TCGIS Online Calendar
Upcoming Dates
Jan. 26: School Board Meeting
Jan. 27: K-8 Morning Circle & Kaffeeklatsh
Jan. 29: Kinder Karnival
Jan. 31: SEAC Meeting
Feb. 4: Maskenball
Feb. 7: PTO Meeting
Feb. 15: Early Release Wednesday
Feb. 17 - 20: No School
Feb. 17: Enrollment Lottery
Feb. 22: Carnival of Cultures
Feb. 23: School Board Meeting
Mar. 13 - 17: No After School Activities
Mar. 15: Early Release Wednesday
Mar. 16 & 17: Parent Teacher Conferences
Mar. 17: No School
Volunteer at TCGIS!
Take a look at current volunteer opportunities! If you are not yet a volunteer, but are interested in becoming one - please email Tina Haarbusch. Vielen Dank!
Administrative Information
Start Date for the 2017-2018 School Year
Please mark on your
calendars that the school year 2017-18 will start on
Monday, August 28, 2017.
The rest of the
will be determined in the next weeks. You can expect to see the final board-approved calendar in the Elternbrief on
March 2
Carnival of Cultures
It's that time of the year again! The carnival season is coming and we will celebrate our annual Carnival of Cultures on
, February 22. Mark your calendars! The theme this year is "Building Bridges".
A short schedule:
4:30pm The Capstone Café will be open in the cafeteria
5:00pm Part I of the Carnival will start in the Aula (grades K-2)
5:40pm Intermission
6:00pm Part II will begin (grades 3-8)
Please remember that students are not permitted to be in the building unsupervised before the event, so anyone not signed up for Kinderclub
in advance
should be picked up at the end of the school day. There will be no drop-in option on that day due to space limitations.
Maskenball Tickets On Sale Until January 31!
Join us February 4 at the University Club for a super fun evening.
Now there is a parking option to make your evening run more smoothly. For $5 you can valet park, no tipping needed. That's a deal. Just add it on to your ticket purchase.
Find out more here
Order Window for Bus, Kinderclub and Lunch/Milk is Open
REMINDER: Our February order window for Bus, Kinderclub, Lunch & Milk is
currently open. Please log onto our
online store and place your child's orders now. All orders are due by
midnight on
Monday, January 20
If you are a returning family and you need assistance with your Account Log-In information, please email us at
If your family is new to our online store, please click here for more information on our online store, how to "Register" for an account and how to navigate the website. Please note the school password needed during the registration process is TCGIS1. |
Volleyball Season is Coming!
here for more detailed information about the volleyball season. Please read before registering.
Register for this year's volleyball team
here. Registration closes
Friday, February 10th.
Practices are from
3:30-5:30pm on Thursdays, starting on
February 16th.
Games will be played on Fridays, starting in the beginning of March.
Head Lice Notice
Head lice have recently been reported in multiple TCGIS classrooms. Please do your part to prevent the spread of this communicable condition by checking your child(ren) daily for the next few weeks, and on a regular basis thereafter. Please let us know if you discover a case of head lice.
TCGIS does not require students stay home from school with nits present, but does suggest that students with live lice are treated before returning to school.
You can find Center for Disease Control information on head lice
here, and information specifically regarding head lice in the school setting from the National School Nurse Association
If you would like further information, you can contact the National Pediculosis Association at
or visit
German for Parents - Deutsch für Eltern
Are you "feeling lost and out in the cold"? Come to Herbert's
"warm and friendly" German class. He'll put you in the loop!
Er setzt Dich ins Bild!
Wir treffen uns Dienstag 6-7 Uhr im TCGIS Art Room.
All materials provided. 9 weeks starting
January 24
. Total cost is $70.00.
Call Herbert at
(or text) or
Send in Those Sibling Applications!
If you have a child entering Kindergarten next fall, please remember to send in your application! To guarantee you a spot in Kindergarten at TCGIS for the 2017-2018 school year, we must receive your application by February 16 at 4pm.
