Veterinary Orthopedic Society News
January 2020 - In This Issue:
Heidi DeCamp_ Maralyn Probst_ Meggan Brovege
VOS Executive Secretary Maralyn Probst (center) at the 2019 Conference with conference staff members Heidi DeCamp (left) and Meggan Brovege. This year's Awards Banquet also will be a retirement party honoring Maralyn for her 17-plus years of outstanding service to VOS.
Register Now for the VOS 2020 Conference in Sun Valley!
Remember, the conference starts at 12:45 pm on Sunday. Don't be late!
Dear VOS members,

Snowshoeing at Sun Valley
Snowshoeing in scenic Sun Valley, Idaho. Photo: Hillary Maybery, courtesy of Sun Valley Resort.
Happy New Year! We are less than 2 weeks away from the opening session of our 47th Annual VOS Conference at beautiful Sun Valley, Idaho. I just checked the snow reports, and they are looking awesome both on the slopes and at the Nordic center. The Sun Valley Lodge ice rink is open and ready for you to check out your skills, perhaps followed by a dip in one of many hot tubs located around the Lodge and Inn.
Our scientific program is loaded with great abstracts, and our social events will be better than ever. If you haven't already booked your flights into Sun Valley (SUN), do so today! The airport is conveniently located just 13 miles south of the resort and free shuttle service is available. Arrive by Saturday afternoon so you can join your colleagues at the opening reception ... loads of great food, drinks, and the chance to get your registration packet, order lift tickets, and start to plan your week.
We will kick off the conference EARLY this year to accommodate the football fans in our group. The scientific session will begin at 12:45 p.m. and run to 3 p.m., followed by our Jacques Jenny lecture. Due to unexpected circumstances, our Jacques Jenny lecturer Dr. Leesa Galatz will not be able to join us in Sun Valley this year, but we hope to have her speak at the VOS 2021 Conference next year. We are very pleased to welcome Martha Murray, MD, an orthopedic surgeon with the Sports Medicine Division of Boston Children's Hospital at Harvard Medical School, who will be stepping in as our 2020 Jacques Jenny lecturer. Dr. Murray was scheduled to be our Jacques Jenny lecturer in 2021, and we are grateful that she could join us a year early to talk about her clinical work and research. After the Jacques Jenny lecture, we will all then convene in the exhibit hall where we can watch the first half of the Super Bowl and enjoy cocktails and heavy appetizers with a tailgate theme, all presented by our exhibitors and sponsors.
Make sure to mark your calendar so you don't miss any of the great events taking place all week. We will have canine and equine sessions running simultaneously in adjoining rooms on Monday and Tuesday mornings. Our ever-popular sessions, Complications & Corrections and Imaging Rounds, will be held Tuesday evening and Wednesday evening, respectively. The ski race and on-mountain picnic taking place Wednesday mid-day will be at the easily accessible Greyhawk Lift at the Warm Springs Lodge.
Janet Van Dyke
Wednesday night will feature our Foundation Night event: Poster session, carving stations, drinks, silent auction and a TED talk by astronaut Cady Coleman. We will have a Kids' Party that night so you can relax and enjoy the event while your kids do arts and crafts or go bowling with our professional nannies. Our Business Meeting, taking place Thursday afternoon, is open to all active members, and I encourage each of you to attend and have your voice heard. Finally, you cannot miss our great Awards Banquet on Thursday night, where in addition to celebrating our Bloomberg winners and ski race competitors, we will be honoring the amazing Maralyn Probst as she retires from her position as Executive Secretary. Please be sure to join us in applauding her!

Thank you for the opportunity to represent VOS this year!
Janet Van Dyke
Online registration is open for the VOS 2020 Conference in Sun Valley, Idaho! 
VOS 2020 Conference 
February 1-8, 2020     
Sun Valley, Idaho  

To receive a discount on your registration, you must reserve your lodging with Please note that online booking for lodging is now closed. Should you need lodging, please contact Penny Smith at [email protected].  
Online purchasing for discount lift tickets is now closed. Lift tickets can be purchased on-site at the travel desk at the Conference. 

