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We are a Christ-centered community that welcomes all to worship, to pray,
to serve others and to learn our Orthodox faith
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January 19th
12th Sunday
8:00 AM
9:00 AM
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Digital Chant Stand
Services Online
click on calendar date
for reading of service
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Narthex Servers:
Please introduce yourself and family if you do not know your PC members!
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This past Sunday, our parish council took their oath of office following the Divine Liturgy. May they fulfill the duties of their office diligently and honestly and according to the Holy Tradition of the Church and to the glory of God.
The 2025 Parish Council officers are: Robert Devasto, President; Nector Ritzakis, Vice President; Pauline Sager, Secretary; Vasili Kariolis, Treasurer and Finance chair; Alexis Papathanasiou, Stewardship chair. Other members are Emily Babalas, Lia Fahey, Don Khouri, Staci Le, Niko Saledas, Anna Travias, Penelope Tzougros and Mandy Zervoglos. Thank you for serving!
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The Community Transformation Team invites you to the second Information Meeting to discuss the future facility plans for Saint Nicholas. The meeting will be held on Saturday, February 1 at 11 AM in the church hall and via Zoom. Lunch will be provided.
This is your chance to ask questions, give input, and become involved in the future of St. Nicholas. Please attend.
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On Sunday, February 9, following Fellowship Hour, we will have a Valentine’s Day Party, with a White Elephant Swap. Please wear something red and bring a small item, gift wrapped or bagged, that is from your home. It must be something in
great condition, but that you no longer need or want, but someone else can use.
No need to buy anything! We will have some fun!
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Beginning. Commonly, we think of beginning as project with a deadline. However, the Bible has about 107 sentences with this version of the word “begin”. Most of the uses of “beginning” are about rituals, and kings being enthroned. “Beginning” is most often associated with practical, time bound events. Oh, but there is another dimension to the word and like the Colossus of Rhodes, we stretch to have a footing in two approaches to life.
One approach associates the beginning of the New Year with parties, champagne, and Auld Lang Syne; and the other approach contemplates “beginning” as timeless, and not task oriented. “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God.” (John 1:1). “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments…” (Psalm 111:10) Then time collapses into eternity as Jesus Christ says to Saint John, “ I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is and which was and which is to come, the Almighty.” (Rev 1:8)
As we dance, sing and laugh with those we love, and delight in the richness of life, let us also remember that January 1, St. Basil’s day, pulls us to pray to God thanking Him for all His gifts to us, and asking Him for His mercy, and for health of body and soul. What an ideal beginning when we do both. God bless you. Xponia polla.
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Our Young & Young at Heart Ministry brought the decades to life today with a lively “Back to the 90s, 80s, 70s, 60s, and Earlier” event! Parishioners of all ages came together to celebrate the music, fashion, and memories of their teenage years, creating a joyful walk down memory lane. From nostalgic tunes to retro-inspired fun, it was a heartfelt celebration of community, connection, and timeless memories. Thank you to Staci Sarantos-Le for organizing such a fun event.
See more photos on our FaceBook page!
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REMINDER: Do you enjoy a nice cup of coffee and a piece of pastry following each Sunday’s Divine Liturgy? Of course, you do. That’s why we’re asking those who have not sponsored a Sunday fellowship hour in a while to please sign up for the many opening dates available. We all like to chit-chat with our fellow parishioners with a coffee in-hand. So, please step forward. It’s real easy…..all you need to bring is some pastry (nothing fancy) and a gallon of milk. The church supplies the rest (napkins, plates, cups, etc.). If you have questions, just call the church office.
Thanks much for answering this appeal. We all will appreciate and thank you.
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Light a virtual candle at
St. Nicholas!
Click on the picture and see!!!
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If you are interested in placing an ad in our weekly bulletin, please contact the church office.
In addition, we welcome supporting you or loved ones who are fundraising for a cause, by publicizing your appeal.
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