WSCA President Tony Parker CEC, AAC, ACE
January 2017
Greetings Culinarians and Associates,
Governor's Inaugural Ball
The holidays are over and we made it through another crazy season. Just as we thought we would take that well deserved rest for a couple of weeks, the Governor's Inaugural Ball was on us. With much support from membership, and partners in the industry we put together another incredible event for the Governor's Ball Committee. There was a good amount of stress with the last minute changes in location (again), but it all came together and the food presented by the schools and businesses was impressive. The displays created at each table were creative, beautiful and impressive. Some used props, while others used the food to create the display. All of it was stunning and the flavors exceptional. All of the comments that I received from the guests and especially the Governor were simply amazing. Not one negative comment was heard throughout the event. We hired a videographer to document and make a short video of the event. He is working on it now and should be completed with it in the next two weeks. The video will be posted on our website for all to see with the other videos from past events and educational segments.
There are too many people to thank individually for the efforts made towards the governor's ball to make it the success it was. I would like to thank all involved for their efforts and commitment for this event. It is the largest fundraiser for our chapter and helps support all the scholarships and educational trainings and segments that we do for the next 4 years. Thank you all!!
ACF Conference
February 5-7 I will be attending our ACF conference in chilly Chicago. Some of you are also braving the cold to be there too. I would like to thank those that are attending and showing support for our region in advance. I know that the next conference will be held in Orlando Florida in July. Quite the contrast in seasons but I am sure that we will most likely have a better western region turnout at that conference. I will report on the conference when I return.
Practical Exams
We have 4 candidates for practical exams on February 11th at Renton technical College. It is nice to see that we are doing more practical exams lately and I hope that those that may have let their certifications slip, can find the time to reach out to myself - or Mark Linden - to get you started on the path to recertify.
Washington Pro-Start Invitational
Don't forget about the Washington Pro-Start Invitational just around the corner on February 18th at Clover Park Technical College - 4500 Steilacoom Blvd. SW. Lakewood, WA. 98499. Information is posted on our website or you can reach out to the WSRA for more details. A lot of us are already committed to judging this event and I am sure that it will be another exciting competition between high school students vying to be the best. If you have never attended a Pro-Start competition, then you are truly missing out. The quality of the plates created by these young culinarians is exceptional and it's a joy to watch them create in surroundings that are not a standard kitchen but a couple of six foots and a couple of burners.
Les Jeunes Chefs Rotisseurs Competition
Our local Les Jeunes Chefs Rotisseurs Competition is coming up soon as well. It will be held at Renton Technical College on February 25th. This year they have added prize money for the top 3 places. $1000.00 for first, $500.00 for second and $250.00 for third. If you win the local, you go to Regionals in San Francisco. If you win at Regionals, you go to Nationals at Gaithersburg, MD. If you win at Nationals, you will be sent to Perth, Australia for the international finals. Pretty incredible. Only 8-10 contestants can compete at the local level. It is filling up fast so if you are under the age of 26 and want to compete in a mystery box competition, then sign up now.
President's Awards Dinner
Our next Meeting is the President's Award Dinner being held at the Hilton Airport & Conference Center on February 13th. The board meets from 4pm to 6pm, no host bar and passed hors d oeuvres from 6pm to 7pm, and the plated dinner is 7pm to 9pm with awards during the dinner. Costs for the dinner are posted on the web site. I hope to see you all at the dinner.
Click here to register online...
Thank You
Again, I would like to thank everyone that helped with the Governors Ball. It is a very large event and requires many months of planning and a group of dedicated chefs and individuals working together to pull it off.
Thank you all for your time and efforts.
Tony Parker CEC, AAC, ACE President WSCA Instructor Renton Technical College
"Alone we can do so little, together we can accomplish much."
Monday, February 13th, 2017
Hilton Seattle Airport and Conference Center
17620 International Blvd
Seattle, WA 98188
4-6pm - Board Meeting
6-7pm - No host bar & Passed Hors D'oeuvres
7-9pm - Plated Dinner & Awards
$40 - Students
$55 - Members
$60 - Non-members
Presidents Awards Dinner Menu:
Tray passed Hors D'oeuvres
Demitasse of Lobster Bisque
Five Spice marinated Duck Breast, Taro Chip, Fruit Relish
Dungeness Crab Beignets, Dashi Dip
1st Course
Northwest Salmon "Fish and Chips"
Northwest Seared Salmon, Sweet Corn Sauce, Roasted Pearl Onion and Mushroom Relish, Potato Gaufrette
2nd Course Gathered Baby Greens, Curly Frisse
Shaved Fennel, Citrus, Beecher's Artisan Cheese, Pumpkin Seed Brittle, Citrus Vinaigrette
Bison Ribeye, Parmesan Bread Pudding, Roasted Brussels Sprouts, Butternut
Black Current Sauce
Semolina Custard, Port Braised Cherries
Prostart Invitational
Saturday, February 18th, 2017
Clover Park Technical College
4500 Steilacoom Blvd SW
Lakewood, WA 98499
The Washington ProStart Invitational® is the country's premier secondary school competition focused on restaurant management and culinary arts. Annually, student competitors put their skills to the test in front of industry leaders, NRAEF Trustees, state hospitality associations, and family and friends - all with hopes of earning a coveted scholarship from one of the nation's premier culinary and restaurant management programs.
They are looking for chefs to help judge this event. If you are interested in being a judge, please email
Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have ideas for the association.
Visit the WSCA Contact page to find contact info for the Association as well as each WSCA officer.
Tony Parker CEC, AAC, ACE
Washington State Chefs Association
February 13, 2017
March 13, 2017
Board Meeting Only
Puratos Seattle
May 8, 2017
Board Meeting Only
Puget Sound Skills Center
BOARD MEMBERS Janet Waters, CWPC Lyle Hildahl Daniel Griffith Jeff Duncan John Clark David Wynne
ASSOCIATE BOARD MEMBERS Michael Ventura Royal Cup Coffee and Tea Jake Applegarth Ecolab
BOARD OF TRUSTEES Jim H. Douglas CEC CCE AAC Walter Bronowitz CCC CEC AAC John Fisher CEC CCE AAC Chris Plemmons CEC AAC Karl Hutter Gary Fuller CEC CCE AAC
Membership Chair Gary Fuller CEC CCE AAC
Education Chair Dan Lewark CEC CCA
Chef & Child Chair Brandon LaVielle
Culinary Salon Chair Michael Baldwin CEC CCE
Co-Chair Tamas Ronyai
Certification Chair Jeff Duncan
Sergeant at Arms Steven Schrader CCA
Apprentice Coordinator Tony Parker CEC AAC ACE
Photographer Holli Yu
Food Truck Chair JJ Meland
Food Truck Committee Gary Fuller CEC CCE AAC Stephanie Branica Matt Dimeo Maria Ancira
CONTACT INFO To find contact info for any of the WSCA Officers, please visit the Contact Us page. |