Looking to Get Rid of Old Board Games?
We are hoping to build a check-outable game library. There are
many benefits to playing board games -- one of which is to help teach & reinforce social skills. The game donations will be used for one-on-one, small group, whole class, and family fun night activities.
In need of gently used or new board games for all ages (5 - 14). To name a few:
Connect Four, checkers, Guess Who, Jenga, Qwirkle, Uno, Dominoes, Blokus, Sequence for Kids, Suspend, Concentration, Sorry, Trouble, Bingo, Apples to Apples, Charades for Kids, Perfection, Hedbanz, Left Right Center, Spoons, chess, Scattergories, Spot-it, cribbage, etc...
Please bring donations to the office in care of/Michelle Wallace. Vielen Dank to those who have already donated!
Kinder Karneval!
Mark your calendars for January 29, 2017 from 2pm - 5pm! There will be a Kinder Karneval at The Klub Haus on Rice Street. More details available here.
Premier Performance - TCGIS Strings
The newly formed String Group invites you to a performance at
Peace Lutheran Church Lauderdale, 1744 Walnut Street, Lauderdale, MN o
Saturday, January 28 at 1:00pm
They have worked hard and would like your support. T
he group will open the recital for Vienna Community Students.
Call Herbert or Nancy at
for more info.
Our Goal for Next Year: 30 Host Families!
Now is the time to apply to become a host family for the next school year. Options are available for short-term hosting, Fall semester, Spring semester or for full-year arrangements. Hosting a TCGIS intern from Germany, Austria or Switzerland can be a valuable experience for your family and expand the horizons of your children forever! So far we have 19 host families!
Click here to find out more about our intern program. Have any additional questions? Contact
Tina Haarbusch. Already sold and excited to host?
Click here to sign up by
February 1, 2017!
TCGIS Family Ski Day at Trollhaugen
Friday, February 17, 2017
here for full details.
Hit the slopes with the kids on their day off from school!
Trollhaugen is a great place to ski with family and friends, and it's located just one hour away in Dresser, WI.
This year's rates:
Grade 7 thru Adult -- $15 lift ticket + $15 rental
Free lessons available with advance notice
Grades 5 & 6 -- $18 lift ticket/rental/lesson
Grades K-4 -- $28 lift ticket/rental/lesson
Children 5 & under -- FREE lift ticket + $15 rental
Lift ticket prices are good from
9:30 am to 3:00 pm. Extend through the evening for just $5 more. Lessons are available in the morning only. Please click
here for complete details.
Our newest groups, the Minis (Kindergarten), have just started. If you were notified that your child qualified for a five week intervention, please make sure you signed the consent form and handed it to me or to your child's teacher (sending the signed form via email is okay as well). Without your signature, your child cannot take part in our Mini-classes.
PTO Announcements
to find out more about these upcoming events:
- Kaffeeklatch, Jan. 27, 8:30 AM, hosted by Jessica Gallo and Angie Haeg
- Maskenball, Feb. 4, University Club, St. Paul
- PTO meeting featuring a presentation on talking about sex with your kids, Feb. 7
GAI Announcements
German for Teens
Classes Begin January 21
Does your tween or teen need help keeping the German fresh post-TCGIS? On Saturdays, beginning
January 21
and running through the end of April, the GAI is offering three sections of German for Teens at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. Each class focus on creating and developing German language skills for teens, with the intermediate and advanced level particularly focused on fluency in reading, writing, and conversation.
Click here to register and learn more!
Kultur in der Küche: Authentic Gulasch
Saturday, February 4, 1pm-4pm
$40 for GAI Members, $50 for Non-members
For ages 12 and up
Make and taste authentic
Austro-Hungarian style
in our next
Kultur in der Küche
cooking class, in partnership with the Center for Austrian Studies. Unlike American versions of this dish-which resemble baked hot dish or Ratatouille-authentic
is a slow-cooked meat dish with a savory garlic-onion spice sauce. Visit to register and learn more.