January & February 2019 FRC Newsletter
From the Director
Welcome 2019 and welcome new, long-time, and on-again members! The FRC is already buzzing with those determined to achieve health, fitness and wellness goals in one way or another. Group fitness classes and personal training are re-energized. The volume of use on the equipment and around the track is also up and all for a good cause – the health of it! There’s room for more, even as second semester begins on January 22. It is a great time to use the facility, programs, and staff expertise to get back in stride, or find new motivation or to complement what you may do outside. Don’t forget, even with the challenges of the season, it is good for the soul to get some fresh air and a bit of sun on our faces. While a dark, icy road is treacherous, a brisk walk for lunch, a snow shoe in the nearby woods, or a Nordic ski loop around the fields will do us a world of good. Bring a friend. Remember, we have snowshoes and other equipment to rent if that helps! We have plenty for you to do inside, out of the elements, to work in your training zone, work out the kinks, and even socialize, and have fun. Add in some time in nature and you have a winning combination. Consider this an invitation or a challenge, whichever helps. If it’s already your lifestyle, keep on keeping on! If we can help, ask about our programs, talk with staff, grab our flyers, poke around on the website for what you might do, and of course, read this newsletter for information and inspiration. 

This time of year, please be reminded to bring a clean change of shoes. It helps immensely in keeping the facility clean. Also, be conscious of time on cardio & selectorized equipment. With increased use, this courtesy goes a long way. And be watchful of others using the track at various paces, especially when crossing. 

On behalf of the entire FRC staff, welcome to the new year and all the health and wellness we can muster together.

Julie Davis
Interim Director
Gym Etiquette

* Keep cell phone conversations in the lobby
If you must have a phone conversation during your workout, please move to the lobby area. Loud phone conversations in the training areas are a distraction for others and can cause annoyance and disturbance.
* Share equipment
If you are resting between sets and someone wants to use the same machine, allow him or her to work in his or her set during your rest interval. Don't hog the machine. If you are waiting and you see someone resting try saying, "Hey, do you mind if I work in a set while you rest"?
* Limit time on cardio machines to 30 minutes
* Share lap lanes when swimming
Are all the lap lanes full and you want to join in on the fun? There are a few ways of introducing yourself into a lap lane. First, take a moment to observe the current swimmers. Join a lane with similar swimming speeds to yours. Take a kick board and wave it underwater as the swimmer approaches the wall. This will show the lap swimmer someone is there. They will stop and look up at you. Take that time to say, "Hi, may I join you"? All swimmers are required to share lanes. Discuss your swimming pattern preference to avoid collisions and have a great workout.
* Keep your kids under direct supervision and in your control.
You may think it is a safe environment for your child to run loose but there are many hazards and potential injuries in a gym. We don't want your child to get hurt. Also, your child may be disrupting another member's workout and that is just not considerate.
* Wipe equipment with the sanitizing spray provided.
* Shower before getting in the pool.
* Bring your sneakers.
Take off your boots or snow, salt, and/or mud covered shoes in the lobby. Please don't track it all through the gym, especially the track!

Become a better YOU!
Become a better swimmer!
Participation in Swim the Sandy!
Through self-tracking of your swimming, watch yourself accomplish your self-chosen goal.

Each week participants will receive EDUCATIONAL e-mails to include swim tips and free access to our swim clinics throughout the semester.

New Group Fitness Schedule
Winter / Spring 2019
When public schools and/or UMF cancels there are NO GROUP FITNESS CLASSES!
We may not always agree with the decisions, but because many of our instructors travel a considerable distance and for the sake of consistency,
this is our policy.

American Red Cross Courses
Spring American Red Cross course lineup is out. Check out the numerous Lifeguard Training courses and Water Safety Instructor Course. Monthly FA/CPR/AED courses continue with new offerings! Check out our express learning courses. You will spend time online before coming to class for skill work!
Youth Swimming Lessons
Youth Swim Lesson Registration opens Monday, January 28, 2019. Visit the link below for details. New once-a-week evening classes and more Parent and Me offerings!


