A new year...a new golf mindset.
Set your golfing goals now!
2018 is in the rear view mirror as we look ahead to a fresh start in golf for 2019.
always look forward to the New Year as I look back from 2018 and start to write down my golfing goals for 2019. W
hat are your golfing goals? It is always good to sit down at the beginning of the year and assess what your weaknesses are. Do you want to improve your ball striking? Improve your flexibilty? Improve your putting or chipping? Learn how to use that new driver?
After you have your goals written down, take that list and head on over to SchiavettaGolf Academy @ Evies Golf Center.
At SchiavettaGolf Academy we have a plethora of golf programs to choose from to get you on track and help you achieve your goals.
Let's check those 'goals' off of your list.
So sign up now! ...What are you waiting for?
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