January 2020
Achieving our True North
What is True North and why is it important? Please review our current True North scorecard that continues to serve as one lens into our organizational priorities and performance. This month's communication focuses on key highlights and the meaning behind EBIDA.
UCSF Health: Did You Know?
News and Announcements
UCSF Health Recognized for Video Visits
Our Telehealth Program was recently featured during a Vizient webinar as a "best practice" to share with other organizations. Our video visit utilization currently puts us among the top few academic medical centers nationally. We do ~150 video visits daily, which represents 1-2% of total ambulatory volume, but certain clinics have more than 50% of their visits as video. It's estimated that we've saved patients approximately 9.8 million driving miles, $2M in fuel costs, and 200k+ hours of driving. Our patient satisfaction from these visits is also exceptionally high, reinforcing one of many reasons to expand video visits in the coming year.   
Promote your Quality/Safety Improvement Work 
Faculty engaged in "QI work" often ask about whether it's valued as a vehicle for academic promotion. While heterogeneity is described among clinical departments, the Advance system for managing your academic CV does encourage faculty to describe their Quality Improvement activities (see screenshot below). It's a nice way to describe your leadership in quality/safety, outline specific QI projects and their impact, and share how it's a focus of your UCSF career. This important narrative can complement other places in the CV to share more traditional invited presentations, publications, and/or other forms of scholarship.
Health in 2050: Hype versus Reality? 
It's January so the list of predictions for 2020 range from the stock market to the presidential election to the World Series, and everything in between. In case you missed it, UCSF published a great visual (see below) predicting heath in 2050 based on input from faculty and alumni. Take a look at the predictions that are more hype (e.g., smartwatches making instant diagnoses) than reality, but it's an interesting lens into how our provider roles in an increasingly digital environment will evolve. 
Suggestions for future items to highlight? Please contact Niraj Sehgal, Chief Quality Officer.
Looking for information from a past True North Newsletter? Please access them here .