Visit the travel reservations website 
Would you like to share lodging with another attendee? Please contact Maralyn Probst at [email protected] to be added to the list of attendees looking for roommates.
For travel questions, contact Penny Smith of Rocky Mountain Tours, a division of, at [email protected] or 800-233-2300, ext. 3420.
Sun Valley logo
Scenic Sun Valley
Photo: Kevin Syms, courtesy of Sun Valley Resort.
Red barn in Sun Valley
Photo: Ray J. Gadd Photography, courtesy of Sun Valley Resort.
20th ESVOT Congress_ September 30-October 3_ Nice 2020

Janet Van Dyke
Jeff Godwin
Past President
Ross Palmer
President Elect
Cara Blake
Raviv Balfour
Past Treasurer
Jen Warnock
Nina Kieves
Advertising / Publicity / Sponsor Chair
José M. García-López
Scientific Program
Caleb Hudson
Scientific Program, Assistant Chair
Jason Syrcle 
Ashlee Watts 
Mich Powers
Exhibit Chair
Wanda Gordon-Evans
Director, Educational Foundation
Brenda Salinardi
Assistant Director, Educational Foundation 
Maralyn R. Probst
Executive Secretary
Veterinary Orthopedic Society
P.O. Box 705
Okemos MI 48805
Telephone: 517-597-0047  
Email: [email protected]  

Like us on Facebook

Don't forget to "like" VOS on Facebook for the latest happenings and news.

Please help us record who has opted in to our communications by clicking on the button below. 

By confirming your subscription you're granting us permission to email you. You can revoke permission to mail to your email address at any time using the Safe Unsubscribe link found at the bottom of every email.

2020 47th Annual VOS Conference 
February 1-8, 2020
Sun Valley, Idaho 

2021 48th Annual VOS Conference 
March 13-20, 2021 (date change!) 
Big Sky, Montana  
We have changed the dates of the VOS 2021 Conference to avoid conflicting with the Western Veterinary Conference which recently posted its 2021 dates.
Stay tuned to our website, our newsletter and Facebook for the most up-to-date information.


We are looking for advice to pass on to those who are interviewing for their first jobs as surgeons. If you have any advice as someone that has recently interviewed for their first job or has had to interview people for their first job, please email Jen Warnock, Communication Chair, at [email protected] and title your email "VOS ADVICE." We will share responses in an upcoming newsletter article.
VOS continues to offer advertising space in the electronically delivered newsletters.

Advertisers may choose to place an ad for one billing cycle, which covers three newsletter issues, or select a discounted annual package, which covers nine newsletter issues.

VOS offers vertical banner ad space in addition to horizontal banner ad space. Horizontal and vertical banner ads are available in two sizes (single-height or double-height), and each ad may be linked to the advertiser's website homepage or other web page.

A maximum of 15 horizontal and 2 vertical advertising spaces are available in each issue, and priority is given to annual advertisers.

To receive more details about the advertising program, please contact Nina Kieves at [email protected].



VOS members: We'd like to receive your news about recent publications, job opportunities, job changes, promotions, residencies, awards, speaking engagements, marriage/birth/death announcements, pictures, anecdotes etc. for publication in our email newsletter and website. 


Please send your news items with photos if possible to [email protected].

Are you a speaker at an upcoming conference? Know of a cool seminar or workshop you think our members would want to attend? Whether it is you, a fellow member or one of your hardworking residents, let us help spread the word. Shoot an email to [email protected] and include your name, the title of your talk, date, location and link (if available).
VOS members and non-members are encouraged to post classified ads in the VOS newsletter and website. Please send us your job openings, residencies, internships and other notices so we can help publicize these opportunities to the veterinary orthopedic community.

VOS members: Classified ads are free and will be posted for 3 newsletter issues. Please contact the VOS office at [email protected] if you wish to renew your ad.

Non-members: The fee for non-members is $135 for text ads and $150 for ads with a logo. Ads will be posted for 3 newsletter issues. (Non-members are also encouraged to join VOS and post their ads for free!)

Each classified ad is limited to 100 words and should include a web link or email address so applicants may respond directly to you. Ads also may include a small logo (please submit your logo as a JPG, PNG, EPS or PDF file with your text).

