BOB CAT BUZZ - January 2019


Dear Cienega Families,
Happy New Year!
Second semester promises to be very busy for both our staff and students. Seniors need to remain strong with grades, SEP, and their college and career planning. Before we know it, graduation will be upon us. Our 2019 Commencement will be held at the Tucson Convention Center on Saturday, May 18th at 7:00 p.m. We are excited about this final semester and want to be sure every senior is a part of this ceremony.
As our seniors are making plans for after graduation, our freshmen, sophomores, and juniors will be choosing their classes for next year. Pre-registration begins the last week in January. The Course Selection Handbook will be finalized and available on the counselor link of our website the week of registration, and review your student will be bringing home a course selection form for you to sign. Please do not hesitate to contact your child's counselor if you have any questions regarding graduation requirements and suggested courses.
Spring sports will be starting in February. For those that are interested in signing up, please get your paperwork turned into the 400 building athletic office as soon as possible.
Thank you for your tax credit donations! Our extra-curricular programs and clubs have received many tax credit contributions in the last few weeks. We truly appreciate your support!

Nemer Hassey



Finish next school year a with a trip to  
Machu Picchu, one of the seven wonders of the world!  Join us as we 
explore Peru in the summer of 2020.  The Farrs, Ms. Crusa, Dr. Rathman, and Mr. Thomas will lead an adventure from the Andes to the Amazon - from mountain top temples to tropical rainforests. 

Come experience the natural history of the Sacred Valley, travel by train through mountain peaks, tour Incan artifacts in Lima, Cusco, and Pisac and learn about the 400 types of potatoes Peruvians cultivate! Not to mention, we're spending two nights at lodge in the Amazon!   Not only will we observe jungle wildlife, tropical birds, and alpine meadows; we will also have the chance to visit local villages, participating in weaving and pottery demonstrations.

Find out details and sign up at an information meeting on Wednesday, January 23rd, 6:00 pm in room 520 at Cienega.  Through fundraising and tax credits, this opportunity of a lifetime can become a reality.   Come learn how we can work together to make this adventure happen!

RSVP at or speak with one of the tour leaders.  

"I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world." - Mary Anne Radmacher

Class of 2019:
Graduation Reminders
  • Cap and Gown and Announcements: Contact Jostens: 1-800-JOSTENS
  • Parent graduation meeting is April 11th at 6:00 PM in the Student Union
  • Ceremony is Saturday May 18th at the Tucson Convention Center at 7:00 PM   
  • Graduation Rehearsal is Friday May 17th in the gymnasium
  • Honors Night is Thursday, May 9th in the Student Union
              Testing Dates:

            There are only a couple more opportunities to take the SAT or ACT this year!

General Senior Reminders:
  • If nine absences are accumulated in any class regardless of the reason, unless it is a school related activity, THE STUDENT WILL NOT PASS    THE CLASS AND WILL NOT GRADUATE IF THE CLASS IS A REQUIREMENT FOR GRADUATION.  Refer to the student agenda for exceptions to this policy.
  • Seniors planning on attending a four year college should have applied to their schools by now.  You may lose valuable scholarship opportunities  by procrastinating any longer.
  • Be sure to check the CHS Website for updated scholarship opportunities. The link can be found by entering the website at click on the "Counselor" link, from there click on "Scholarships". This page is updated regularly, so check back often.
  • The FAFSA (free application for financial student aid) should be completed by now.                                                                                                                                    
    Classes of 2020, 2021, and 2022:
  • Registration for the 2019-20 school year is happening at the end of this month and the beginning of next month for Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors. It is a two day process for each grade level. On the first day we deliver a transcript to each student and do credit checks to make sure every student is aware if they are on track to graduate or are missing classes necessary to graduate. We then discuss the courses they have available to choose from to register for classes. On the second day, the students will actually log on to PowerSchool and select requests for the classes they hope to get for the following school year. Below is the schedule for pre registration.
Junior Registration (2020) dates for US History Classes
  • Thursday 1/24: Day 1, All classes in the Student Union
  • Thursday 1/31: Day 2, All classes in the Student Union
Sophomore Registration (2021) dates for Biology Classes:
  • Friday 1/25, Day 1, All classes in the Student Union
  • Friday 2/08, Day 2, All classes in the Student Union
Freshman Registration (2022) dates for World History Classes
  • Monday, 2/11, Day 1, All classes in the Student Union
  • Thursday, 2/14, Day 2, All classes in the Student Union

The Cats CARE Team     

  If you've been around Vail schools long, you have probably heard the ACT Statement (or the CAT Statement at Cienega); We are respectful and trustworthy, we care about each other, and we take responsibility.  One of the oldest PBIS programs on our campus was designed to recognize students who are living up to the statement in any number of ways. 

