Colossians 1:9-10 is our 2017 prayer focus for you.
"Since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We pray that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way: Bearing fruit in every good work."
Bearing fruit can be a challenge in this weedy world! We believe each of you are God's Proverbs 31 woman in your unique family, ministry and world. During 2017, we'll look at snapshots of our Proverbs 31 mentor for encouragement to live fruitful lives worthy of the Lord.
Be Resourced
A key GLD resource book for 2017:
by Donald C. Guthrie (prof at TEDS), Bob Burns, Tasha D. Chapman by Intervarsity Press.
We want to encourage all of our GLD pastors' wives (and pastors:) to read this insightful book that is based on extensive research with thousands of pastors and wives. The outflow of the authors' discoveries focus around five primary themes for leadership resilience in fruitful ministry:
"One of the most significant lessons we learned early in our research was the strategic role the spouse plays in the ministry life." (page 25)
Be Connected
Have a question or concern? Feel free to contact, me or the GLD Pastors' Wives team leader in your particular area.
Gloria Grell
wife of Daniel, Regional Superintendent of IL North of I-80
(Gloria is also our GLD Director of Ministry to Women)
Josephine Palmerin
wife of Ricardo, the GLD Hispanic Director of 20 churches