Please submit all classified ads to Maralyn Probst, Executive Secretary, at [email protected]. All classified ads are subject to board approval.
Donate graphic When you make a payment at the VOS Store, you may also donate online to the VOS Educational Foundation. We have set up donation amounts of $50, $100, and $250 or you may make a donation of any amount by choosing the custom donation option. Donations to the VOS Educational Foundation are tax deductible.
VOS 2020 Conference Final Departure Instructions
VOS 2020 Conference Participants: Penny Smith of has provided Final Departure Instructions with important information about ground transportation, lodging, lift tickets, and rental equipment.

If you are heading to the VOS 2020 Conference in Sun Valley, Idaho, please take a few minutes to read these important instructions to make sure your trip goes smoothly.

For travel questions, contact Penny Smith of Rocky Mountain Tours, a division of, at [email protected] or 800-233-2300, ext. 3420.
Save time and money by reserving your ski equipment before you get to Sun Valley!
Click on the link for VOSEQUIPMENTRENTALS, then enter the code SKIGROUP2020.

Skiing at Sun Valley
Skiing on Bald Mountain at Sun Valley. Photo: Idarado Media, courtesy of Sun Valley Resort.
by Wanda Gordon-Evans
Director, Educational Foundation

Astronaut Cady Coleman
Astronaut Cady Coleman, PhD, will speak at Foundation Night.
Foundation Night, Wednesday evening, February 5, at VOS 2020 is going to be packed with fun. First, we will have some excellent heavy hors d'oeuvres and drinks. While you eat, enjoy a look at the state-of-the-art posters on display and bid on some of the excellent items displayed at the Silent Auction to raise money for the VOS Educational Foundation. Then, end the night with an out-of-this-world inspirational talk by astronaut Cady Coleman.

The foundation funds multiple grants, travel awards, and educational opportunities. If you would like to donate an item for the Silent Auction, contact Wanda Gordon-Evans at [email protected].
VOS is pleased to offer a hands-on lab for our 2020 Conference attendees. Thank you to IMEX Veterinary for offering this wonderful opportunity for our members. The lab is FREE, but space is limited. Register today!

IMEX Veterinary logo Monday, February 3, 2020
9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Topic: The VetKISS Micro Plating System - Introduction and Dry Lab

To learn more and register, please visit the VOS 2020 Conference Lab web page.
The conference begins at 12:45 pm on Sunday - note the earlier start time!
VOS 2020 Conference Program Please note the earlier start time for the VOS 2020 Conference! The President's Welcome begins at 12:45 p.m. on Sunday, February 2, 2020, with the first scientific presentation immediately afterward at 1:00 p.m.

To learn more about the conference schedule, please see the VOS 2020 Conference Program (updated 1/20/20) .
Join us for great scientific sessions, wet labs, social gatherings, and of course winter sports in beautiful Sun Valley, Idaho! Sun Valley has completed extensive renovations to its Inn and Lodge and added new high-speed lifts and runs.
Enjoy world-class skiing, legendary fishing, excellent cross-country ski tracks, and the famous ice skating rink.

Martha Murray_ MD
Martha Murray, MD
Due to unexpected circumstances, we have had a change in our Jacques Jenny lecturer (see President's Letter above). We are very pleased to welcome Martha Murray, MD, an orthopedic surgeon with the Sports Medicine Division of Boston Children's Hospital at Harvard Medical School, as our 2020 Jacques Jenny lecturer, and look forward to her presentation.

Foundation Night also features great food, poster presenters, our silent auction, and a TED talk by Cady Coleman, PhD, scientist, astronaut, and inspirational speaker. Top this off with our annual awards banquet that also happens to be Maralyn Probst's retirement party.

No one should miss this event! Visit the VOS website to register now.
Register Now for the VOS 2020 Conference
Nominations graphic VOS Members: We are accepting nominations for two open board positions and one non-board position starting in February 2020.

