January 2017
2017 MLK Day of Service a huge Community Success!

The 5th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day of National Service at Bounty Community Farm was an incredible success for our community! The day brought together around 40 people, gathering community members who were ready to act for positive social change and included activities such as mulching, pruning, weeding, as well as performing farm maintenance together in community. Please see our  Blog Post  and  Photo Album  about the day!
In This Issue
Announcing Saturday Service Days at Bounty Farm!
Second Saturdays of every month, F amily Friendly
Next Service Day, February 11th, 10am-1pm

In the same spirit of community service that brought us together on MLK Day, we invite you to our next Saturday Service Day on  February 11, 10am-1pm. We will be mulching, seeding in the greenhouse, and weeding, all in effort to grow food that is affordable and accessible to EVERYONE in our community!

This day will kick off both our:

1. Second Saturday of the month Service Day series, where we start with a New Volunteer Orientation at 10am and everyone joins on a large farm project. We'll come together to share lunch and the Bounty Farm will provide herb tea.

2. Weekly  Saturday volunteer opportunities, 10am-1pm. Tasks will vary throughout the season. Sign-up for weekly farm emails through our website.

We hope to see you out there. Learn more on our Facebook Event Page about the Service Day at the Farm series. 

Petaluma Bounty Updates

2016: A Year in Pictures
We'd like to share a heart-warming photo blog representing the community collaborations and shared accomplishments of Petaluma Bounty in 2016. Thank you to all who have contributed to our important work of making healthy, affordable, local food a reality for more community members. We look forward to working with you in 2017!
Farmers' Market LIFE (Local Incentive for Food and Economy) has now been in operation for 18 months and we're thrilled to share the following results. In total, our 12 participating farmers' markets have distributed $62,571 in incentives and $79,660 in CalFresh for a total of $142,231 from June, 2015 until October, 2016. 

Check out 2 new videos on our YouTube page. We wanted to capture the words and sentiments of a Bounty Academic Intern, and Bounty program participant. 

Petaluma Bounty 7th Annual Plant Sale- Save the Date!

Come and join us at Bounty Community Farm (55 Shasta Ave.) on Sunday, April 23rd, from 10am-3pm. Thousands of annual vegetable, herb and flower starts. All plants grown using sustainable practices. Click here for more information.

Seeking volunteers and local business sponsors! Email for more information.