January 2018
E-newsletter highlighting grant deadlines, upcoming workshops and available resources for municipal recycling and solid waste leaders.
BE SMART About Your Trash and Recycling
Free Webinar

January 22, 2018

Wonder how you'll meet budget this year? Is it time to learn more about unit-based pricing - the system where trash is managed like a utility?
Join us to learn about DEEP's SMART (Save Money And Reduce Trash) program, available resources and technical assistance. There will be opportunity to ask lots of questions.

Jennifer Weymouth, CT DEEP
Kristen Brown, WasteZero
Mark Moriarity, City of New Britain

Covered in the Webinar:
• DEEP's focus on SMART as #1 tool for waste reduction and controlling municipal costs
• What is SMART? How could it work for your community?
• How community priorities and demographics impact how the program is designed and implemented
• Municipal perspective of planning process
• Your questions
Note, we will open up the audio/phone so you can be part of the conversation and ask your questions directly, so plan to join webinar with headset or call on phone. Questions can also be typed during the webinar.
Join this upcoming webinar/conference call.

Who should attend?
• DPW Directors
• Recycling coordinators
• Solid Waste/Recycling committees
• CT Municipal leadership
• Chief Financial Officers
• Sustainability Coordinators
• Chief elected officials

  You will need a computer & a computer headset with microphone or call in by phone! 

Recycling Enforcement Initiative

In 1989, CT passed a law mandating certain materials were to be recycled. Over the years, the list has grown to include more materials and language has been slightly changed by referring to these items as "designated recyclables".

In 2016 the Waste Engineering and Enforcement Division, in an effort to increase recycling, developed the Recycling Enforcement Initiative. The initiative implemented a plan for outreach and technical assistance, followed up by inspections, and when necessary, provided compliance assistance and enforcement, as necessary.

Enforcement includes implementation of corrective measures and may include fines of up to $25,000 per day per violation.

One sector of interest to municipalities that REI is tackling includes Multi-Tenant Housing. In 2016, 60 commercial housing units were visited, and 83% of those had recycling violations. In 2017, over 80 inspections have taken place, which includes the follow-up inspections, resulting in only 35% having recycling violations.

The results for this initiative includes bringing 70 multi-tenant housing sites into compliance - representing 7000 housing units/15,000 people.

In 2018, the REI team will be expanding target sectors to include gas stations/mini marts, public libraries and schools. This includes outreach and assistance about complying with recycling and solid waste laws.
Key Recycling Laws

CGS Section 22a-241b(c): Every person who generates solid waste from a residential property shall... separate from other solid waste the items designated for recycling...

CGS Section 22a-241b(d): Every person who generates solid waste from a property other than a residential property shall... make provisions and cause the separation from other solid waste the items designate for recycling...

CGS Section 22a-241b(e): No person shall knowingly combine previously segregated designated recyclable items with other solid waste.

CGS Section 22a-241l(b): Each contract... for the collection of solid waste shall make provisions for the collection of designated recyclable items, either by providing for the collection of designated recyclable items by the same collector... or by including identification of the collector with whom such contract exists.
Interested in Receiving SMART Technical Assistance?
DEEP is looking for a few more communities to work with our consultant, Waste Zero, on exploring how a SMART (Save Money and Reduce Trash) program can help your municipality. 

To find out more, please contact Jennifer Weymouth at [email protected].
Have an idea or topic for future municipal recycling conference call/webinar? Email Sherill Baldwin to share your idea for learning opportunities for you and your recycling colleagues.
     Upcoming Events:

January 17, 2018 - 8:00am - 4:00pm  Connecticut Recyclers Coalition Annual Conference. Aqua Turf, 555 Mulberry Street, Southington, CT.

January 22, 2018 - 2:00pm  Be SMART About Your Trash and Recycling  webinar, hosted by DEEP. Speakers include: Jennifer Weymouth, Kristen Brown, Mark Moriarity.

January 25, 2018 - 1:00-2:30pm  Quality Matters - Free Resources to Support Plastic Recycling Programs webinar, hosted by EPA. Speakers include: Marilyn Cruz-Aponte speaking on East Hartford's WRAP/plastic film recycling program.

February 27, 2018 - 1:30-3:00pm - Best Practices for Bed Bug Management of Used Mattresses, Bedding and Upholstered Furniture Businesses . Workshop to Support the CT Reuse and Recycling Industries. CT DEEP, 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT - McCarthy Auditorium. Meet in person or join by webinar. Sponsored by the CT Agricultural Experiment Station, CT Council Against Bed Bugs, Mattress Recycling Council and CT DEEP.
CT DEEP | Source Reduction & Recycling Group | 860-424-4193 | www.ct.gov/deep/recycle