The open board positions are:
  • President Elect: 1 year (3-year commitment in total)
  • Assistant Scientific Program Chair: 4 years (2 years as Assistant Chair, 2 years as Scientific Program Chair)
The open non-board position is:
  • Member, Educational Foundation Investment Committee
If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for one of these positions, please email Jeff Godwin, the VOS past-president. It would be ideal but not mandatory if the nominees were present at the conference.
Start working on your skiing and snowboarding skills, and plan to join us for the annual VOS Ski Race, taking place on Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at the VOS 2020 Conference in Sun Valley.

The race is generously sponsored by BioMedtrix but is now being named the Frank Rapp Memorial Ski Race, in honor of long-time VOS member and former treasurer Frank Rapp who passed away in 2018. Frank was an avid skier and a regular contestant in the ski race during his many years of active membership in VOS. We think it is only fitting that our race be named for him.
VOS Members: Did you and your family have fun on the slopes at the VOS Ski Race? Please send us testimonials about your experiences and your kids' experiences! We also would love to see photos of you and your family members taking part in the race so we can share them here! Please send your testimonials and photos with captions to [email protected].
Ski race photos
Kids_ Party options We've changed things up for our Wednesday Night Kids' Party, taking place February 5th during our Foundation Night event.
Parents and kids may choose from one of the following three options: 
  • Pizza with arts/crafts and games at the Sun Valley Inn
  • Pizza followed by bowling and arcade time at the Sun Valley Lodge (parents also may bring older children from the bowling alley back to Sun Valley Inn to hear astronaut Cady Coleman's presentation)

  • Our Foundation Night entertainment: retired NASA Astronaut Cady Coleman presenting her TED talk, "The Accidental Astronaut"
Parents: Kids' Party options are for ages 4 and up. Please RSVP to Jason Syrcle, VOS Awards Chair, at [email protected] to let us know if your children will be attending one of the 3 Kids' Party options.

The cost for each party is the same: $30 per child (includes tip).
Please purchase tickets online at the VOS Store and select the Kids Party of your choice.

For the Crafts and Bowling parties, please purchase tickets at least 2 weeks prior to the conference so that we can arrange for childcare staff at the resort.
The VOS Membership Directory is now live on the VOS website with more than 150 VOS members listed! We created this directory to help referring veterinarians and clients looking for VOS members to find you.

Not in the directory yet? We have sent several emails to all VOS members with a link to an online form to submit your information. Please check your inbox for the email or contact [email protected] to be included and help us expand this valuable resource.
by Nina Kieves
Advertising / Publicity / Sponsor Chair

Discount symbols VOS is pleased to announce a partnership with several of our sponsors to offer VOS members some great discounts on labs and equipment throughout the year!

This new program is a great perk for our VOS members, and we could not do it without our fantastic sponsors! Please consider what our sponsors do for VOS whenever making a purchase, even during the year, not just at the conference! We want to thank them for their ongoing support and hope you will too by choosing them as your preferred vendors!

Current Sponsor Offers
For complete details about these discounts, please see the Sponsor Discounts page on the VOS website.

Sponsors, please contact Nina Kieves if you'd like to partner with VOS!
Pearl of wisdom VOS members: Do you have a surgical tip or trick you have figured out, or pearls of wisdom you would like to share? The VOS newsletter wants to get you published and share your wisdom! Send your name and practice location, and your pearl of wisdom, and any helpful photos or images, and we will publish it in the VOS newsletter. At the end of the year, the VOS member who submits the best bit of wisdom will win a $100 discount off the conference registration for the 2020 VOS meeting. Send your entries to [email protected].
VCOT Open cover Did you know that Thieme, the publisher of the Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology (VCOT) journal, started an open-access companion journal called VCOT Open last year? VCOT Open publishes review articles, original research as well as case reports concerning the various aspects of veterinary clinical and comparative orthopaedics and traumatology. 
All articles in VCOT Open are made freely available for all to read and download. 
Please see the VCOT Open page on the Thieme website for more details.
VCOT journal cover VOS members are eligible for a discounted subscription to the Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology (VCOT) journal. VCOT is the official journal for 11 organizations, one of which is VOS.

Learn more about VCOT.

All VOS members are qualified to subscribe to VCOT at a reduced yearly fee of $155. Without VOS membership, the cost would be $315.

