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This Edition:
Director's Article
Let's not do that again!

After 5 weeks of unplanned down time associated with the partial lapse in appropriations and associated partial shutdown of NOAA, we are back at work. This is day 5 of the new year for our Team to be together. Spirits are high and we are working extremely hard to catch up. The shutdown has had, and will continue to have, impacts on our activities for a while. We are rescheduling program reviews, meetings, workshops, as well as the numerous processes and decisions related to financial awards for FY19. We are identifying impacts of the shutdown on ocean observing research and activities; and identifying how to minimize future impacts if we were to have another shutdown.

Thank you for your many best wishes and sympathy following the shutdown. Please continue to be patient with us as we (and NOAA) recover and get on with FY19 execution and FY20 planning. 

My best wishes for an exciting and prosperous 2019!

David Legler, Chief - Ocean Observing and Monitoring Division
May 6-10, 2019 in Halifax, Canada

June 15-21, 2019 in  Brest, France

July 8-18, 2019 at the Palais des Congrès in Montréal, Québec, Canada

Sept 16-20, 2019 Honolulu, HI

For more check out the 
ProgramUpdatesProgram Updates

Save the Date!

The Ocean Observing and Monitoring Division  Community Meeting   will be June 17-19  at our NOAA Office here in Silver Spring! Details coming soon.
Article1 TPOS 2020 Second Report Draft Released

The Tropical Pacific Observing System 2020 (TPOS 2020) Project released its Second Report draft for community review Friday, February 1, 2019. TPOS 2020 released its First Report in 2016 and the Second Report builds on that document.  It updates the evolving design of the Backbone observing system, drawing on new research and evidence including feedback received on the First Report, and responds to gaps identified by sponsors of the Project. 
If you would like to be a reviewer of the Second Report, please find it on the  TPOS 2020 website , along with the Review Template. To receive a direct link via email, please contact    tpos2020@gmail.com  or  shelby.brunner@noaa.gov . Please provide all comments by February 28, 2019.  Note that this is the ONLY review period for the Second Report.

A recently published scientific paper, "How Fast are the Oceans Warming?" has caught the attention of several media outlets, including the Los Angeles Times. The Times article, titled "Oceans had their hottest year on record in 2018 as global warming accelerates" highlights this research and links it to increased carbon fossil fuel emissions across the globe.  The Argo network is also highlighted in the article as providing improved ocean data measurements to the report and oceanic research as a whole. The original paper is published in Science and authored by  Lijing Cheng John Abraham Zeke Hausfather , and  Kevin E. Trenberth.
The  Global Carbon Budget 2018 , released December 5 th  by the Global Carbon Project, shows that g lobal fossil fuel emissions have increased for a second straight year and are projected to increase 2.7%, reaching a record high of 37.1 billion tons of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) for 2018 . This is 45% above pre-industrial levels, and t he rise is driven by a solid growth in coal use for the second year in a row, and sustained growth in oil and gas use. NOAA research efforts contributed significantly to this global assessment. Specifically, researchers at NOAA's Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory and the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory provided ocean carbon observation data. Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration data were provided by NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Contributors to the report include Denis Pierrot and Leticia Barbero (CIMAS and NOAA/AOML), Adrienne Sutton (NOAA/PMEL), Pieter Tans (NOAA/ESRL) and David R. Munro (CU/INSTAAR).  Explore and visualize the most up to date data on the  Global Carbon Atlas.
The  8th EGO Meeting and International Glider Workshop  is now accepting abstract submissions. The workshop will run for 3-4 days and be structured into presentations, panels, breakout groups, and poster sessions by thematic areas. All submissions for both poster or oral presentations, abstracts should be related to at least one of the workshop thematic areas: 
1.    Global Observations and Harmonizing Glider Efforts
2.    OceanObs'19 Theme Areas
3.    New Developments
4.    Extreme Environments
5.    Operational Glider Activity
Abstracts submissions will be collected  via GoogleForm. The deadline is February 11, 2019. For more information, contact    iooc@oceanleadership.org.
Article6JCOMM Ocean Observing System Survey 

The  JCOMM Report Card Editorial Board is going to prepare the 2019 version of the Ocean Observing System Report Card (last versions  here ).
The Editorial Board requests your feedback on the Report Card 2018 through a survey questionnaire T he survey will take only a few minutes to complete and y our feedback will be greatly appreciated.