January 2, 2024

In this edition of ENews:

  • Images of Advent and Christmas around the diocese
  • Fearless Faith Survey Still Open - Have you responded?
  • Diaconate Ordinations this Saturday
  • Celebration of New Ministry for The Rev. John Heidel
  • Don’t forget to chalk your doors on January 6!
  • Folsom’s Trinity Church starts in-person Sacred Ground Circle

Around the Diocese

Advent and Christmas around the Diocese

Thanks to folks who sent photos or uploaded images to their social media accounts and website.

Office of the Bishop

The Fearless Faith Revival is just over four months away! Here are Revival resources we want you to know about:

Revival Participation Survey. We'd like as many people as possible to take this brief survey to help us in planning the Revival. Survey Link: https://form.jotform.com/233206969933163 The survey closes Friday, December 22. 

Revival Website: https://www.fearlessfaith2024.org/. In addition to the latest information, you'll find:

  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Revival Survey
  • Flyers, Posters

Upcoming Events around the Diocese

Thirty-sixth Annual Diocesan Choir Festival | Trinity Cathedral

Saturday, January 27 | Open to all choral singers

Our guest conductor is Mr. Nigel Groome,

Director of Music at St. Matthew's/Westminster, London, England


Episcopal Foundation of Northern California


Programs and ministries in our diocese need YOUR support!

Featured Dreams from the 2023 Bishop's Book of Dreams:

Food Program | St. Andrew's, Corning (Goal: $5,000)

St. Andrew's in Corning needs your support! With so many families having to rely on food banks to feed their families, St. Andrew's would like to help provide meats and poultry to families, as food banks typically provide canned & dry goods. Appeal funds will help to purchase meat or chicken for at least 12-30 families per month. Even a 10 lb. log of hamburger or two chickens could help a family feed themselves for at least 2-3 meals in a week. Knowing the community has an additional food source would bless those in need, and it would give the community a sense that St. Andrew's is truly an "open table" for the community. Read more...

Neighborhood Wellness Foundation | St. John's, Roseville

(Goal: $5,000)

St. John's in Roseville, CA has partnered with the Neighborhood Wellness Foundation, an organization navigating and disrupting inter-generational trauma in Del Paso Heights and its surrounding communities. Appeal funds will be used for the daily needs of the students. Comprehensive services offered include primary care, mental and behavioral health, substance-abuse services, dental, reproductive health, professional development opportunities, and prevention-focused health education for the full student body (2000+ students). Basic living necessities such as nutritional snacks, laundry soap, personal hygiene items, school supplies etc... are some of the items that would be provided. Read more...

Nurturing Farming Needs | St. John's, Chico (Goal: $5,000)

This program has engaged the community through the efforts of collaboration with the Jesus Center, allowing for St. John's Outreach Program to grow into the very heart of Chico's community. The farm plays a vital role in the use of the land at St. John’s and sharing in the fruits of the earth to those in need. It is an outlet to those seeking assistance and allows the opportunity to give back through job training and placement. Funds raised would be used for the purchase of 20 mixed citrus trees which would include lemon, lime, mandarins, and grapefruit. It would also include planting, irrigation lines, and soil amendment. Additionally, it would allow for the planting of a new winter garden in the farm's garden boxes, as well as plan for flowers in the spring that would be used to help support the Jesus Center Flower Market, which sells flowers on behalf of the Women's Group at the Jesus Center. The additional irrigation lines would support this new venture with the raised beds. Read more...

Will you support these dreams?

Giving in honor of, or remembrance of someone you love this holiday season can make for a heartfelt and generous gift. You can download a gift card in English or Spanish to share with them.

Commission for Intercultural Ministries

Folsom’s Trinity Church starts in-person Sacred Ground Circle


Trinity Episcopal Church in Folsom invites those interested in Sacred Ground to join an in-person circle that will meet from 3 to 4:30 p.m. two Sundays a month starting January 14, 2024. The 11-session program, which runs through June, will meet at the church, 7802 Mormon St., in Folsom.


Sacred Ground is the Episcopal Church’s work for racial reconciliation and healing. The program invites participants to walk through history “to peel away the layers that brought us to today, reflecting on our family histories and stories, as well as important narratives that shape the collective American story.”


The series is built around documentaries and readings that focus on Indigenous-, Black-, Latino-, and Asian/Pacific Islander-American histories as they intersect with European-American histories. The videos and many of the readings are available online, free of charge. Participants will also need access to two core books: “Waking Up White,” by Debby Irving, and “Jesus and the Disinherited,” by Howard Thurman. More information about Sacred Ground is available at www.episcopalchurch.org/sacred-ground/invitation.


For more information or to register for Trinity Church’s Sacred Ground Circle, contact the church at 916-985-2495 or email The Rev. Anne Smith, assistant rector, at asmith@trinityfolsom.org.

Missioner for Church Life

Don’t forget to chalk your doors on January 6!

Have you ever done an Epiphany house blessing?  If not, I encourage you to make this a new tradition in your home! When we “chalk the door” we ask Christ’s blessing not only on the physical house, but on the people who live there and all those who visit. I love having this “holy graffiti” on the front door of my own home (pictured above) year after year. It is a constant reminder that I am called the be the light of Christ in the world, and that indeed my entire home can serve to bring the light of Christ into my neighborhood.

Here’s a LINK to a blog post by the Rev. Mike Mark, the Rector of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church in Uvalde, Texas which has more background information and a very simple liturgy you can use at your own home on January 6.

If you do “chalk the door” this year, be sure to send me a picture of your door to mack@norcalepiscopal.org

Epiphany blessings!



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Clergy Openings in The Diocese

St. Luke's |Woodland is seeking a Full-time Interim Rector.

View Job Description here.

Job Opportunities in The Diocese

Trinity Episcopal Cathedral | Sacramento is seeking a new Director of Cathedral Choristers (Children’s choir). Read the Job Announcement Here.

For job descriptions or questions, please contact transitions@norcalepiscopal.org or call Cn. Julie at 916.442.6918 x 214

The ENews is published weekly on Tuesdays.
To submit news/events, please email communications@norcalepiscopal.org by Wednesday of the prior week
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The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

Making Disciples, Raising Up Saints & Transforming Communities for Christ


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