VOS annual dues of $110 ($25 for Interns and Residents) must be paid to receive this rate. Subscription includes printed copies & online access to current issues and archive back to 1988.

Please note that individual subscriptions are limited to online access by one person only. PIN will be issued by publisher.

Subscriptions include 6 issues and usually start with Issue 1 or Issue 4, depending on payment date. If you have questions about VCOT subscriptions, please contact Maralyn Probst at [email protected].

How to Subscribe 
You may now complete your VCOT subscription either online or by mail! Subscriptions to VCOT are not automatically invoiced or renewed. Please see the Subscribe to the VCOT Journal page on our website for complete details.

If you are subscribing or renewing, please be sure to provide your PREFERRED MAILING ADDRESS on the online order form or paper order form. The VCOT journal will be sent to the preferred mailing address listed on your order form.


Ambulatory Surgical Referral Practice: Associate, Sale or Mentor to Ownership, Baltimore/Washington/Northern Virginia Metro Area
30 years of experience and goodwill for the cost of the equipment. Excellent hospital base/growth opportunity.
Time frame: Now - 3 years. Net > $400,000/year working 3 days a week, 6 weeks off/year.
Full Medical, Dental, Vision, 401K
All equipment and inventory included: Synthes, Stryker, 3-M, Imex, Biomedtrix, Arthrex
Certified technician if desired.
I can provide everything you need to be successful including financing.
Best offer accepted - You can't afford not to contact me!!!
Call/text: 202 288-5518. Email: [email protected]


For Sale: Retiring
Biomedtrix Curve TPLO Implants: Plates ( 18 ) Locking Screws ( 185 ) guides (3), Plate templates, including Screw caddies for locking and cortical screws with Box and insert. OVER $7000.00 value for $5000.00. All in-date and in perfect condition.
Call/text: 202 288-5518. Email: [email protected]


Veterinarians Needed for Canine Chronic Pain Management Study
Animal Clinical Investigation (ACI) is seeking veterinarians in private practice to become Investigators in a fully-funded, pivotal (Phase III) study evaluating the effectiveness of a new non-opioid/non-NSAID investigational product administered via intra-articular injection in dogs suffering from elbow pain due to osteoarthritis. Treatment consists of a one-time bilateral injection, with follow-up of 90 days.
Veterinarians with prior experience in regulatory studies are welcome but prior GCP study participation is not mandatory. ACI will provide continuous training and support to site staff throughout the study.
Please, contact Dr. Alvaro Cisternas at [email protected].


Surgeon, Parker, Colorado
Are you a Surgeon who wants to join a modern and forward-thinking Emergency & Specialty hospital near the beautiful Colorado Rockies? Do you want to work in a hospital where collaboration among specialists is encouraged?
If so, Animal Emergency & Specialty Center (AESC) in Parker wants to hear from you! We are seeking a third Surgeon to add to our growing team of emergency clinicians and specialists. We will be adding an additional 5,000 sq. feet in the coming months including a new surgery suite with six operating rooms!
Please send your CV to Patrick O'Keefe: [email protected].


Board-Certified Surgeon, Salt Lake City, Utah
Granite Veterinary Specialists is an actively growing, out patient surgical facility. We are seeking a second board certified veterinary surgeon to join our busy practice. We are a predominately orthopedic practice with no on call duties.
Salt Lake City offers unparalleled access to the mountains like a small ski town with all the amenities of a large city. The city's infrastructure is well equipped for the current onslaught of people relocating to the "silicon slopes."
We offer full medical, 401k, and all professional licensure. Interested individual should contact Dr. Will Becker, DVM, DACVS-SA at [email protected].


