Weekly Update - January 19, 2024

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2024 Student Humanitarians Honored at the County's

46th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration

The Board of Supervisors honored three Student Humanitarians at the January 15 meeting and annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration.

Pictured on the left, Verdant Kathrani, Supervisor Andersen, and brothers Noor and Robi Tozulahmad.

Vedant Kathrani is a high school junior, with a passion for science and technology. He earned a 1st place award at the Contra Costa Science and Engineering Fair. He is co-founder of PlateToPeople, a non-profit fighting hunger, and served as a Global Youth Ambassador for the Gates Foundation. Vedant has a diverse skill set, fluent in multiple languages and dedicated to environmental sustainability.

Noor and Robi Tozulahmad, originally from Rohingya, Myanmar, a place torn apart by conflict leaving families shattered and displaced. At the age of six, the brothers embarked on a 11-day journey on a small ship across rough seas, enduring cold rain, scarce food, and a lack of warm clothing. Their destination was Malaysia where they spent three years in group homes and strangers' houses. In 2016, they arrived in America, immersing themselves in American culture and gaining a deeper understanding of global issues. One problem stood out to them, food waste and its environmental impact. Along with Vedant, they founded PlateToPeople. Their mission is to combat food waste, and making a positive impact on the environment. Their goal is to save surplus food and serving it to the homeless. These brothers learned the value of food, resilience, compassion, and the potential for positive change in the face of adversity.

Also honored at the celebration was Adult Humanitarian Willie Mims. A long-time teacher, he remains active as an advocate for students in the East Bay School System, and their parents. He strongly advocates for environmental justice, housing, pollution and discrimination.

For more information about the annual ceremony, visit https://www.contracosta.ca.gov/5307/Dr-Martin-Luther-King-Jr-Ceremony.

Envision Contra Costa 2040 - Public Comment Period Extended

Thank you to everyone who reviewed and commented on the Public Review Drafts of the Contra Costa County 2045 General Plan and Climate Action Plan (CAP) 2024 Update that was published last October.

The initial comment period end date was January 31, 2024. However, this comment period will be extended to align with the comment period for the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR), which assesses the potential impacts on the environment that could result from adopting and implementing the 2045 General Plan and 2024 CAP. The Draft EIR will be published in the coming weeks, and once it is published, a 60-day comment period will be set for the Draft EIR, which will also determine the close date for comments on the Draft 2045 General Plan and Draft 2024 CAP. Once the Draft EIR is published, an email will be sent to update the mailing list with the new comment period close date.

In the meantime, feedback on the Draft 2045 General Plan and Draft 2024 CAP continue to be welcome via the interactive online review page, emailing comments to [email protected], or attending an open house.

Contra Costa Shark Tank Youth Competition

Cheer on the ten finalists on February 6th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Lafayette Library as they compete to impress the judges and win the top $1,000 prize.

The ten finalists, ages 11 - 17, are from San Ramon, Danville, Moraga, Lafayette, Richmond, Oakley, and Antioch. The competition is a fun way to promote youth entrepreneurship among K-12 students in Contra Costa County. When young people succeed as entrepreneurs, they improve their own lives while also contributing to the economic development of their local communities. Visit contracostasharktank.org to learn more about the finalists and ticket information. 

San Ramon Valley Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Open Mic Celebration

On Monday, January 15, 2024, Supervisor Andersen co-sponsored and spoke at the San Ramon Valley Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Open Mic Celebration in the San Ramon City Hall Rotunda.


The prompt for speakers was “Discuss One Word That Best Represents MLK’s Work and Legacy to You”. Supervisor Andersen’s word was “CommUNITY” which applies to the accomplishments of the collaborative work done in the San Ramon Valley. Demetrius Ball, Principal at California High School, was also honored.


The event was also sponsored by the San Ramon Valley Diversity Coalition, the City of San Ramon, the Town of Danville, the San Ramon Valley Unified School District, the San Ramon Valley Council of PTAs, PFLAG SRV, Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan, Rewire Community, NAMI Contra Costa, San Ramon Chamber of Commerce, and APAPA Tri-Valley Chapter.


