This handy little cookbook is packed with 60 simple soup recipes, plus covering the basics of making your own homemade bone broths, from chicken to fish, beef, pork, or a combination.
The author of the book is one of our very own, Craig Fear, NTP. Craig is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner who specializes in helping people with digestive issues. He believes in real food from small-scale sustainable farms and the pioneering research of Dr. Weston Price as a starting point for what to eat and why.
His book, Fearless Broths and Soups, is on sale at the clinic for $15, or you  can find it on Amazon. He also has a fantastic website packed with information, a blog, e-courses.. go check him out at

(from Fearless Broths and Soups)

Yields about 4 quarts

1 whole raw chicken or parts, cut up OR 1-2 chicken carcasses from a roasted chicken
Vegetables, chopped - 2-3 carrots, 2-3 celery stalks, 1 med. to large onion
2-4 T apple cider vinegar
Filtered water to cover chicken

Optional chicken parts for more gelatin and nutrition: 
1-2 chicken backs*
1-2 chicken feet *
Giblets (but not the liver) - neck, heart, gizzards
Chicken head (often included on whole birds from ethnic markets)

Step 1: Soak. Place chicken in stockpot, cover with water, and add vinegar. Soak 30-60 mins.

Step 2: Skim. Bring to a gentle rolling boil and skim any scum that forms on the surface. Add veggies after skimming.

Step 3: Simmer. Turn temperature to low and simmer very gently, covered, for 4-24 hours. 

Step 4.: Strain. Let broth cool to room temperature. Strain broth and transfer to storage containers. 

Step 5: Store. Store in fridge up to 7 days. Freeze whatever you won't use within a week.

See Craig's book for tips and variations on this recipe, and instructions for beef and fish broths. 

* (Note from Rachel): If you are new to this, I know the idea of using such parts as backs and feet can seem pretty strange. It took me quite a while to get up the courage to do it myself. River Valley Market carries both, not always though, call to check or ask at the meat counter - and they can be found in the freezer. It is notable how much more gelatin they add, and even flavor! And again, think of it as using the whole animal, not wasting parts. It's how many of our ancestors ate, and probably how your grandmother cooked!