Winter Break, Christmas Break, whatever you want to call the days between Christmas and New Year’s, always felt like a magical time when I was younger.
To be sure, the presents, the cookies, the getting to stay up later than usual, were all a part of that feeling. However, as I watched my own children live out their own holiday break, I think it’s something more.
There is a certain peace in taking a pause from the busy-ness of everyday life. A break from the rigors of school, and, for those blessed to have time off, from work. A step back from the meetings, dance classes, choir rehearsals, sports activities, and all of the other things, most of them very good, and very wanted, that fill our time.
We exist in those few ethereal days simply in relationship – who are we going to visit next? With what beloved grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, friend, chosen family who we haven’t seen in ages, will we get to spend some precious time? With most of everything we normally do on pause, we have the time, or we make the time to simply be with one another. I may not have been aware of this when I was younger, but I am now certain that for me, that was part of the magical feeling of the holidays.
I wonder, too, if that’s a little glimpse of the foretaste of the feast to come. As the prayer in the funeral liturgy promises, “when the fever of life is over and the busy world is hushed” all that is left are the beloved relationships we have – with God in Christ Jesus, and with one another.
Perhaps that’s another gift that the Incarnation brings our way. The way our culture has stacked up a bunch of holidays within a short space of time can make for a frenzied busy time. It can also create a space where we have a few moments to breathe, to pause, to exist in God’s grace and to exist, to simply be, in the relationships around us.
Beloved siblings in Christ, as this short break comes to an end, may we hold fast to the moments in that time that brought the most peace. May we remember the gift of the relationships that remind us who we are and whose we are – beloved by God, beloved by so many around us.
Happy and Blessed New Year!
Rev. Jen Christenson
Associate to the Bishop for Candidacy and Community