A Message from our President, Linda E. Rizzo
Is having brunch with like-minded people. What a relief in these times to be able to speak freely without fear of stepping on someone's woke toe.
Our speakers this month will really catch your imagination. Mark Lewis has decades of experience with water in Arizona. I'm sure he'll have something to say about the situation we've seen unravel in CA.
Bob Hughes couldn't have been closer the the Audit of the 20 election. He's had so many interesting experiences and has the stories to tell about all of them.
Don't forget the AzFRW Board of Directors Meeting and Membership Conference Meeting Feb 6 - 8 (Details Below) These meetings are so much fun. Meeting members of other clubs, putting names to faces, terrific speakers at the lunches and workshops on topics of the day. There is lunch on Friday and again on Saturday after the Board Meeting. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Due to the date conflict with the State Meeting, we will not meet in February.
I look forward to seeing you at our meeting!
Best regards,
Linda E. Rizzo
(480) 766-6606