Thank you for your support and loyalty in 2023....I look forward to seeing and meeting many of you in 2024 - and wish all a Peaceful and Prosperous New Year...

Pete Schmugge, NWCC Executive Director

01/19/2024 - New Programs - Laws - Resources - Area Developments & Opportunities

HACIA Launches New Program

The Hispanic American Construction Industry Association (HACIA) is kicking off 2024 with the Contractors Development Program, allowing business owners to build their know-how and learn from industry experts. Classes run from January 22nd through May 10th, 2024; no application deadlines, on-demand, open registration.

The program is an "à la carte" menu of 18 Business Development, Operations, Financial Management, and Core Construction Skills courses. Participants completing five or more courses earn a HACIA certificate. Classes are virtual and conveniently accessed from your office, home, or job site; only a few require in-person attendance at HACIA's Training Center at 650 W Lake St, 2nd floor.

A one-time fee, based on annual revenues, allows several employees from a business access to the courses:  

  • $50 – $100,000 in annual revenue or less
  • $75 – $100,000 to $250,000 in annual revenue
  • $100 – $250,000 in yearly revenue

See a full calendar of classes HERE - Register HERE.

Learn about CDP and other HACIA programs HERE.

City Launches $2.7M Small

Business Storefront Activation Program

Mayor Brandon Johnson and the Chicago Department of Business Affairs & Consumer Protection (BACP) recently announced the Small Business Storefront Activation Program. The innovative economic stimulus  allows small business owners to test business ventures in vacant storefronts in historically disinvested communities and bring life to business corridors citywide, 

Fifteen community and economic development organizations were awarded grants for the Small Business Storefront program to work with small business owners and landlords to transform vacant storefronts into business spaces citywide.

Click here for program details

From WTTW - New Laws for 2024...."Hundreds – actually 320 – of new laws took effect in Illinois when the disco ball dropped on 2023. Among them: October will be designated Italian Heritage Month. Military veterans can get out of paying a fee to adopt an animal. And IDOT has to develop a traffic app.WTTW News has rounded up some of the laws most likely to impact your day-to-day life." Click here - See what's new on the horizon.

Various Logos and photos in this issue, if clicked, will take you to a related site

to learn something different offered by the organization or government site

about programs or resources.

Internal Revenue Service Updates...

Tax Penalty Relief - The IRS announced a $1B Penalty Relief to help approximately 4.7 million individuals, businesses, and tax-exempt organizations that were not sent automated collection reminder notices during the pandemic. Most of those receiving it make under $400,000 a year. This penalty relief is automatic; eligible taxpayers don't need to take any action to get it. The IRS is issuing a special reminder letter starting in 2024 and waiving failure-to-pay penalties for taxpayers affected by this situation. Click here for details

Standard mileage rates for 2024Click here for details

Flexible Spending Arrangement Limit rises by $150 - Click here for details

JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - click on event for flyer

Events and other resources are posted there almost daily

Real Estate Development

A community healthcare hub will fill a vacant lot at

5034 W Chicago Avenue in the Austin Community.

Click here to learn more about the project.

Plans have also been announced by LUCHA and Full Circle Communities,for a mixed-use development at 3305 W Division Street in Humboldt Park. Located on the southwest corner with N Spaulding Avenue, the new project will replace a two-story structure that most recently held a Spanish church with a small parking lot. The proposal is being led by LUCHA and Full Circle Communities, with local architecture firm DesignBridge working on its design.

Learn more about this project from Block Club Chicago.

Small Business Improvement Fund (SBIF)

Since 1999, the SBIF has granted over 1,600 small businesses across Chicago, in nearly every industry and retail sector to promote economic development for permanent improvements.

Open 2/1/2024 - Belmont/Cicero SBIF - click for map

Click for schedule of other SBIF Rollouts

Click to learn more about the SBIF program

Click here to see other ways Somercor can assist your business

It's a Brand New Year...

Join the NW Connection Chamber of Commerce....Meet your business neighbors & community leaders - Boost your business, products, services with annual promotions - Network & Entertain clients, customers, friends and family at fun outings.

If you'd like to know more about the Chamber and its resources, Call Pete Schmugge,

NWCC Executive Director at 773/558-8743 to make an appointment to chat over a cup of coffee. Pete's got over 25 years of experience and knowledge of the area.

Click to view NWCC Members Roster - Click for a Membership application

The NW Connection Chamber of Commerce is a Place Making Generalist agency for the City of Chicago Business Affairs Neighborhood Business Development Center, funded to assist the Cragin, Hermosa, Humboldt Park, and NorthAustin Communities.

Click to go to the website - Visit our Facebook page