Surgeon, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Position available for Fifth surgeon at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. OVRS is a multi-specialty hospital with 35 doctors and Idexx Lab on site (clinical pathologist). Our team includes board-certified criticalists and internship-trained emergency doctors, so there are a limited number of after-hours and weekend cases. Our 30,000 square-foot facility includes on-site blood bank, Skytron LED lights, C-arm with vascular package, 64 slice CT scanner, New Arthrex laparoscopy and arthroscopy, wound vac, I-loc, LigaSure etc.
Additional information can be found at
Inquiries should be directed to: Dr. Lucy Shields Henney, DVM, DACVS | email: [email protected]


Surgeon, Melbourne, Florida
The Animal Emergency and Specialty Center of Brevard is seeking a Surgeon to join our growing team in Melbourne, Florida (minutes from the beach)!
Our well-equipped, innovative veterinary hospital offers referral and 24-hour emergency care with Specialists in Neurology, Cardiology, Surgery, Critical Care, Internal Medicine, and Zoological Medicine, a certified canine rehabilitation therapist and experienced support staff. Our goal is to provide premiere diagnostics and therapeutics in a comfortable, compassionate environment.
We offer a competitive compensation package including health and dental insurance, CE allowance, 401(k), and more. Generous relocation and signing bonuses offered!
For more information contact [email protected] or 443-586-6780.


Surgeon, Estero, Florida
Seize the opportunity to find your spot in paradise! We're currently hiring a Surgeon to join our busy, fully loaded specialty practice where the work environment is collaborative, and the lifestyle is beachy. We're located in beautiful Estero, on the gulf coast of Florida so you can maximize your work/life balance by the ocean!
At Florida Veterinary Referral Center, we focus on providing exceptional care to both our patients and their owners in our state-of-the-art specialty referral and 24-hour emergency and critical care hospital.
To learn more, contact Patrick O'Keefe: [email protected]


Surgeon, Dallas, Texas
Dallas Veterinary Surgical Center (DVSC) is currently seeking a 13th surgeon to join its growing team! Work where individuals matter and work-life balance is a primary component of the culture through reasonable surgery scheduling.
DVSC is a surgery-only practice located in five multi-specialty hospitals in the Dallas-Ft Worth area. DVSC joined Compassion-First Pet Hospitals in April 2018 to be a part of a network that cares about its local culture at the hospital level, quality of medicine, collaboration, and the welfare of its employees.
To begin your journey send a CV to: Patrick O'Keefe, LVT: [email protected]


Board-Certified Orthopedic Surgeon in Historic Quakertown, Pennsylvania
Quakertown Veterinary Clinic is seeking a small animal orthopedic surgeon to join our practice. We are an AAHA accredited hospital with 24-hour staffing for emergency and in-patient care, also providing consultations with specialists in cardiology, ophthalmology, oncology and behavior. We have a long history and reputation that separates us from others, and have a dedicated, experienced support staff to make your job as efficient as possible. We offer a competitive salary, 401K retirement plan, health insurance, paid vacation and compensation for CE. Check us out at
Please send CV for immediate consideration to [email protected].


Surgeon in Beautiful Boulder, Colorado!
Aspen Meadow Veterinary Specialists in Colorado is seeking a board-certified Surgeon to join our established team. We have three other full-time surgeons and are interested in speaking to candidates who would like to focus on orthopedics. Experience and competence in arthroscopy and total hip arthroplasty is highly preferred.
You will have an opportunity to collaborate on cases with our other board-certified specialists in Internal Medicine, Critical Care, Cardiology, Surgery, Neurology and Oncology. Our team has a strong relationship with local referring veterinarians and specialists to provide the best specialty and emergency care.
Contact: Patrick O'Keefe, LVT at [email protected].


Surgeon, Long Island, New York
The East End Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Center (EEVESC) in Riverhead, NY is seeking a board-certified or residency trained Small Animal Surgeon for our Long Island Specialty Hospital.
We are a specialized emergency, critical care and referral facility and offer emergency treatment 24/7 as well as services in Surgery, Medical Oncology and Internal Medicine.
Long Island has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, excellent wineries, and has a wonderful mass transportation system for those times when you want to see a show or spend the day in Manhattan.
Contact Patrick O'Keefe, LVT: [email protected].


Surgeon, San Antonio, Texas
Are you in search of a hospital that you can not only practice world-class medicine but also be a part of a team that genuinely cares about each other and gives back to the community? MissionVet Specialty & Emergency is currently seeking a third Small Animal Surgeon to collaborate with Dr. Tige Witsberger DACVS.
The successful candidate should have the ability to perform minimally invasive surgery or a strong desire to learn MIS techniques. You will be supported by a highly skilled and engaged staff that genuinely cares about each other and their patients.
Please direct all inquiries to Tige Witsberger, DVM, DACVS, Hospital Director, at 210-737-7373 or at [email protected].


