
Dear Friends,

Grace and peace to you in our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.

Happy New Year!

From Sunday’s worship on December 29, 2024, our faith-to-life-application weekly homework came from Matthew 2 and Jesus’ growth as a 12-year-old boy. As faithful followers of Jesus the Christ, we, too, can certainly grow. How might we make 2025 a time of growth in our wisdom, physical being, relationship with God, and relationships with others? Let’s prayerfully choose one and take a simple action in that direction- all to God’s glory!

This Sunday during worship, January 5, 2025, we will celebrate Epiphany Sunday and the Sacrament of Holy Communion. For those who received a word on Epiphany Sunday 2024, consider how you’ve experienced God through that word this past year. Try to recall a situation or experience that shares your word ‘story.’ During the sermon, an opportunity will be offered for people to share their 2024 Star Gift story. These witnesses will further spread God’s light and love in Emmanuel, God with us.

In this 2025 New Year, I continue to feel blessed to be Calvary’s appointed pastor. I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday.

Grace & Peace,

Pastor Linda

REMEMBER: There is still time to submit your 2025 financial pledge card

into the black collection box or the church office.

This Sunday January 5th, all children, middle and high school youth are invited to remain in worship with their parents to receive Holy Communion. Activity bags are available from the ushers for the children. A nursery is available for infants — 4 years old in Room 205 with certified & compassionate staff.  

NAMI Family-to-Family Free Sessions for Mental Health Support

Calvary is sponsoring a NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness)

Family-to-Family free, 8-session educational program on Mondays starting January 6, 2025 – February 24, 2025, in Room 119 from 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM This program is for family, significant others and friends of people with mental health conditions.You must be over 14 to attend and your loved one must be over 16. Loved one with mental illness cannot attend this class with you. It is a designated evidenced-based program. This means research shows the program significantly improves the coping and problem-solving abilities of the people closest to a person with a mental health condition.

NAMI Family-to-Family is taught by NAMI trained family members who have been there, and includes presentations, discussions and interactive exercises. In the program, you’ll learn about:

· How to solve problems and communicate effectively

· Taking care of yourself and managing your stress

· Supporting your loved one with compassion

· Finding and using local supports and services

· Up-to-date information on mental health conditions & how they affect the brain

· How to handle a crisis

· Current treatment and therapies

· The impact of mental health conditions on the entire family

You must be registered to attend this 8 week class.

To register email F2F@namiaac.org and ask for the Family-to-Family class.

Any questions? Contact Pastor Linda at pastor@calumc.org.


The Taking Down of the Greens

Alas, it's almost time to take down Calvary's Christmas decorations.

Please join us following this Sunday's service (January 5th) to pack it up and put it away.  Of course, we'll have have PIZZA when the job's done. 

Any questions, please contact Jay Irwin at jlees569@aol.com

Grief Support Group

The Grief Support Group will meet January 7, 2025 at 7:00PM in the Parlor.

 If you know a friend or relative that has experienced a loss, please suggest they consider joining the support group. If you have any questions,

please contact Suzanne Drury at

suzanne41.sd@gmail.com or Bill Thompson at bcthompson@verizon.net.


Yoga will resume on Tuesdays beginning January 7, 2025 at 4 PM. For any questions contact Liza Smith at ejbrownsmith@gmail.com

The Wednesday morning bible study will resume on

January 8th at 10:00 AM. We will begin a new study at that time and invite you to join us. If you need more information please contact Nancy Mills at discipleshipcalumc.org.

Youth Winter Retreat

Winter Retreat sign-ups are open. Cost is $120 due before the retreat. The retreat is at West River starting on Friday Jan10th after school and finishing around 10 AM on Sunday January 12th. Any parents interested in chaperoning, especially overnight, contact Joe Gryder at youthdirector@calumc.org 


The United Women in Faith are excited to share that the pecans are here! They are fresh from Georgia. You don't want to miss out.

 Place an order before they are gone.

Contact Miriam Stem at mstem@mstem,com or 410-703-1757

Light House Shelter Food Pantry Cereal Drive

The Light House Shelter Food Pantry serves the hungry in our community. Each week, families in need have the opportunity to shop at The Light House Shelter’s Food Pantry for groceries. Cereal is at the top of the list of requested groceries. But all too often, the Pantry runs out. Please join Calvary’s ongoing cereal drive: It’s easy—just add 1 of these most popular cereals (Honey Nut

Cheerios, Frosted Flakes, Raisin Bran, Instant Oatmeal packets, or Fruit Loops) to your grocery list and when convenient, drop it off in the bin in Calvary’s lobby. Start today—no sign up, no commitment, no stress!

Questions? Contact Julie Taylor at community@calumc.org or 410-703-3575

Help Children by reading to them, helping with homework, and spending time. No experience needed. Training provided. No set schedule required.

Our neighborhood children at the Stanton Center need teens and adults with a heart for sharing time and love during Homework Club

Mondays and Thursdays from 3:00-4:00PM.

Sign-up with Julie Taylor at community@calumc.org or 410-703-3575.

Backpack Buddies

The children are working hard at school. Let's keep their tummies fed on the weekends. Please consider adding Backpack Buddies to your weekly shopping list. Most needed items are non-perishable individual sizeshelf stable milk, macaroni and cheese, and pudding cups. We also welcome financial donations and we will do the shopping for you! Contact Barbara Jedrey at Jeds13@aol.com for more information or you can sign-up

by using the button below.


Preschool Registration - Spots still open!

Calvary Center School has a few spots remaining in the morning and extended care classes. For more information or to register your child/grandchild, Contact Claire Zarrilli, Director of CCS, at calvarycenter@calumc.org.

Calvary Center School - NOW HIRING!

Do you love children and need part-time employment? You are in luck! Calvary Center Preschool is in search of substitute teachers and afternoon part-time aides. For more information about these positions or how to apply, please

Contact Claire Zarrilli, Director of CCS, at calvarycenter@calumc.org.

Altar Flower Dedications Sign-up - new list!

Sign-up to dedicate flowers in honor of your loved one!

The dedication cost is $65 for a large floral arrangement. The flowers can go home with you after the Sunday service or can be used in our Flower ministry that sends smaller bouquets to friends/family of Calvary who could use a floral pick-me-up. For questions contact Tracy Leahy at tracyleahy1@gmail.com.


To access the monthly bulletin board at BWC, click here.

Visit us at calumc.org