Any adult can hand out the  Phat Cat Card  to any student on campus for exemplifying these ideas.  Students have been given cards for helping a teacher in some way, cleaning up after a student who "forgot" to pick up their trash, improving grades or behaviors, or turning in a lost item at the front office.  Each card is a scratcher that reveals one of six prizes including Cienega swag, free lunch, leaving class early for lunch, admission to athletic or fine arts events, etc. 

These small tokens allow us to recognize students for those small actions that reveal good character and reinforce that behavior immediately.  The PBIS team and our volunteer coordinator work diligently to keep this and all of their programs going to make sure our students feel appreciated on campus.



Sign up for the Accuplacer test January 15th & 16th:
Are you interested in taking a dual enrollment course to get high school AND college math credit? Pima will be here to give the Accuplacer Placement Test on February 7th & 8th. If you are interested, be on the lookout from your math teacher for more information. Make sure you sign up with your teacher and complete the Pima Community College application process prior to testing day!

March 5th & 6th:
Mark your calendars and charge your chromebooks. We will be doing a tech check on these two days to ensure that our technology is ready to go for testing in April. It is imperative that all students bring their chromebooks to school, fully charged.

AzMERIT Testing in April:
Mark your calendars for the testing dates listed below. All 9th-11th graders are expected to take their AzMerit tests in the areas of Math, English, and Science. Please reschedule any conflicts you may have on these days to ensure that your child is present.

Second Semester ACT Prep Courses: 
It's not too late to sign up for Prep Courses that will help you better prepare for your ACT test. Bring $35 to the bookstore and then bring your receipt to the 500 office to see Mrs. Magnuson for specific dates. Remember, signing up for the actual ACT test must be done on your own through . Process takes about 40 minutes.

Second Semester Tutoring Schedule:




Pre-college Summer Programs

Winter is the best time to time to start planning for summer, particularly pre-college summer programs. Why look into summer programs now? Many application deadlines for summer programs range from January through March.
Pre-college summer programs offer high school students a one-week or longer "college" experience. Students often have the opportunity to live in a dorm and complete one or more rigorous classes, and get a sense of what college is like. These programs not only teach students new information and skills, they can also make students more attractive candidates for admission into top-tier schools. A few of the benefits of pre-college summer programs are: o pportunities to experience on-campus life, opportunities to experience real college classes, opportunities to examine potential majors . Taking college courses in a pre-college summer program can help students decide whether or not a specific field of study is a good fit.
A Sampling of Pre-college Summer Programs

  Through the 2019 University of Arizona College of Medicine - Summer Institute on Medical Ignorance 20-25 high school students will be incorporated into the Medical Student Research Fellowship Summer Program, thereby stimulating interactions with "big brother" and "big sister" medical students and also with medical faculty mentors and Visiting Professors conducting bi-weekly research seminars throughout the summer.
The Summer Engineering Academy is for high school students who want to learn more about engineering and find out what it's like to be a Wildcat. The College of Engineering has done outreach through SEA for more than 30 years.
U of A College of Science's summer programs include a range of science and math-focused camps and workshops, available for a variety of ages. Many of these programs are traditional experiences on the UA campus. Some of our premier summer camps take advantage of our close proximity to the UA's world-class telescope facilities on Mt. Lemmon. Each program is designed to provide campers with hands-on research experiences. For two weeks every summer, the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication brings top-performing high school students to ASU for two weeks of intensive, hands-on experiences in broadcast and digital journalism. The 2019 institute will take place June 2-14, 2019.

Out of State:
Through a three-week, immersive residential experience on the University of Southern California's campus learn to prepare for success in college - including gaining admission and scholarships to the best schools that are the ideal fit for the student - and in his/her career. The experience includes a thorough exploration of the wide range of options for the future.
The UC San Diego Global Environmental Leadership and Sustainability pre-college programs are designed to provide high achieving high school students the opportunity to engage and address environmental issues in the world today in an effort to develop future "Leaders in Caring for the Earth." Two 2019 Gels workshops will be held in Arizona at the Biosphere 2.
Dainah L. Graham , M.S., M.Ed.
College & Career Counselor



NJROTC Cadet Commanding Officer Frank Ciampa was a awarded a 4-year full funded Navy ROTC Scholarship (U.S. Marine Corps Option).  This future U.S. Marine Corps Commissioned Officer plans to attend The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina.  U.S. Senator Martha McSally has also Nominated this outstanding cadet to the U.S. Naval Academy.   
NJROTC Cadets had the opportunity to represent Vail at the Arizona Governor's Inauguration Ceremony on 7 Jan 2019.  The cadets also had the opportunity to meet with government and state law makers.   