Pictured above from left are Danville Vice Mayor Dave Fong, Supervisor Andersen, Danville Town Councilmember Newell Arnerich, and Phil Tucker, Diablo Black Men's Group.

Participate in a Library Survey

California’s Health Department has Changed its 

COVID-19 Guidance

California’s health department has changed its COVID-19 guidance, which could have significant implications for people of all ages statewide.

The new recommendations, issued last week, reflect a more relaxed approach to isolation and testing, allowing people who test positive for COVID-19 but do not have symptoms to return to work and school.

We are now at a different point in time with reduced impacts from COVID-19 compared to prior years, due to broad immunity from vaccination and/or natural infection, and readily available treatments for infected people. 

To read more information and the full recommendations go to New COVID-19 Guidance.

Sheriff's Office Accepting 2024 Citizens Academy Applications

Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff is now accepting Spring 2024 Citizens Academy applications. The Citizens Academy provides community members with an inside look at the Office of the Sheriff and its mission, duties, responsibilities, and services.

The Citizens Academy will take place in Martinez with one special day dedicated to Clayton at the range. It begins on February 21 and runs for 6 consecutive weeks. Classes meet Wednesday evenings from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. with one Saturday session scheduled for March 9 from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

How to Apply: Visit www.cocosheriff.org. Completed applications should be submitted via e-mail to: [email protected]. Application deadline: February 9, 2024.

Application Period for the District Attorney's

2024 Spring Community Academy Now Open

Contra Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton is pleased to announce applications are now open for the Spring 2024 Community Academy.

The free, 10-week course will be held at the District Attorney’s Office in downtown Martinez from 6:00-8:30 p.m. every Wednesday starting February 21, 2024.

District Attorneys play an important role in the criminal justice system. Not only are they in charge of prosecuting criminal cases on behalf of the People of California, but they also manage an office of deputy district attorneys, investigators, victim witness advocates, law clerks, administrative assistants, and case prep analysts. Moreover, prosecutors review police investigations, make charging decisions, prepare for trial, and negotiate settlements. This is all part of the District Attorney’s role in enforcing the laws crafted by the legislative branch and implemented by the executive branch of the state government.

Participants in the academy will learn about these, and other aspects, of the District Attorney’s Office. They will also get the opportunity to meet with a Superior Court judge as part of a court tour, visit the Martinez Detention Facility, and understand how the District Attorney’s Office has various community outreach programs for victims, children, and parents.

The Community Academy is open to residents 18 and older who live or work in Contra Costa County. To apply and learn more, go to contracostada.org by January 26th.

County Connection Announces Lower Fares for Youth

On January 1, County Connection lowered its fare rates for Youth Clipper and Clipper START $1.00/ride and lowered Clipper fares on express routes to match that of their local routes $2.00/ride.

Seeking Nominations for Contra Costa County Youth Hall of Fame

The Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors is now accepting nominations for the 2024 Contra Costa County Youth Hall of Fame Awards.

These awards are presented annually to outstanding Contra Costa County residents between 12 and 18 years old. Students will be recognized at the 30th Annual César E. Chávez Commemorative Celebration on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. in Board Chambers at 1025 Escobar Street in Martinez. Community members can also join the event live on Contra Costa Television channels and the County’s website.

Nominees should demonstrate exemplary behavior in one of five categories:

• Good Samaritan: Goes out of their way to do for others without seeking recognition

• Volunteerism: Lends a helping hand for the good of the community; Gives their time and energy to a worthy cause or organization

• Teamwork: Works unselfishly for the good of the team

• Leadership and Civic Engagement: A natural leader who inspires others and works to make a difference in school and the community

• Perseverance: Has worked hard to overcome obstacles and achieve success 

For more information and the application form to nominate youth in our community, visit Contra-Costa-County-Cesar-E-Chavez-Youth. We invite you to submit your nomination by completing the form and uploading it to the County website or emailing the application and your letter of recommendation to Lia Bristol at [email protected]

Nominations must be received or postmarked by February 16, 2024. Recipients will be recognized at the March 26, 2024, Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors’ César E. Chávez Celebration. 

