January 2019 eNews & eBulletin
Order a commemorative brick; contribute to ALA's legacy of service
You can play an important role in preserving and continuing the American Legion Auxiliary’s legacy with a $200 donation for an engraved brick paver at the ALA National Headquarters’ new location — where the pavers will be placed prominently for all to see.

With your contribution in exchange for a personalized brick paver, you will help ensure our worldwide mission of service to veterans, military, and their families endures. Your 4×8” brick can be customized with up to three lines of engraved text, with up to 18 characters on each line.

To order your brick, or to learn more, visit Don’t miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to honor a significant veteran, servicemember, or ALA member in your life!
A video message for our donors
Thank you for giving! With your donations, we have been able to help homeless veterans, educate America’s future leaders at ALA Girls Nation, assist ALA members who need help after recent natural disasters — and so much more. We are extremely grateful to those of you who support the American Legion Auxiliary and the ALA Foundation!

ALA In the Know eBulletin
Click here to stay updated with January reports and timely articles from ALA national committees, programs, and activities: ALA Girls Nation, Americanism, Children & Youth, Education, Legislative, Membership, Poppy, Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation
Mid-Year NEC Meeting scheduled for February
The 2018-2019 Mid-Year National Executive Committee Meeting is being hosted in Indianapolis on Saturday, Feb. 23, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. EST. If you are interested in attending as a guest, the registration fee is $25, which includes a continental breakfast and lunch. Housing arrangements can be made during the registration process. Every attempt will be made to accommodate your housing request; however, priority will be given to those authorized to attend the meeting. The host hotel is the  Indianapolis Marriott North, and rooms are $125 per night plus tax. Registration deadline is Jan. 23. Space is limited. Register through ALA’s event website. Email questions to
Time is running out to register for the last 2018-2019 ALA national Junior meeting
ALA Juniors looking for ideas on how to best serve the Auxiliary’s mission in their communities, or who just want a little inspiration, can find that when they attend an ALA national Junior meeting — a fun, interactive, and informative event open to Junior members ages 8 and older. The final 2018-2019 national Junior meeting is Jan. 26 in Las Vegas.

Register now until Jan. 16 to lock in the fee rate of $60. After Jan. 16 and for on-site registration, the fee is $65. There are no refunds after Jan. 16.
Make MLK Jr. Day your time of service to others
Falling on Jan. 21 this year, the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service is a terrific opportunity for American Legion Auxiliary members to serve the community and be a positive representation of the ALA. Promote your unit’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service project using these templates and tell us about it on social media @alaforveterans.
ALA Foundation accepting applications for Board of Directors position
Are you interested in sharing your leadership skills, prior board experience, grassroots fundraising ideas, and more, in support of the world’s largest women’s patriotic service organization?

The American Legion Auxiliary Foundation Board of Directors seeks applications for a three-year elected board position. We are looking for individuals — with a passion for veterans, military, and their families — who are excited to join a board committed to building, promoting, and sustaining the ALA Foundation.

As a board of directors member, you serve as a trusted advisor on a team that steers the ALA Foundation by adopting sound, ethical, and legal governance and financial management policies, as well as making sure the ALA has adequate resources to advance our mission for our next generation of heroes.

More information, and the application, can be found at Apply by April 8.
Do you consider yourself to be a 'military brat'? Auxiliary  magazine wants to hear from you!
The term “military brat” is nothing new to American Legion Auxiliary members. As a major supporter of veterans, military, and their families since 1919, the ALA understands that the children of military parents make sacrifices too — and for that, we salute them!

Some ALA members proudly refer to themselves as military brats. Many of them say growing up with military parents allowed them to develop important attributes such as resiliency, strength, and adaptability, plus a sense of patriotism. Auxiliary magazine is seeking stories from ALA members of all ages who consider themselves to be military brats.

Contact or (317) 569-4500 to share your story.
ALA entities can use the ALA 100th anniversary logo for apparel, etc.
Celebrate the American Legion Auxiliary’s centennial this year dressed in clothing that features the ALA 100th anniversary logo. You can also showcase the ALA’s big birthday on shirts, banners, posters, and more! ALA units, districts, and departments can create customized and branded apparel, products, and other items with this logo in preparation for our landmark year. Emblem usage approval is required and is the same as filing to use the ALA emblem and ALA Girls State logos. Simply fill out the ALA Emblem Use Approval Request form  here. Check out the centennial items currently available from Emblem Sales  here.
Share your posts and photos with us on social media @ALAforVeterans.

ALA social media hashtags:



ALA Membership
Where does your department stand in Auxiliary Membership? Click here to log in and view the latest reports.
ALA Centennial
It's time to get your ALA centennial celebration items!

The American Legion Legislative Alerts
The ALA supports the legislative agenda of The American Legion.
SIRVA Mortgage
SIRVA Mortgage can save ALA members time and money on home purchase needs!

Bonus Drive
ALA members who purchase or lease a vehicle from participating auto manufacturers are eligible to receive an exclusive cash bonus, up to $500. Download Flyer

ALA Mission & Vision
Mission Statement
In the spirit of Service Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.

Vision Statement
The vision of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion while becoming the premier service organization and foundation of every community providing support for our veterans, our military, and their families by shaping a positive future in an atmosphere of fellowship, patriotism, peace and security.