Surgeon, Red Bank Veterinary Hospitals, Hillsborough, NJ
Red Bank Veterinary Hospitals location in Hillsborough, NJ is looking for a second Surgeon to join our team. Our hospital will be moving into a new facility in October of 2019 just a few miles down the road from our current location.
We're located in beautiful Somerset County NJ, voted one of the Best Counties to live in! It has a rich history dating to Colonial times, and outstanding recreational activities. With direct rail service to Manhattan and an easy drive to Philadelphia you will never run out of things to do!
Contact: Patrick O'Keefe: [email protected].


Fourth Surgeon at VRC in Malvern, Pennsylvania
VRC, located in Malvern, PA is a comprehensive, specialty veterinary healthcare center open 365 days a year for appointments and emergency care that offers advanced diagnostic testing, treatment, and ongoing management of a variety of medical conditions. We're looking for a FOURTH surgeon to join us!
In order to expand our availability to clients and patients, this position could either be a typical 4 day/week schedule with every other Saturday on, OR an every weekend position with 2 day/3 day split (Work Fri/Sat/Sun or Sat/Sun/Mon).
For more information, please contact Patrick O'Keefe, LVT: [email protected].


Board-Certified or Residency-Trained Surgeon, Bowie, Maryland
Dogs and Cats Veterinary Referral and Emergency Hospital is seeking a board certified or residency trained surgeon to join our growing team.
Our specialists work together in a friendly, collaborative atmosphere along with our skilled and dedicated 24/7 ER team and technicians. We enjoy a fully equipped and spacious state of the art hospital and look forward to sharing our team's philosophy of great customer service, outstanding client and patient care, camaraderie, and collaborative spirit.
We offer competitive salary, health insurance, retirement/disability, paid vacation and generous sign on/relocation bonuses. Visit us at For information contact [email protected] or 443-586-6780.


Residency-Trained or Board-Certified Surgeon, Mission, Kansas
Mission Veterinary Emergency and Specialty (MVES) seeks a residency trained or board certified surgeon to join our growing team. Our state-of-the-art 22,000 sq. ft. facility is fully equipped and has a well-trained team of 40+ to support our Specialists in Surgery, Internal Medicine, Emergency/Critical Care and ER veterinarians. In-house laboratory, full service ICU, CT, endoscopy, diagnostic ultrasound, digital radiology, large operating suites and off-site MRI.
Our specialists work together in a cooperative and collaborative environment. Competitive compensation and a fantastic benefits package that includes health, dental, vision, 401(k), CE, Paid Vacation and more! For more information contact [email protected] or 443-586-6780.


Surgeon, Metro New York City Area
Animal Specialty Center in the metro New York City Area (Yonkers) is seeking a Surgeon to join our growing practice. Our well established state of the art hospital sees a robust and diverse caseload. We are a collaborative hospital that values its team and understands what a work/life balance means for the health and well-being of everyone in our practice. We encourage professional growth and development for all of our team members.
Competitive compensation along with a generous benefits package that includes healthcare, continuing education, PTO and more! Signing, relocation and referral bonuses offered. For more information contact [email protected] or 443-586-6780.


Boarded or Residency Trained Surgeon, Wichita, Kansas
Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Hospital of Wichita seeks a boarded or residency trained surgeon to join our growing team. We are expanding our specialty services and relocating to a new 16,000 square foot state of the art facility. Established and diverse caseload as the only referral center in the area. Our dedicated and skilled team work in a collaborative and fun environment while providing the gold standard in care.
We offer a competitive salary and an excellent benefit package, including sign on and relocation bonuses. Come see all that Wichita has to offer. For more information contact [email protected] or 443-586-6780.