Definition: Quality of having strong moral principles and core values and then conducting your life with those as your guide. 

Thank you to our AMAZING parents, volunteers and CatFRAT members for donating the most WONDERFUL and DELICIOUS staff appreciation luncheon, WOW! Thank you for volunteering to help with our luncheon, I had a blast working with all of you and getting to know some new faces! Thank you so much for donating all of the FABULOUS Gift Cards for our staff appreciation drawings! What a cool and fun way to end our first semester, thank YOU for blessing us again! 

Thank you to the following businesses for donating food and or gift cards for our staff appreciation luncheon in December. Thank YOU!!! 

Looking for a few good volunteers for 2 upcoming events - 
~ College and Career Fair ~ Aux Gym 
Wednesday, January 30th, from 7:30am-1:30pm 
anytime in between. This is a   half day for our students! 
~ Science Fair Judging ~ Library and Education Center
Friday, February 1st, 1:30-4:30pm

Please contact me if you're interested in volunteering for either event or both. (520) 419-1449 or

Thank you! 
Amy Burton 
Volunteer Coordinator 


THANK YOU  to our parents and CatFRAT members for all your generous donations for our Christmas Staff Appreciation Luncheon!  We also want to thank and recognize Baggins Gourmet Sandwiches, BJ's Restaurant & Brewhouse, Viva Coffee House and Sweet Tomatoes for their fantastic food donations!  We couldn't have made this event a success without each and every one of you.   
VAIL PRIDE DAY is quickly approaching and we need volunteers for our CatFRAT Pizza Hut booth on February 16, 2019.  Please contact Amy Burton at 520-879-2811 or for more details and come join in the fun!    


Congratulations to the following Bobcat for being our Phat Cat Drawing winners.

Kristen Gonzales- winner of movie tickets, dinner gift certificate and dessert. 


Thank you parents for your support. We truly appreciate your involvement! 

Cienega High School


1/19- Winter Formal

1/21- No School
Martin Luther King

1/30- College & Career Day Half Day Dismissal 12:40pm

2/1- Science Fair 

2/6- NCAA Signing Day

2/6 Half Day Parent/ Teacher Conferences 

2/7 Half Day Dismissal 12:40pm

2/16- Vail Pride Day 




Cienega High School
Vision Statement
Cienega High School creates an educational environment utilizing partnerships among community, parents, and staff to assist students in maximizing their academic potential and promoting life-long learning.
Front Office - 879-2800     Attendance -  879-2803   
Bookstore - 879-2824 
Registrar - 879-2812

Health Office - 879-2810

Front Office/200 House   
Nemer Hassey
Secretary - Chris Rich 

300 House
Assistant Principal
Dean Nourse

Secretary - Gianni Wanaka 

Education Center
Eric Boxley 
A-C 879-2854
Rebecca Carrier-  D-G 879-1825
Colette Alvarado-  H-L 879-2904
Sylvia Lewandowski-  M-Q 
Sheri Mitzel -  R-S 879-2868
John Tritz - T-Z 879-1843  
Dainah Graham - 879-2819
Bobcat Scholar Academy

400/600 House/Athletics    
Assistant Principal 
Kelly Hadden
Athletic Director - Whitney Holland - 879-1813            

Secretary -  Sandi Morrison

500 House 
Assistant Principal 
Kim Middleton
Secretary - Cassandra Bahrychuk 879-2874

Special Education Secretary Patty McKnight 879-1804
Communications Coordinator
Juanita Mari- 879-2815   
CHS website:                 


Sodexo - 879-2090 or 

District Office - 879-2000

Transportation - 879-2475

Get your YEARBOOK today!

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CHS Online Store
Spirit Wear & More!

 Click here for Online Ordering  





Job Openings

Are you looking for a job?


The Vail School District is looking for dynamic, energetic and positive staff members. Please click on the link below for the job descriptions, qualifications, salary guide, and the application process.


Click for job openings here   


Cienega High School

It's that time of year again to pre-order your yearbook.