FRC Hosts Intern Students
Hello, my name is Caroline Donnell, a lot of people like to call me Lina. You can call me whichever one you can remember!
I am a senior Community Health major here at the University of Maine at Farmington, originally a transfer from Marshall University in West Virginia. I am a native to the Farmington and Jay areas.
I love sea turtles and anything having to do with the ocean.
I love to encourage people about their fitness and help them reach their goals.
This semester one of my goals is to obtain my personal training certification and help others further reach their goals. I love the atmosphere here in the facility and I love the people. I would not want to do my internship anywhere else. I look forward to this opportunity and cannot wait to see what it has in store for me.

My name is Nick. I’m a senior Community Health major here at UMF. I want to be a Physical Education teacher and a basketball coach when I graduate. Currently, I am the Assistant Coach for Dirigo High School Boys Basketball.

I enjoy playing, watching, and coaching sports. I stay fit through playing sports like men’s league basketball and intramural sports here at UMF, and participating in our high school practices. I love sports-related and body weight workouts. 

I’ve been a PHE instructor at the FRC for 3 years. Teaching PHE is a great experience for me and is helping prepare me for my future as a Physical Education teacher.
Beyond UMF...
Mainely Outdoors would like to give a huge THANK YOU and send off to our senior Grace McNally as she completed her college career this past fall. Grace has been with Mainely Outdoors for a year and a half and held multiple roles. Grace started as building logistics and trip leader and entered into the first full-time Mainely Outdoors Intern during the spring of 2018. This led her to taking on a Maine Guide Training Course, as well as continuing her work with Maine Huts and Trails. Grace had a great impact on the program and will be truly missed. Not to worry, we know we will see Grace on the hills skiing, on the hiking trail, and soaking up positive vibes next to some of her favorite waterways in the Western Mountains of Maine.

Thank you and good luck Grace!
We would like to wish Abbey Demyer and Ellie Walker, from the mid-west, the best and thank you, as they spent a semester with us in Maine. Both Abbey and Ellie were a joy to work with and both brought great positive energy.  While here, Abbey left a gift to remember her by as well as inspire us in the office. Come and check out the mural that she painted over her last few weeks. It is truly something to see! We don't want to spoil it with a picture!
UMF FRC Personal Training
Our commitment to you
  Welcome to the new you!

Every day is another chance to get stronger, to eat better, to live healthier, and to be the best version of you. Congratulations on your decision to be a healthier, more active you! 

We will do everything we can to ensure you feel welcome, comfortable, and healthy as soon as you step through our doors. We have a strong mission here to develop and implement the most robust, safe, and effective program you have ever had. We want you to have the best fitness experience possible so you look forward to coming in to see us. This means you will have extraordinary customer service and a functional facility with some of the newest tech and fitness professionals who are all certified through ACE (American Council on Exercise). We are not only experts in the field of fitness, but also have a true desire to help you achieve your goals.

Believe in yourself.

You may be asking yourself, with so many services available where do I begin? The fitness assessment appointment is a great start. Your ACE Certified Personal Trainer is dedicated to providing appropriate recommendations by reviewing your health and fitness questionnaire and performing various assessments and measurements. The recommendations will be based on your individual needs to help you successfully reach your short and long term fitness goals. Some members prefer to have a coach/personal trainer help them achieve success, while others prefer group fitness or sport programs to help them adhere to their goals. Some prefer to do it on their own. Whatever your goals are, we are here to help you succeed.
Mainely Outdoors is looking forward to having the students back on campus and supporting everyone to get outside during the beautiful winter months.

Remember our rental gear! We have great options for Nordic Skiing and Snowshoeing! If you would like to rent any of our gear please visit the FRC front desk to make a reservation.

Looking ahead, Mainely Outdoors is excited for the 9th Annual Canoe/Kayak Race and Fun Paddle.  Save the date for April 28th as we conquer the mighty Sandy River. 

For more information and registration please  CLICK HERE .
To contact the race organizer please email Andrew Willihan at   andrew.willihan@maine.edu

To see what trips and programs are coming up this semester please  CLICK HERE   to take a look at our Google Calendar. Some of our trips details have not been finalized as we await our staff to return to campus. For more information please feel free to email us at  mainelyoutdoors@maine.edu
Use our new "Shout Out" wall to say thank you, you're doing great, or just to encourage someone to keep up the good work. This is for everyone - students, members, staff - everyone! The shout out "bubbles" have been provided for you so just grab a pen or pencil and post your "shout out".
Make someone feel good today!