Boarded or Residency Trained Surgeon, New England Animal Medical Center (NEAMC), West Bridgewater, Massachusetts
The New England Animal Medical Center (NEAMC) in West Bridgewater, Massachusetts seeks a boarded or residency trained surgeon to join our growing team. Interest to help drive residency program welcomed.
Our fully equipped teaching facility includes 24/7 ER, Board Certified Specialists in Critical Care, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Cardiology and a 6-doctor General Practice. Full time position includes a generous salary, full benefits, paid time off, sick leave, CE, professional dues/licensure, 401k and employee pet care benefits!
Come join our progressive, collaborative and amazing hospital that cultivates your growth as a clinician! For information contact [email protected] or 443-586-6780.


Surgeon, Veterinary Surgical Specialists, Spokane, Washington
Veterinary Surgical Specialists seeks a Surgeon to expand our team! We are a thriving specialty practice serving the Northwest region's referring veterinary community and pet owners. Our team of specialists includes radiologists, surgeons, internist, clinical pathologist and a dermatologist. After hours/weekend care is provided at our emergency clinic staffed with six emergency veterinarians. We are a tight-knit collegial group who work collaboratively to provide outstanding services to our community.
We offer competitive salary and benefits including health, dental, short/long term disability, 401K, CE allowance, professional licensing, professional liability insurance, and association dues.
For more information contact [email protected] or 443-586-6780.


Surgeon, Northeast Indiana Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Hospital (NIVES), Fort Wayne, Indiana
The Northeast Indiana Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Hospital (NIVES) in Fort Wayne, Indiana seeks a surgeon to join our team!
We are committed to providing state-of-the-art orthopedic, soft tissue, oncologic, neurologic, thoracic and minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery. Modern operating rooms, advanced equipment and dedicated technical staff ensure high quality, progressive care. We are the largest AAHA hospital in Northern Indiana and the only Level II Certified Critical Care facility in the state with specialties in Surgery, Cardiology, and Internal Medicine, Feline practice, radiology telemed consult and an experienced ER & critical care team.
For information contact [email protected] or 443-586-6780.


Surgeon, Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Hospital, Massachusetts
Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Hospital in Massachusetts seeks a Surgeon for our growing team! Our thriving Specialty practice provides 24-hour emergency and specialty services including Dermatology, Internal Medicine, Surgery and Critical Care. We are a tight-knit collaborative team providing surgical services to our referring veterinary community and emergency department caseload.
We offer advanced imaging (CT and fluoroscopy), digital radiography, ultrasound, endoscopy, ventilators, complete in-house lab, wireless telemetry, I-stat, full blood services and more.
Competitive compensation/benefits package including 401k, CE, health, dental, life insurance, disability insurance, moving stipend and potential signing bonus. For more information contact [email protected] or 443-586-6780.


Small Animal Surgeon, City of Lakes Veterinary Surgery, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
City of Lakes Veterinary Surgery logo City of Lakes Veterinary Surgery is seeking an additional small animal surgeon or small animal surgery residency-trained individual for our practice in Minneapolis/St Paul, Minnesota.
We are a "lifestyle" oriented, primarily mobile practice. There is no weekend, evening, or on-call duty. Additionally:
  • Generous compensation package
  • Surgeon plans his or her own availability
  • Dedicated personal technician
  • A "surgeon-managed/owned" practice
  • Base hospital for consultations, arthroscopy and non-mobile procedures
The ideal candidate is personable, and is skilled at soft tissue and orthopedic surgery.
Contact Dr. Scott Hammel at: [email protected] or 612-247-5280


Board-Certified Surgeons or Individuals Who Completed Surgery Residency Training, BluePearl Veterinary Partners
BluePearl Veterinary Partners is seeking board-certified surgeons or individuals who have completed surgery residency training. FT and Locum opportunities are available. BluePearl has a sole focus on specialty and emergency care and is one of the largest private employers of veterinary specialists. With more than 70 hospitals stretching from the redwoods of the Pacific Northwest to the skyscrapers of the Northeast to the sandy beaches in the Florida coast, we have an opportunity where you want to be!
For more information, please email Dr. Sonja Olson at [email protected].
BluePearl is an Equal Opportunity Employer. For details, go to

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Contact Nina Kieves for ad specifications and details.

Want to post a job opening or other classified ad?
Classified ads are free for VOS members and available for a fee to non-members.
See details above or contact Maralyn Probst , Executive Secretary, to submit your ad.