Highlights of Presentation and Discussion Items |
The following items were presented to the Board:
Finance Report -
As of December 31,2019 the Board learned the system is at 69.41
percent for the budget year. The Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax revenues for December 2019 were up 3.75 percent from 2018 collections and up 1.01 percent from last month. A financial statement, investment reports, and bond summaries were also shared, as well as a detailed capital projects analysis.
Construction Update -
Tom Wening, Director of Construction, presented an update for construction at existing schools as well as new schools consisting of Pooles Mill Elementary, Hendrix Middle and East High as well as the Forsyth County Arts & Learning Center (FOCAL).Here is the
Upcoming Events
Regular Board Meeting
February 18, 2020 (6:00 pm)
Work Session
February 11, 2020 (4:00 pm)
at 1120 Dahlonega Hwy, Cumming
Highlight of
Action Item
The following item
was approved:
Election of Officers -
Tom Cleveland made a motion to approve Nancy Roche to be Board Chair, Kristin Morrissey Vice Chair, Wesley McCall Legislative liaison, Darla Light Attendance protocol and Tom Cleveland Drug Council. Vote: Unanimous 5:0.