridge Volunteers Needed
Wednesdays weekly
Bright Bridge exists to show God’s love to those in need in the Brownsville area. Each Wed, we send a team of volunteers to cook. We need more willing hands and hearts to join this wonderful team! Email renee@perdidobay.church to find out more.
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Grumpy Old Men Group: Join us! | Come and be a part of the Grumpy Old Men - a service oriented group that meets each Thursday at 8:00am in the Activities Center for fellowship and planning projects. We would love to have you join us- young or old, man or woman! | | |
Volunteers Needed at the Redemption Store |
The Redemption Store is in need of willing hearts and helping hands to fill shifts throughout the week! If you are interested, contact april@perdidobay.church. Find out more about the Redemption Store by clicking here.
Donations are accepted Tuesday through Saturday from 10:00am-Noon. Thank you!
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Barnabas Meal Ministry
Going through a challenging time? The Barnabas Ministry exists to provide meals for those who are facing heath difficulties, loss, or other life challenges. If this group of volunteers can be there for you in this way, please call the church office or email renee@perdidobay.church to be connected with Barnabas.
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Hoping to get involved? A page on our website features specific opportunities to fulfill volunteer needs as they arise. Have some extra time on your hands? Visit our website at www.perdidobay.church/serve to find ways to help out! Contact the church to find out more about how to get involved in the ministries listed.
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Transformance Fitness
Transformance is a strength training class for children and adults that takes place each Monday and Thursday in the Activities Center at various times throughout the day. $75/month or $15/day. See more by visiting our website.
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Activities Center Yoga
Tuesdays weekly
If you are looking for a way to build strength, flexibility, and balance, come check out the Tuesday morning yoga classes available in our gym. Becca Schmidt offers Gentle Yoga from 8:30-9:45am and Chair Yoga from 10:00-11:00am. All classes are on a drop-in basis. The cost is $5 for Gentle Yoga and $3.50 for Chair Yoga. Please bring your own yoga mat and beach towel, and wear comfortable attire. No matter your age, you can find a class that suits your needs. If you have any questions, contact the church office to be connected with Becca!
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Quilters on the Key
1st & 3rd Thursdays, 9:30am-12:30pm
You're invited to join this group for a time of fellowship and quilting in the Activities Center. Quilts and other items are crafted and given to persons facing difficult situations as a gesture of comfort and thoughtfulness. Use your talents to spread the love of God as part of this important group of service and fellowship.
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Prayer Shawl Ministry
1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 2:00-4:00pm
The Prayer Shawl Ministry exists to knit and crochet blankets and other items of comfort and encouragement. These items are given to newborn babies, those facing health issues, and more. Come and be a part of this group of fellowship and giving- all are welcome! It's a wonderful time of getting to know others while also making a difference for those who need to feel God's care.
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If you are confined to home and find yourself in need of a friendly listening ear, please give us a call. We want you to know that we are here for you, to listen or to help if you have a need. We want to stay in touch with you, please feel free to call us at the church number 850-492-2135 and ask to be connected with the visitation team.
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Joshua Reading and Podcast Plan
Join us in our current podcast series on the book of Joshua! There's no better way to begin your day than in God's Word in union with your churc
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Spiritual Development Groups |
Men's Bible Study
Mondays, 6:00am
Join our men at 6:00am each Monday morning in the Activities Center for "The Story" by Max Lucado and Randy Frazee. This book opens our eyes to the unfolding progression from Genesis to Revelation of the continuous story of God and His people.
Young Women's Bible Study
Tuesdays, 9:00am
Young Women's Bible study will resume on January 14 at 9:00am in the Activities Center. We will study the book "A Woman's Heart, God's Dwelling Place" by Beth Moore.Click here to purchase on Amazon. This study will truly make Easter season and the New Testament come alive. Childcare for nursery and elementary provided. Class format will be homework 5 days/week, as well as discussion and a video each Tuesday.
Women's Bible Study
Mondays, 9:00am
In this weekly Bible study, Max Lucado provides a wise and reassuring overview of what God's word has to say on the topic of end times—so that you can be prepared, not scared. Join us in the Banquet Room each Monday!
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Intercessory Prayer Group Meeting
Tuesdays at 8:30am
You are invited to join our intercessors in the Gathering Lobby for their weekly prayer meeting. If you have a prayer need that you would like to add to the prayer list, email it to prayer@perdidobay.church or you may use our App to submit your prayer request. Additionally, you may fill out a prayer request card at the Hospitality Desk.
Prayer lists are available to be picked up at the Hospitality Desk.
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Nursery, Elementary, & Youth Information |
Nursery (8 weeks - Pre-K)
A nursery is available for all church services and many activities. Wee Worship takes place Sunday mornings during Worship Services. Preschool Sunday school is at 10:00am. Contact kate@perdidobay.church for more information!
Click here for the latest newsletter! This week we also welcome back Kate Podschun as Nursery Director!
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Perdido Bay Kids! (Elementary: K - 5th Grade)
Perdido Bay Kids! is for children in Kindergarten through 5th Grades. Each Sunday morning is Children's Worship at both 9:00am and 11:00am. At 10:00am we have Sunday School. Wednesday Evenings resume soon! Email elementary@perdidobay.church to be placed on our email list so that you can stay up to date about upcoming activities.
Click here for the latest newsletter
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The Wave Student Ministry (6th-12th Grades) | |
All 6th-12th graders are invited to Sunday school each week at 10:10am in the Youth Room and Sunday Gym Jam is to follow, 11:00am-1:00pm, lunch provided. Wednesday Evenings resume soon! Multiple camps, events, and more throughout the year! Email youth@perdidobay.church for more information.
Click here for the latest newsletter.
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Text to Give
(844) 908-4938
If you’d like to take advantage of this convenient giving method, take a moment to text any dollar amount to the number listed above to get set up (for example, text 10 to the number 8449084938 to give $10). This will take you to a one-time setup link, following this you’ll be able to simply text only the dollar amount to use text to give. If you have questions, contact missie@perdidobay.church.
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Memorial Brick Pathway
Bricks are available for purchase in memory or honor of a loved one and will be continually added to our beautiful pathways between the Sanctuary and Education buildings. Each brick is 4x8" and costs $50. Visit Hospitality Desk to find out more. We look forward to adding more to this beautiful asset to our campus as a way to remember and honor those we love.
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January Birthdays and Anniversaries | |
The mission of Perdido Bay Methodist Church
is to make disciples of Jesus Christ
for the transformation of the world.
Our vision is to be the heart of the community.
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