The Place To Learn

SchiavettaGolf Academy @ Evies Golf Center

4735 Bee Ridge Rd. Sarasota, FL 34233   941.350.1653  


     SchiavettaGolf Academy Newsletter

A new year...a new golf mindset.

Set your golfing goals now!
2018 is in the rear view mirror as we look ahead to a fresh start in golf for 2019.

I  always look forward to the New Year as I look back from 2018 and start to write down my golfing goals for 2019. W hat are your golfing goals? It is always good to sit down at the beginning of the year and assess what your weaknesses are. Do you want to improve your ball striking? Improve your flexibilty? Improve your putting or chipping? Learn how to use that new driver?

After you have your goals written down, take that list and head on over to SchiavettaGolf Academy @ Evies Golf Center.
At SchiavettaGolf Academy we have a plethora of golf programs to choose from to get you on track and help you achieve your goals. 
Let's check those 'goals' off of your list.
So sign up now! ...What are you waiting for?

Click HERE for SchiavettaGolf Homepage/Calendar

Improve your golf game for 2019

 Start the year off with a commitment to improve your game and lower your score here
 at SchiavettaGolf Academy! Our experienced staff of PGA Professionals will help you along the way.

We have lots to offer from beginning to experienced golfers:
Click the associated links below to find out more information and to register.
Spots fill up fast!
Learn  & Play Golf Schools I & II

Both schools include 5 sessions, with the 5th session being on course play. 
Each session is 90 minutes. $199 pp

School I is for beginners and those getting back into golf. Fun damentals of golf swing, short game and rules & etiquette are covered. 
School II is for those who can score consistently below 100. Golf course management, trouble shots, and improving your ball striking are covered. This class is not for beginners.


The Solid Impact! Golf Clinic focuses on what every top golfer does at impact and what amateurs want to replicate. This class focuses on the "moment of truth" and what you can do to hit the ball more solidly on the club face for better control and distance. This is a 90 minute class.  $50 pp
Note: This class is limited to the first 10 students. 
                   (scroll down from top of page)
Short Game School

The Short Game School focuses exclusively on shots from 70 yards and in. Improving your putting, chipping, pitching and greenside bunker play is the goal. This is a 2 hour class. $60 pp.
         Link:    SHORT GAME SCHOOL
                 (scroll down from top of page)
Ladies Wednesday Clinics start Jan. 2

The Ladies Wednesday golf clinics are back! Taught by PGA Professional and Academy Director Mary Schiavetta. Please check out the weekly calendar and clinic schedule 
SchiavettaGolf Academy Staff 2019

 We would like to welcome David Lawrence, PGA to our Professional Teaching Staff. He comes our way through playing and teaching through the Washington, D.C., Virginia and Michigan areas. David is available for private lessons and he has some weekly clinics scheduled as well. He is now a full time resident of Sarasota. Please stop by and welcome David. His contact number is 815.271.0053.  Welcome to Sarasota, David!

John Boni face, PGA will also be back this winter for his 5th season with us. He spends his summers teaching in Cape Cod.
His contact number is 508.776.3905. Welcome back, John!
Golf for Beginners: So You Want to Play Golf

Golf can seem complicated at first. So many rules, so many different kinds of clubs. Then there's the lingo -- birdie, bogie, bump-and-runs, etc. It's a language that can scare prospective golfers off before they even pick up a club!. We will take a look at what you need to learn when you start out at golf. The first thing you need to learn are about what types of golf clubs you will need.CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING.
Charity event: 2019 Scramble for SPARCC
Monday, January 17th
Longboat Key Club - Harbourside
8:30 Shotgun Start

Come out and support this event by playing or becoming a sponsor. Formed as a non-profit in 1979, SPARCC is the only state-certified center of its kind for Sarasota and DeSoto Counties.

for more info and to download the registration


Mary Schiavetta, PGA
Academy Director
SchiavettaGolf Academy @ Evies Golf Center
2017 GRAA U.S. Top 50 Stand Alone Range
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Mary Schiavetta,PGA


 Click HERE for private lesson info



 Click HERE for weekly clinic schedule

Our Sponsors

Jill Friedman, PA
Sarasota, FL

Our Sponsors
 Sassy Hair



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