Community Violence Solutions Hosting

Surviving Sex Trafficking Virtual Film Screening

Contra Costa County Seeks Applicants for Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council 

The Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors is seeking applicants interested in serving on its 20-member Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council (JJCC). Regular meetings of the Council and other standing committees are held at least quarterly based on a schedule adopted by the Council; that schedule may be changed or augmented as needed. Members have the option to serve on two subcommittees (Prevention, Intervention, Community Engagement, and Data & Services).


The following positions are vacant and will be held for a two-year term:

Two Community-based organization representatives residing or working within Contra Costa County, and two At-Large representatives residing or working within Contra Costa County.

The JJCC will also coordinate the work of governmental and non-governmental organizations engaged in activities designed to reduce the incidence of juvenile crime and delinquency in the greater community. Further, the JJCC will develop information and intelligence sharing systems to ensure county actions are fully coordinated and equipped to provide data and appropriate outcome measures.


The JJCC is a multi-agency advisory body that contributes to the development and implementation of a countywide juvenile justice plan. It is composed of several critical parts, including, but not limited to, an assessment of existing law enforcement, probation, education, mental health, health, social services, drugs, alcohol, and youth services resources, which specifically target both at-promise, as well as system involved youth, and their families.


Applications are due by 5 p.m. Friday, February 23. All applicants who submit by the deadline will be invited to the public interview process conducted by the Public Protection Committee. This committee will then recommend a selection of applicants for the Board of Supervisors to appoint. Interviews with the Public Protection Committee will occur on March 4, and interviews with the Board of Supervisors will occur on March 19. 


Applications can be obtained from the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors by calling (925) 655-2000 or visiting the County webpage at http://www.contracosta.ca.gov/3418/. Completed applications should be emailed to [email protected] or mailed to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors Office at 1025 Escobar Street, 1st Floor, Martinez, CA 94553.

Are You Interested in Public Safety?

For more information on CAB membership and duties and activities, visit their website here.

To submit an application - Click Here.

General Full Body Meeting

Meets the 2nd Thursday of every month at 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

County Volunteer Opportunities

Affordable Housing Finance Committee (AHFC)

The Contra Costa County Internal Operations Committee (IOC) of the Board of Supervisors is now accepting applications from individuals to fill vacant positions for the AHFC:

  • Central County (Unincorporated) Representative,
  • At-Large/Community Representative.

Applicants must:

  • Be a resident of Contra Costa County in one of the above vacant residency membership categories.
  • Have professional experience in the field of affordable housing finance, design, development, or property management.

To obtain an application or further information, contact Kristin Sherk, staff liaison, at 925-655-2889 or [email protected]. Applications may also be obtained from the Clerk of the Board located at 1025 Escobar Street, 1st Floor, Martinez, CA 94553. 

For more information, visit contracosta.ca.gov/AHFC. A fillable application is available on the website for your convenience.

The Iron Horse Corridor Management Program Advisory Committee

Established to provide citizen input for a management program for the Iron Horse Corridor. The Alamo Seat and District II Seat have expiring terms.


First 5 – Contra Costa Children and Families Commission - http://www.first5coco.org/.

The commission works to support early childhood development through a strategic plan developed under the California Children and Families First Act of 1998.

District II Alternate Seat – expiring term

Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC)

Contra Costa County is seeking an individual to serve on the Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) as a Public Representative on behalf of the County.

The individual will serve a four-year term in a volunteer capacity. The individual selected for this position must:

  • Live in the unincorporated area of the County;
  • Attend virtual committee meetings on the 4th Wednesday of every month at 6:00 p.m.; and
  • Review agenda packets and develop input on agenda items beforehand.

The CCTA CAC reviews transportation programs and plans throughout the County, to advise and provide recommendations to the CCTA Board of Directors. This includes transportation projects and programs funded by the county half-cent transportation sales tax, which CCTA oversees. CCTA maintains its standing CAC to provide citizen perspective, participation, and involvement in the Measure J-funded and voter-approved Transportation Expenditure Plan and Growth Management Program. The CAC members have an opportunity to learn about and influence transportation and growth issues within Contra Costa County and in other jurisdictions through scheduled presentations by transportation experts, advocates, and CCTA staff.